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Age of History 3

Parliaments - how could they work and be created

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10 hours ago, aunitydevteam said:

I already suggested a map Mode for voting like for presidents  I used this example but instead each province can have the color of political party 


This is nice, if there was a "party popularity" statistic for each province that could be edited in the scenario editor and and influenced by some actions "propaganda campaign, speech" it would work really good

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12 hours ago, Redguy325 said:

Another day, another ideas





    Łukasz proposed the idea of adding Parliament to the game. I fully support this idea. However, Parliament brings about many challenges. How would it be set up for nations? How would seats in Parliament be allocated, and how to create such a Parliament? Here is my proposed answer to all these questions. So, let's start from the beginning.


Parliament Creator



First and foremost, let's discuss the creation of a parliament. Parliaments, like most things in AOH3, would be defined in text files. There could be a single file containing information about all parliaments enclosed in curly braces "{}", or there could be a folder where new text files could be added to introduce new parliaments.

What would need to be defined in parliaments? Primarily, the name, the country or countries (tags) where such a parliament scheme applies, the number of members of parliament, and finally, political parties.
Though it seems to me that this is not all. Parliaments have different appearances, starting from the layout of seats; I can suggest a standard layout (circular arrangement) and the British layout (government sitting on one side of the chamber and opposition on the other), through nuances within the layouts themselves (e.g., the angle formed by the arrangement of seats in the parliament).

Additionally, in reality, in many countries, parliaments consist of two chambers instead of one. The possibility of including two chambers of parliament is negligible, but I would consider it for the purposes of this article.

There has also been mention of the potential establishment of International Organizations in AOH3 as part of various scenarios. Some of these organizations IRL also have their own parliaments, or something that could be considered as such (e.g., the United Nations General Assembly or the European Parliament). Such organizations would make much more sense if they had an impact on gameplay - which they could have through parliaments.

For such parliaments, I would add the option of specifying the number of MPs simply as "x-s" - X Seats for State. Thus, the UN General Assembly could allocate one vote per state, but the EU Parliament would have a set number of seats, with each country receiving a different number of seats depending on its population, or number of provinces, or whatever.

Below are the codes for two different parliaments and how they would appear in the game:


		SEATS: 460,

		SEATS: 100,
	LENGTH: 4l,
		Name: "Nowa Lewica",
		Sh_Name: "NL",
		R: 129,
		G: 27,
		B: 103,
		BEHAVIOUR: {"Pro-Europeanist","Liberal","Socialist"},
		Name: "Platforma Obywatelska",
		Sh_Name: "PO",
		R: 249,
		G: 160,
		B: 58,
		BEHAVIOUR: {"Pro-Europeanist","Liberal","Freemarket"},
		Name: "Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe",
		Sh_Name: "PSL",
		R: 62,
		G: 180,
		B: 61,
		BEHAVIOUR: {"Pro-Europeanist","Christian-Democrat","Freemarket","Agrarian"},
		Name: "Prawo i Sprawiedliwość",
		Sh_Name: "PiS",
		R: 7,
		G: 58,
		B: 118,
		BEHAVIOUR: {"Eurosceptic","Conservative","Christian","Socialist"},
		Name: "Konfederacja Wolność i Niepodległość",
		Sh_Name: "Konfederacja",
		R: 21,
		G: 40,
		B: 68,
		BEHAVIOUR: {"Eurosceptic","Conservative","Christian","Freemarket"},

# Order of the parties in file would determine their right-to-left position in the parliament



In-game appearance with some parties showed for example.

		ARRANGMENT: B {width:10},

		SEATS: 629,
	LENGTH: 5l,
	TAG: {},

		Name: "Labour Party",
		Sh_Name: "Labour",
		R: 228,
		G: 0,
		B: 60,
		BEHAVIOUR: {"Pro-Europeanist","liberal","Socialist"},
		Name: "Scottish National Party",
		Sh_Name: "SNP",
		R: 253,
		G: 243,
		B: 142,
		BEHAVIOUR: {"Pro-Europeanist","Nationalist","liberal"},
# REGION means the party is based in the region where country tagged "SCO" has cores 
		Name: "Conservative Party",
		Sh_Name: "Tories",
		R: 0,
		G: 135,
		B: 220,
		BEHAVIOUR: {"Eurosceptic","Conservative","Freemarket"},



Parliament's In-game appearance with "Tories" as ruling party.


Parliaments in game



In the game, Parliaments would be visibly represented through a window, perhaps replacing the "laws" section if a Parliament exists. This window would display information as follows:

Parliament would possess the ability to form governments, particularly in parliamentary republics (for instance, not in the US). This process would entail winning elections and securing over 50% of the seats in the chamber designated as the "lower" chamber by the party chosen by the player to support. This information could be integrated into the "Parliament" scheme or within missions.

The primary function of Parliament would be to enact laws, which would confer both bonuses and costs. These laws could garner support from various parties, contingent upon the "behavior" tag of both the party and the law itself (more on this later).

I won't delve into potential code for the laws here, as it would largely resemble code used elsewhere, except for the inclusion of the "behavior" tag, which is essential. (And Vote Requirement for pass, Without this tag, the standard requirement of a simple majority—50%+1—would suffice.)

This revised version aims to clarify the functions and mechanics of Parliament within the game, enhancing understanding and engagement for players.





Political Parties


Parties serve as the central actors within Parliamentary systems, both in real life and in my mechanic. In code, they would be responsible for passing laws (missions), as mentioned earlier. Political parties would aim to secure seats in Parliament every x years and compete for public favor. Players would have the ability to bolster different parties through missions, and party popularity would also fluctuate randomly through events. The popularity of parties would be constantly visible to the player, and every four years, this popularity would influence the new composition of Parliament.

Each party would be characterized by its "BEHAVIOUR" tags. These tags would determine which laws the party supports and which it opposes.




I hope my ideas will reach Łukasz and he will eventually add some of mechanics I proposed above. Thanks for reading.



Bro you are crazy. If you can give me a contact address where I can reach you, we can do a study on the navy and military units, I would love to do that!

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13 hours ago, Redguy325 said:


I will write in polish and under Mr. Łukasz post i will try to translate it to english

Dobra robota, ale nie wydaje mi się, żeby nazywanie każdej partii w każdym demokratycznym kraju było rozsądne. Po pierwsze to dużo roboty, a po drugie partie się rozwiązują, powstają nowe, zmieniają sie i swoje postulaty.

Dlatego ja bym zrobił w każdym demokratycznym kraju 9 partii:


W krajach, gdzie system jest 2-partyjny  (jak Stany Zjednoczone) też powinno być 9 partii (dlatego, że nawet ich 2 partie zmieniają się na przestrzeni dziejów wędrując po całym kompasie politycznym), ale do parlamentu dostawałyby się tylko 2 partie z największym poparciem.

Uważam też, że wystarczy tylko jedna izba parlamentu. Po co utrudniać dodając kolejną.

Demokracji powinno nie dać się zmienić na inny ustrój, chyba że wygra partia:

  • autorytarno-lewicowa - możliwość zmiany ustroju na komunizm
  • autorytarno-centrowa - możliwość zmiany ustroju na faszyzm/nazizm
  • autorytarno-prawicowa - możliwość zmiany ustroju na monarchie

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16 minutes ago, Rodak Polak said:

I will write in polish and under Mr. Łukasz post i will try to translate it to english

Dobra robota, ale nie wydaje mi się, żeby nazywanie każdej partii w każdym demokratycznym kraju było rozsądne. Po pierwsze to dużo roboty, a po drugie partie się rozwiązują, powstają nowe, zmieniają sie i swoje postulaty.

Dlatego ja bym zrobił w każdym demokratycznym kraju 9 partii:


W krajach, gdzie system jest 2-partyjny  (jak Stany Zjednoczone) też powinno być 9 partii (dlatego, że nawet ich 2 partie zmieniają się na przestrzeni dziejów wędrując po całym kompasie politycznym), ale do parlamentu dostawałyby się tylko 2 partie z największym poparciem.

Uważam też, że wystarczy tylko jedna izba parlamentu. Po co utrudniać dodając kolejną.

Demokracji powinno nie dać się zmienić na inny ustrój, chyba że wygra partia:

  • autorytarno-lewicowa - możliwość zmiany ustroju na komunizm
  • autorytarno-centrowa - możliwość zmiany ustroju na faszyzm/nazizm
  • autorytarno-prawicowa - możliwość zmiany ustroju na monarchie

Jest to jakiś pomysł, myślę że istnienie domyślnych partii w przypadku braku wpisania własnych ma jakiś sens, choć dla ludzi tworzących partie w pliku tekstowym to nigdy nie powinien być problem. Dodatkowo myślę że klasyczny kompas polityczny trochę ogranicza istnienie różnych partii, bo zakłada że niektóre rzeczy będą iść ze sobą w parze. Dla przykładu w Polsce Nacjonaliści (powiedzmy: Konfederacja) z zasady są przeciwni Unii Europejskiej i są też Konserwatystami, ale już w Szkocji Szkocka Partia Narodowa jest euroentuzjastyczna i Liberalna światopoglądowo. Kompas polityczny strasznie to zawęża, wiec myślę że mój pomysł z wieloma atrybutami poglądów (Ja to nazwałem "Zachowaniem") powinien być w większości parlamentów, a takie 9 podstawowych bezimiennych partii jako jakiś system domyślny, i te partie miałyby swoje atrybuty, za każdym razem te same.

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2 hours ago, Outlawexperience said:

This is nice, if there was a "party popularity" statistic for each province that could be edited in the scenario editor and and influenced by some actions "propaganda campaign, speech" it would work really good

yes I agree 

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2 hours ago, Outlawexperience said:

This is nice, if there was a "party popularity" statistic for each province that could be edited in the scenario editor and and influenced by some actions "propaganda campaign, speech" it would work really good

As a proponent of editing everything, I would go even further. I would put two different ways of electing to parliament - through general votes and through "regional" votes (First-past-the-post) to be determined in the Editor. In the latter case, maybe even some constituency mechanics? You could in game or game editor change constituencies binding several provinces into one constituency. It would perfectly fit even US Presidential election where "states" could be constituencies. And manipulating it in game would be another interesting mechanic and cheating in elections funny addition 🙂

Edited by Redguy325

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4 hours ago, Redguy325 said:

Как сторонник редактирования всего, я бы пошел еще дальше. Я бы предложил два разных способа избрания в парламент – через всеобщее голосование и через «региональное» голосование ( First-прошедшее большинство ), которые будут определяться в Редакторе. В последнем случае, может быть, даже какая-то избирательная механика? Вы можете в игре или редакторе игры изменить округа, объединив несколько провинций в один округ. Это идеально подходило бы даже к президентским выборам в США, где «штаты» могли бы быть избирательными округами. И манипулирование этим в игре было бы еще одной интересной механикой и забавным дополнением к мошенничеству на выборах 🙂

How do you think about implementing anarchism in a game?

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39 minutes ago, new lakhal 2.0 said:

Honestly I think you should put it's

Is will make game little bit fun and little bit challenge to pass laws

yes I second this I mean you can make laws to limit military to certain amount for example 

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On 2/11/2024 at 11:49 AM, mysta said:

Bro you are crazy. If you can give me a contact address where I can reach you, we can do a study on the navy and military units, I would love to do that!

If you really want to, RedG#1984 or zapadguy on dc

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Here's how it should be instead, instead of the kinds of state structures being stationary and determined by the center, the moderate, and the extremes. It should instead be determined by the economic system of a particular country. For example if it's a commodity economy, the state structure should be a democracy. If it's a feudal economy, it should be disparate fiefdoms. If the feudal economy is in its later stages, it should be absolute monarchies.

W języku polskim - In Polish:
Oto, w jaki sposób powinno być zamiast tego, że struktury stanowe są stacjonarne i określone przez centrum, umiarkowane i skrajności. Zamiast tego powinien być ustalony przez system ekonomiczny określonego kraju. Na przykład, jeśli jest to gospodarka towarowa, struktura państwa powinna być demokracją. Jeśli jest to gospodarka feudalna, powinna to być odmienne lence. Jeśli gospodarka feudalna znajduje się w późniejszych etapach, powinna być absolutnymi monarchami.

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1 hour ago, groggogotdoxxed said:

Here's how it should be instead, instead of the kinds of state structures being stationary and determined by the center, the moderate, and the extremes. It should instead be determined by the economic system of a particular country. For example if it's a commodity economy, the state structure should be a democracy. If it's a feudal economy, it should be disparate fiefdoms. If the feudal economy is in its later stages, it should be absolute monarchies.

W języku polskim - In Polish:
Oto, w jaki sposób powinno być zamiast tego, że struktury stanowe są stacjonarne i określone przez centrum, umiarkowane i skrajności. Zamiast tego powinien być ustalony przez system ekonomiczny określonego kraju. Na przykład, jeśli jest to gospodarka towarowa, struktura państwa powinna być demokracją. Jeśli jest to gospodarka feudalna, powinna to być odmienne lence. Jeśli gospodarka feudalna znajduje się w późniejszych etapach, powinna być absolutnymi monarchami.

kurwa bober

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chcę żeby systema parlamentowa była w grze.

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