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In the most recent video, showcasing an awesome new feature, allowing the potential modder to drag and select provinces and applying them to a nation, I and many others have noticed the ideology list in Alpha stage.

The amount of ideologies presented is great and they are appropriate but not all.


To begin with, the ideology of 'Communism' stood out to me. Communism by definition is a socio-economic ideology advocating for classless and stateless society (without going in much depth.) This is incredibly important because, Communism is similar to Anarchism in the idea of a stateless society. 

In the case of German Democratic Republic, it would be more appropriate to consider it a Socialist state rather than a Communist. 

In the case of the Soviet Union, as a popular example, you could contribute it to a form of Communism: Marxism-Leninism.

Now of course labelling them as Communist could work out, but it will not be accurate and might not reflect the true nature of the historical nation.


Another minor inaccuracy was the categorisation of German Reich (judging by the flag), of being Fascist.

This is not necessarily true, although National Socialism is a form of Fascism, they are different in their approach and have differences. 

Possible Solution: Sub-Ideologies

The creation of sub-ideologies will be a great solution to fixing some historical and ideological inaccuracies (in my opinion.) 

would be categorised under the 'parent' ideology. For example: 

A player wants to become Communist, when the player clicks on the ideology, and a drop down menu appears, listing possible sub-ideologies such as the previously mentioned Marxism-Leninism, Trotskyism, and Maoism. All sub-ideologies share a common buff such as an increased manpower gain in core provinces or something else it does not really matter. However, they would have different minor buffs such as faster assimilation or legacy point gain, or even debuffs such as slower formation speed of your armies and lower tax gain in your provinces.

By no means should this serve as a direct substitute to the system already integrated in the game, but personally I feel like it would be more beneficial to have, although it mainly serves as a more appropriate way of showing different types of ideologies countries had, without having to make a separate ideologies for each one, filling up space.



Edited by qxz

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Great ! This will fix the problem with ideology, like you said, East Germany couldn’t really be communist.

The thing with the 4 ideology spectrum was also an idea to fix that, but this could be very difficult for people who just dont really go to the diplomacy part of the game. 

I think that with your idea, ideologies could work like this : firstly, put one of the three main groups, next the government, and lastly, the ideology.


i.g :   Swiss confederation :  Democratic/Direct/Confederalism Option : confederation

United States : Democratic/Representative/Capitalism Option : federation

China : Others/Communism/Maoism Option : unitary


Democratic :

  • Direct/Representative Democracy (Republic Government, Parliamentary Government)






  • Constitutional monarchy





  • Religious democracy

Christian democracy 

Islamic democracry 

  • Census democracy

  • Herrenvolk democracy

  • Social democracy


Non democratic :

  • Authoritarian

General Authoritarianism 

Authoritarian Capitalism


  • Totalitarian


Vichy fascism


Nazism (National Socialism)


  • Theocracy

Christian theocracy

Islamic theocracy

Hindu theocracy

Buddist theocracy

Sikh theocracy

Tribal theocracy

  • Absolute monarchy



Ancient kingdom

  • Socialism


market socialism


  • Merchant republic

  • Oligarchy

  • Socialism

  • Dictatorship

Others :

  • Communism







  • Colonialist

  • Aristocratic

  • Horde

  • Tribal

  • City state 


These ideologies could be with these optional features : federation/union, unitary, confederation, provisional government.


But I think that the main problem is the flag for each ideology. I was thinking about an idea :

“Defaut flag” : Democratic, Authoritarian, others except communism

“Monarchic” flag : Constitutional, absolute monarchy

“Communist” flag : Socialism, communism

“Fascist” flag : Totalitarian, Dictatorship


And if it is possible to create some ideologies with chosen bonuses would be useful too, without modding.

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