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Age of History 3

How to create your own ideology?

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Hello everyone. In this post I will tell you how to create your own ideologies for Age of Civilizations 2


In order to create your ideology we need to go to the game files and there go to the folder "game".
In the folder "game" open the file "Govrements.json" and start your work:

Name: "[Name_Ideology]",
If you write the name of your ideology in not-english language, then in the game it will be zalgo (i.e. "cursed" characters).
Write it in English, and I will explain how to translate it into Russian (or any other language) at the end.

Extra_Tag: "[Ideology Tag]",
The ideology tag is a short symbol of your ideology. I recommend to set it to one letter (in English).
Next I will explain where to use this tag.

GOV_GROUP_ID: [I don't know what it is],
I don't know what it is, better just set it to 0, because in the game files all ideologies have exactly zero.

ACCEPTABLE_TAXATION: [Acceptable taxation],
This parameter should look like 0.X, where X is the acceptable number of cells that the player will tax.
If the player moves the slider by the number of cells beyond the X number, the happiness in the country will start to drop.
I recommend to balance with MIN_GOODS and MIN_INVESTMENTS values (about them it is written below).

This parameter should look like 0.X, where X is the minimum number of squares the player must place.
If the player moves the slider to a number of cells below X, the parameters for which these two effects are responsible, such as population growth, will start to drop.
I recommend to balance it with the ACCEPTABLE_TAXATION value (written above).

RESEARCH_COST: [Research Cost],
1.0 = 0, i.e. no effects.
The more the worse, i.e. 1.05 = +5% in game.

INCOME_TAXATION: [Taxation income],
1.0 = 0, i.e. no effects.
The more the better, i.e. 1.05 = +5% in game.

INCOME_PRODUCTION: [Income from production],
1.0 = 0, i.e. no effects.
The more the better, i.e. 1.05 = +5% in game.

MILITARY_UPKEEP: [army_upkeep],
1.0 = 0, i.e. no effects.
The more the worse, i.e. 1.05 = +5% in game.

ADMINISTRATION_COST: [Base management cost],
1.0 = 0, i.e. no effects.
The higher the worse, i.e. 1.05 = +5% in game.

ADMINISTRATION_COST_DISTANCE: [Cost of administering distant regions],
1.0 = 0, i.e. no effects.
The more the worse, i.e. 1.05 = +5% in game.

1.0 = 0, i.e. no effects.
The more the worse, i.e. 1.05 = +5% in game.

COST_OF_MOVE: [Cost of Movement],
1 = 1 move point.
Most ideologies in the game use 8 move points.

COST_OF_MOVE_TO_THE_SAME_PROV: [Cost of movement to an occupied province],
1 = 1 move point.
Most ideologies in the game take 4 move points.

COST_OF_MOVE_OWN_PROV: [Cost of moving to an annexed province],
1 = 1 move point.
Most ideologies in the game take away 4 move points.

COST_OF_RECRUIT: [Cost of Recruit].
Most ideologies in the game takes 1.8 turn points.
In the files it is necessary to write without commas, i.e. for a recruitment to take 1.8 move points, the value "18" should be written in the files.
I.e. 18 = 1.8 move points in the game.

COST_OF_DISBAND: [Cost of disbanding].
Most ideologies in the game take away 1.8 move points.
In the files it is necessary to write without commas, i.e. in order for a summoning to take 1.6 move points, the value "16" should be written in the files.
I.e. 16 = 1.6 move points in the game.

COST_OF_PLUNDER: [Cost of Plunder],
Most ideologies in the game take away 1 move point.
In the files it is necessary to write without commas, i.e. in order for a plunder to take 1 move point, the value "10" must be written in the files.
I.e. 10 = 1 move point in the game.

DEFENSE_BONUS: [Defense Bonus],
1 = 1%
Most ideologies in the game take away 5 move points.

CAN_BECOME_CIVILIZED: [Can Become Civilized],
In the original game, only the "Tribe" ideology uses this feature.
If enabled, the game will prompt the player to civilize and become a monarchy.
-1 = the country is already civilized.
1 = the country is uncivilized.

I don't know what this is, but all ideologies in the game have a value of "2.0f".

AVAILABLE_SINCE_AGE_ID: [In which year the ideology will open],
This function does not allow you to choose the ideology of communism in the medieval period.
If you want your ideology to be opened in any era, just set the value to "0".
If you still want to set a specific era during which your ideology will be available, then you need the id of the era.
As you know in the game there are epochs, i.e. the era of feudalism, the era of conflict, the era of modernity, etc.
In order to find out the idi of the epoch just count what this epoch goes by the count.
For example, Communism in the game can only be taken from the Age of Conflict, and this era is the sixth in the game.

REVOLUTIONARY: [Revolutionaries?]
Is your ideology the ideology of the rebels?
This parameter only accepts "true" and "false".
If "true" and your ideology is made for rebellion, then all regions owned by a country with this ideology will automatically be occupied and an army will be created in each region.

AI_TYPE: "[AI Type]",
This is really, really complicated.
This parameter decides how the country will behave.
To make your own value, as I understand it, you have to write your own AI, and I don't think you are that clever 🙂 .
So what to do?
There are already ready-made AIs in the game:
Let me explain for each one:
DEFAULT - Normal AI, nothing stands out.
DEMOCRACY - The country will be less aggressive.
COMMUNISM - The country will build more buildings.
FASCISM - The country will be more aggressive.
HORDE - The country will make many armies and will be more aggressive.
CITYSTATE - The country will emphasize its economy and infrastructure for the most part.
UNCIVILIZED - The country will have less contact with other countries.
REBELS - The country will build up an army in all regions it owns (NOT REBELS).
Of course, it's much more complicated than that, I just told you the basis, so to speak the base of the AI.
I recommend that you put in this value what best suits the ideology that you are doing.
For example, if you are creating the ideology of "Nazism", you can put the AI "FASCISM".
If no value is close to you, then just set the value to DEFAULT (or if you're afraid I'm wrong, which I might be).

R: 0,
G: 0,
B: 0
The color with which the name of your ideology will be painted and to which the colors of the country that chose this ideology will be emphasized.

    And now about how to translate the name of our ideology and how to bind to the country that chose our ideology a special name.
    In the future I will use the Notepad++
    First, let's translate our ideology, for example, into Russian:
Go to the game files and follow the path game --> language.
In the folder "language" find and open the file "Bundle_ru.properties".
In any place you need to write:
Parameter_"name" = your_name.
I.e., let's say, if our ideology is called "Ideologiya", then we should have:
Ideologiya = Ideology
    Now a special name for the countries that have taken the ideology:
In the same folder "language" go to the sub-folder "civilizations".
There look for a file with the same name "Bundle_ru.properties".
There, in any place, attribute the id of the country, i.e. if we, for example, create "Islamic Germany", we need the id of Germany. Germany's id is "ger". The country's id can be found in the game files or in the game itself in the "Civilizations" tab.
And also as an example, the id of our ideology is "i".
Let's write:
ger_i = Islamic Germany.
Now if Germany (ger), takes the conditional ideology "Islamism" (i), its name will change to "Islamic Germany".

If I have helped you, and I hope I have, please rate this post

Edited by mycat
Delete "DeepL Translator free version" text

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2 hours ago, Relaxmodapk said:


Creating your own ideology involves developing a set of beliefs, values, and principles that guide your worldview and decision-making. Begin by identifying your core principles and values, considering aspects such as ethics, social issues, and personal philosophy. Reflect on your views on government, society, economy, and other key areas. Articulate your ideology through written statements or manifestos, and be open to refining and evolving your beliefs over time. Engage in critical thinking, research, and discussions to further shape and validate your ideology. Keep in mind that an ideology should be flexible enough to adapt to new information and perspectives while providing a coherent framework for your worldview. mx player pro


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GOV_GROUP_ID sets the group that ideology belongs to. Ideological groups influence civilizations' desire to form alliance.

  • Civilizations with governments from different groups will receive a -15 penalty to alliance desire.
  • If the group is the same, then the desire will be increased by 2.
  • If the government type is the same, then the desire will be increased by 6.
Gov group id Ideology
0 Crown Democracy
Crown r Republic
Crown m Monarchy
Crown s City-state
1 Crown c Communism
2 Crown f Fascism
Crown h Horde
3 Crown t Tribal
4 Crown u Revolutionary


Source: https://age-of-history.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Тип_правительства

Edited by Marerjh

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ADMINISTRATION_COST_CAPITAL modifies administration cost of your civilization's capital province. For most ideologies it equals to 40%, meaning cost will be reduced to 40% of what is should be.

For rebels, it's equal to 10%. For City-state — 2.5%. For tribal — 1%.

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If CIVILIZE_TECH_LEVEL equals 0.35f, your civilization have to reach 35 level of technology to become civilized. 

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