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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - City names

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2 hours ago, Rodak Polak said:

How it will work. Only if the Germans take over Gdańsk will it change its name to Danzig? What about the Teutonic Order, Bavaria, and all the other German medieval states?

Dont you think that adding nationalities and each country has its own nationality could be helpful with it. Each German state would change cities name to German names of city

100%. Civilizations should be grouped and names should change based on groups, while those groups should be formed considering similarity between civilizations rather than culture. Example: (Russia + Russian Empire + Muscovia), (Austria + Austrian Empire + Austria-Hungary)....

Edited by Marerjh

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  • Lisboa, not Lisbon
  • Dunqula, not Dongola
  • Playa, not Oranjestad
  • La Coruna, not A Coruna
  • Warsaw Should be Warszawa
  • etc.

Anyway. Cities that should chcange their names:

  • Leibnitz, when lovenian = Lipnica
  • Gdańsk, when german = Danzig
  • Gdynia was founded by Poles between wars so sholud not change name
  • Elbląg, when german = Elbing
  • Olsztyn, when german = Allenstein
  • Ostróda, when german = Osterode
  • Ełk, when german = Lyck
  • Mrągowo, when german = Sensburg
  • Bartoszyce, when german = Bartenstein
  • Katowice, when german = Kattowitz
  • Opole, when german = Oppeln
  • Wrocław, when german = Breslau
  • Gliwice, when german = Gleiwitz
  • Kaliningrad, when polish = Królewiec, when czech = Kralevec 😉, when german = Koninberg
  • Gusev, when polish = Gąbin, when german = Gumbinnen
  • Sovetsk, when polsih = Tylża, when german = Tilsit
  • Rostock, when polish = Rostok
  • Greifswald, when polish = Gryfia
  • Stralsund, when polish = Strzałów/Strela
  • Sassnitz, when polish = Sośnica
  • Neubrandenburg, when polish = Nowy Branibórz
  • Prenzlau, when polish = Przęsław
  • Cottbus, when polish = Chociebuż
  • Waren, when polish = Warzno
  • Wittstock, when polish = Wysoka
  • Grabow, when polish = Grabów

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@Łukasz Jakowski in Ukraine cities names based on how we say them (Kyiv, Chernihiv, Lviv etc…), while russians call them differently (Kiev, Chernigov, Lvov), and, for example, polish names look even more differently (Kijow, Lwow, Czernihow). Is it worth listing every city name for every linguistic group, or is it a waste of time? I think modders will do this by themself sooner of later.

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In my opinion, I suggest implementing a Culture System to categorize countries and nations according to their cultures. By linking province names to these cultures, we can streamline the adjustment process by defining a maximum of 20 cultures and aligning cities accordingly for a more elegant solution.

For example: Turkic, Germanic, Frankish, Italian, Iberian, West Slavic, East Slavic, Nordic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindustani, Anglo-Saxons, Arabic, Persian, Middle American, High American, Middle African, South African, Indochinese.

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1 minute ago, IKayzerI said:

Moim zdaniem proponuję wdrożyć System Kulturowy, aby kategoryzować kraje i narody według ich kultur. Łącząc nazwy prowincji z tymi kulturami, możemy usprawnić proces dostosowywania, definiując maksymalnie 20 kultur i odpowiednio dostosowując miasta, aby uzyskać bardziej eleganckie rozwiązanie.

Na przykład: turecki, germański, frankijski, włoski, iberyjski, zachodniosłowiański, wschodniosłowiański, nordycki, chiński, japoński, koreański, hindustański, anglosaski, arabski, perski, środkowoamerykański, wysokoamerykański, środkowoafrykański, południowoafrykański, indochiński.

Pretty good idea. There would be no need to create thousands of different languages/cultures as is the case in reality. In Europe can be only Slavs, germans, balts, greek italic/romance

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  • Dnipro = Novyi Kodak

Russian Empire (+Russia in case of Dnipro)

  • Dnipro = Yekaterinoslav
  • Kropyvnytskyi = Yelisavetgrad
  • Donetsk = Yuzovka
  • Pokrovsk = Grishino
  • Krasnohrad = Kostyantynohrad

Ukrainian People Republic (names should be common with the Russian Empire ones, maybe?)

  • Dnipro = Katerynoslav
  • Donetsk = Yuzivka

Soviet Union

  • Dnipro = Dnepropetrovsk
  • Kropyvnytskyi = Kirovograd
  • Donetsk = Stalin
  • Luhansk = Voroshilovgrad
  • Pokrovsk = Krasnoarmeyskoye
  • Ivano Frankivsk = Stanislav

Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth

  • Ivano Frankivsk = Stanisławów

Austrian Empire (+Austria-Hungary maybe?)

  • Lviv = Lemberg
  • Ivano Frankivsk = Stanisławów

Hungary (+Austria-Hungary)

  • Uzhhorod = Ungvar

Ottoman Empire

  • Odessa = Khadjibey



  • Odesa, not Odessa
  • New names may be added later.

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29 minutes ago, Rodak Polak said:

Pretty good idea. There would be no need to create thousands of different languages/cultures as is the case in reality. In Europe can be only Slavs, germans, balts, greek italic/romance

There is some names based not on owner's culture but on year of the history. Some cities are named after ruler's name (cult of personality), and some are named after ideological speculations (like "Krasno-" in names of Soviet Union cities, which means "Red"). Some ukrainian cities have like 3 names while still be owned by same cultural group throughout history.

I think Lukasz should add two city name change systems: by the year and by the culture. If there is no specified name for the civilization that owns the city, then city will use name based on current year.

Edited by Marerjh

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Thessaloniki when owned by a south Slavic country: Thessaloniki---> Solun 


Istanbul when owned by a Slavic country: Istanbul--->Tsargrad


Plovdiv when owned by a Hellenic state: Plovdiv--->Philippopolis


Trabzon when owned by a Hellenic state: Trabzon--->Trebizond 


Alexandroupolis when owned by a Turkic state: Alexandroupolis--->Dedeagac


Sevastopol when owned by a Turkic state: Sevastopol--->Aqyar

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My ultimate idea for Poland and Kaliningrad oblast, let's go:


Gdańsk={Danzig(Germany, Sweden, Dennmark), Gduńsk(Pomorze, Kashubia), Gdansk (Russia)}
Gdynia = {Gdigen(Germany), Gotenhafen(Fascist Germany), Gdinio(Pomorze, Kashubia), Gdynja (Russia)}
Elbląg = {Elbling(Germany), Elblings(Baltic Prussians), Jelbliąg(Pomorze, Kashubia), Jelblong (Russia)}
Olsztyn = {Allenstein(Germany), Alne(Baltic Prussians), Olshtyn(Russia)}
Ostróda = {Osterode/Osterode in Ostpreußen(Germany), Austrāti(Baltic Prussians), Ostruda(Russia)}
Ełk = {Lyck(Germany), Luks(Baltic Prussians), Elk(Russia)}
Mrągowo = {Ządzbork(Kingdom of Poland), Sensburg(Germany), Sēinits(Baltic Prussians), Mrongovo(Russia)}
Bartoszyce = {Bartenstein(Germany), Bartoshice(Russia)}
Suwałki = {Suvalkai(Lithuania), Suwalken(Germany), Suduauen(Fascist Germany), Suvalki(Russia, Belarus)}
Augustów = {Augustavas(Luthuania), Avgustov(Russia), Aўgustaў(Belarus)}
Białystok = {Balstogė(Lithuania), Bjelostock(German), Belostok(Russia), Belastok(Belarus), Bilostok(Ukraine), Bjelostock(German)}
Łomża = {Lomscha(Germany), Lomzha(Russia)}
Biała Podlaska = {Biała Książęca(Kingdom of Poland), Palenkės Biala(Lithuania), Belaja Podljaskaja(Russia)
Siedlce = {Sedlce(Russia)}
Warszawa = {Warsaw(United Kingdom/USA), Warschau(Germany), Varshava(Russia, Ukraine, Belarus)}
Otwock = {Otvock(Russia)}
Mińsk Mazowiecki = {Minsk-Mazovecki(Russia)}
Bielsk Podlaski = {Bielskas(Lithuania), Biêlśk Pudláśki(Belarus), Belsk-Podljaski(Russia)}
Ostrołęka = {Ostrolenka(Germany, Russia), Scharfenwiese(Fascist Germany)}
Nidzica = {Nibork(Kingdom of Poland), Neidenburg(Germany), Nīdaspils(Baltic Prussians)}
Ciechanów = {Zechenau(Germany), Zichenau(Fascist Germany), Cehanuv(Russia)}
Przasnysz = {Pezaßnitz(Germany), Praschnitz(Fascist Germany), Prasnysh(Russia)}
Płock = {Plotzk(Germany), Schröttersburg(Fascist Germany), Plock(Russia)}
Łódź = {Lodsch(Germany), Litzmannstadt(Fascist Germany), Lodz(Russia)}
Kutno = No changes
Kalisz = {Kalisch(Germany), Kalish(Russia)}
Konin = No changes
Włocławek = {Leslau(Germany), Vloclavek(Russia)}
Łęczyca = {Lentschitza(Germany), Lentschütz(Fascist Germany), Lenchica(Russia)}
Radom = No changes
Lublin = {Ljublin(Russia), Ljúblіn(Ukraine)}
Pruszków = {Prushkuv(Russia)}
Łowicz = {Lowitsch(Germany), Lovich(Russia)}
Piotrków Trybunalski = {Petrikau(Germany), Petrokov(Russia)}
Kielce = {Kelce(Russia)}
Opoczno = {Opochno(Russia)}
Częstochowa = {Tschenstochau(Germany), Chenstohov(Russia)}
Katowice = {Kattowitz(Germany), Katovice(Russia)}
Bielsko-Biała = {Bílsko-Bělá(Czechia, Slovakia), Biała Krakowska(Kingdom of Poland), Bielitz-Biala(Germany), Biylsko-Biołŏ(Silesia), Belsko-Bjala(Russia)}
Kraków = {Krakau(Germany), Krakov(Czechia, Slovakia, Russia), Krakiv(Ukraine)}
Tarnów = {Tarnau(Germany), Tarnuv(Russia), Tarniv(Ukraine)}
Nowy Sącz = {Nový Sonč(Slovakia), Nový Sadec(Czechia), Neu Sandec(Germany), Újszandec(Hungary), Novy-Sonch(Russia), Novij Sonch(Ukraine)}
Wieliczka = {Groß Salze(Germany), Vělička(Czechia, Slovakia), Velichka(Russia, Ukraine)}
Zakopane = {Zakopané(Czechia, Slovakia)}
Busko-Zdrój = {Busko(Kingdom of Poland, Germany, Russia)}
Myszków = {Mischkau(Germany)Myszkůw(Silesia), Myshkuv(Russia)}
Krosno = {Korosno(Ukraine)}
Rzeszów = {Rzeszow(Germany), Rjashev(Russia), Rjashiv(Ukraine)}
Zamość = {Zamostja(Ukraine), Zamosc(Germany, Russia)
Chełm = {Cholm(Germany,  Ukraine,  Belarus,  Russia)}
Mielec = {Melec(Ukraine, Russia)}
Kraśnik = {Krasnik(Russia)}
Puławy = {Pulavy(Russia)}
Włodawa = {Vladava(Russia, Belarus), Volodava(Ukraine)}
Dęblin = {Dembiln(Germany), Ivangorod(Russia)}
Opole = {Oppeln(Germany), Ôpole(Silesia), Opolí(Czechia, Slovakia)}
Wrocław = {Breslau(Germany), Vratislav(Czechia, Slovakia)}
Wałbrzych = {Waldenburg(Germany), Valbřich(Czechia), Wałbrzich(Silesia)}
Jelenia Góra = {Hirschberg(Germany), Hornšperk(Czechia), Jelyńo Gůra(Silesia)}
Legnica = {Lignica (Kingdom of Poland, Silesia), Liegnitz (Germany), Lehnice(Czechia)}
Zgorzelec = {Görlitz-Ost(Germany), Zhrojelc (Sorbia), Zhořelec(Czechia)} #I would suggest renaming this city to "Bolesławiec", Zgorzelec will be confunding in non-modern scenarios, while Bolesławiec used to be very important city
Kłodzko = {Glatz(Germany),Kladsko(Czechia)}
Brzeg = {Brieg(Germany), Břeh(Czechia)}
Nysa = {Neiße(Germany), Nisa(Czechia)}
Racibórz = {Ratibor(Germany), Ratiboř(Czechia), Racibōrz(Silesia)}
Gliwice = {Gleiwitz(Germany), Glywice(Silesia)}
Kluczbork = {Kreuzburg(Germany), Kluczborek(Silesia)}
Ostrów Wielkopolski = {Ostrów Kaliski (Kingdom of Poland), Ostrowo (Germany)}
Oleśnica = {Oels(Germany), Olešnice(Czechia)}
Zielona Góra = {Grünberg/Grünberg in Schlesien(Germany), Zelená Hora(Czechia), Zielōnŏ Gōra(Silesia)}
Leszno = {Lissa (Germanu), Lešno (Czechia), Leshno (Russia)}
Żary = {Sorau (German), Žarow (Sorbia)
Głogów = {Glogau(Germany), Hlohov(Czechia), Głogůw (Silesia)}
Rawicz = {Rawitsch(Germany), Ravich(Russia)}
Sieradz = {Schieratz(Fascist Germany), Seradz(Russia)}
Poznań = {Posen(Germany), Poznan(Russia), Poznaň(Czechia)}
Gniezno = {Gnesen(Germany), Gnezno(Russia)}
Wolsztyn = {Wollstein(Germany), Volshtyn(Russia)}
Gostyń = {Gostyn(Germany, Russia), Gostingen (Fascist Germany)}
Rzepin = {Reppen(Germany)}
Gorzów Wielkopolski = {Landsberg(Germany)}
Międzyrzecz = {Meseritz(Germany)}
Stargard = {Stargard in Pommern(Germany)}
Szczecin = {Stettin(Germany, Sweden, Dennmark), Szczecëno(Pomorze)}
Piła = {Schneidemühl(Germany)}
Koszalin = {Köslin(Germany,Sweden,Dennmark)}
Świnoujście = {Swinemünde(Germany, Sweden, Dennmark)}
Gryfice = {Greifenberg(Germany)}
Nowogard = {Naugard(Germany)}
Wałcz = {Deutsch Krone(Germany), Valch(Russia)}
Drawsko Pomorskie = {Dramburg(Germany)}
Chojnice = {Chònice(Pomorze), Konitz(Germany), Konic(Russia)}
Bydgoszcz = {Bromberg(Germany, Russia)}
Toruń = {Thorn(Germany), Torun(Russia)}
Grudziądz = {Graudenz(Germany), Grudzjondz(Russia)}
Rypin = {Rippin(Fascist Germany)}
Lidzbark = {Lautenburg(Germany), Welliskas Lēcbargs(Baltic Prussians)}
Mława = {Mielau(Germany), Mlava (Russia)}
Lębork = {Lauenburg(Germanuy), Lebork (Russia), Lãbórch(Pomorze)}
Słupsk = {Stolp(Germany), Słëpskò(Pomorze)}
Kościerzyna = {Berent(Germany), Kòscérzna(Pomorze), Koscezhina(Russia)}
Starogard Gdański = {Preußisch Stargard(Germany), Starogarda(Russia)}
Inowrocław = {Inowrazlaw(Germany), Hohensalza(Fascist Germany), Inovroclav(Russia)}
Szczecinek = {Neustettin(Germany)}
Białogard = {Belgard(Germany)}
Dąbki = {Neuwasser(Germany)}
Chodzież = {Kolmar(Germany), Hodzezh(Russia)}
Wieleń = {Filehne(Germany), Welen (Russia)}
Barlinek = {Berlinchen(Germany)}
Złoczew = {Zloczew (Germany, Russia), Schlötzau (Fascist Germany)}

Kaliningrad Oblast (Deafult:Russia):

Kaliningrad = {Königsberg(Germany), Królewiec(Poland), Karaliaučius(Lithuania), Tuwangste (Baltic Prussians), Královec (Czechia)}
Gusev = {Gumbinnen(Germany), Gąbin(Poland), Gumbinė(Lithuania), Bisserkeim(Baltic Prussians)}
Sovetsk = {Tilsit(Germany, Baltic Prussians), Tylża(Poland), Tilžė(Lithuania)}
Chernyakhovsk = {Insterburg(Germany), Wystruć(Poland)}
Bagrationovsk = {Preußisch Eylau(Germany), Iława Pruska (Poland)}
Swietłogorsk = {Rauschen(Germany), Ruszowice(Poland)}
Polessk = {Labiau(Germany), Labiawa(Poland)}

Why did I write this!?

Edited by Redguy325

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esnm87ias82c1.thumb.webp.e5f354d943840b38b5e6d3c3b55e1e01.webpEgypt Under roman rule:

Cairo: Memphis

Zagazig: Heliopolis

Minya: Hercloipolis

thats it, i think u should add a feature where unbuilt cities (like cairo) are taken under one big province till the city is built, so the map will increase as time passes but it is going to be hekka hard, i suggest you research ancient, roman and Islamic history of each region, because i feel like these three are all the ones that make a big difference, or hire a historical professional to do it


or rip it off eu4 files lol


Islamic Iberia (Al Andalus)


Cordoba: Qurtubah

Seville: Ishibilliya

Zaragoza: Saraqusta

Madrid: Majrit

Toledo: Tulaytilah

Badajouz: Badayous

Coimbra: Kulumriya 

Lisbon: Lishbona

Burgos: Burgosh

Lleida: Larida

Silves: Silb

Tarraco: Tarrakuna

Cartagena: Qartajanna 

Valencia: Balanciyyah

Valahoid: Balad Al Walid

Leon: LiyyunAncient-cities-of-Egypt-map.-Lower-Egypt

and many more, u COULD make it so the city is assimilated then it changes its name, or that could be an optional thing

Edited by OwnM3Z0
I Forgor smth

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The Kurdish names of the cities with a high Kurdish population.


• Kurdish city name ( Other language ) 

Turkey and other :

1. Wan (Van)

2. Agirî (Ağrı)

3. Amed (Diyarbakır)

4. Colemêrg (Hakkari)

5. Bidlîs (Bitlis)

6. Mûş (Muş)

7. Erdîhan (Ardahan)

8. Sêrt (Siirt)

9. Dîlok (Gaziantep)

10. Riha (Şanlıurfa)

11. Erzerûm (Erzurum)

12. Hewler ( Erbil) 

13. Silemanî ( Süleymaniye) in Iraq   

14 . Kerkûk ( Kerkuk) in Iraq 

15. Mehabad ( Mahabad) in Iran 

19. Qoser (Köser)

20. Xarpêt (Harput)

21. Dêrsîm (Tunceli)

22. Êlih (Elazığ)

24. Meletî (Malatya)

25. Vanê (Van)

26. Ağrê (Ağrı)

27. Amed (Diyarbakır)

28. Colemêrg (Hakkari)

29. Bitlîs (Bitli

30. Mûş (Muş)

31. Erdîhan (Ardahan)

32. Sêrt (Siirt)

33. Dîlok (Gaziantep)

34. Riha (Şanlıurfa)

35. Erzerûm (Erzurum)

37. Dêrsîm (Tunceli)

40. Zaxo (Cizre)

41. Gelêran (Silvan)

48. Wan (Van)

49. Hezûr (Hısnı Mansur)

50. Munzur (Munzur)

51. Darzor (Dersur)

52. Dêrsîm (Tunceli)

53. Serhed (Seyru) 

54. Mêrdîn (Mardin)

55. Fêşê (Tatvan)

56. Bajarok (Bajnur)

57. Hezûr (Hısnı Mansur)

58. Munzur (Munzur)

60. Qelebê (Kovancılar)

in syria :


1. Qamişlo (Kerboran)

2. Kobanê (Aïn al-Arab)

3. Dêrik (Al-Malikiyah)

4. Amûdê (Amouda)

5. Tirbespiyê (Al-Qahtaniyah)

6. Cizîrê (Al-Hasakah)

7. Serê Kaniyê (Ras al-Ayn)

8. Derik (Malikiyah)

9. Girê Spî (Tal Abyad)

10. Afrîn (Efrin)

Iraq & Kurdistan state 

1. Hewlêr (Erbil)

2. Silêmanî (Süleymaniye)

3. Dihok (Dohuk)

4. Kerkûk (Kirkuk)

5. Helebce (Halabja)

6. Ranya (Rania)

7. Şirnex (Sinjar)


1. Mewlûdî (Mehabad)

2. Sine (Sanandaj)

3. Kirmashan (Kermanshah)

4. Bexdad/Mehabad (Mahabad)

5. Şinê (Sine)

6. Merîwan (Marivan)

7. Bane (Baneh)

8. Kirmaşan (Kermanshah)

9. Kirmashan (Kermanshah)

10. Pîranşar (Piranshahr)

11. Sine (Sanandaj)

12. Şehrezûr (Shahroud)



Edited by muhoaga

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15 hours ago, Rodak Polak said:
  • Lisboa, not Lisbon
  • Dunqula, not Dongola
  • Playa, not Oranjestad
  • La Coruna, not A Coruna
  • Warsaw Should be Warszawa
  • etc.

Anyway. Cities that should chcange their names:

  • Leibnitz, when lovenian = Lipnica
  • Gdańsk, when german = Danzig
  • Gdynia was founded by Poles between wars so sholud not change name
  • Elbląg, when german = Elbing
  • Olsztyn, when german = Allenstein
  • Ostróda, when german = Osterode
  • Ełk, when german = Lyck
  • Mrągowo, when german = Sensburg
  • Bartoszyce, when german = Bartenstein
  • Katowice, when german = Kattowitz
  • Opole, when german = Oppeln
  • Wrocław, when german = Breslau
  • Gliwice, when german = Gleiwitz
  • Kaliningrad, when polish = Królewiec, when czech = Kralevec 😉, when german = Koninberg
  • Gusev, when polish = Gąbin, when german = Gumbinnen
  • Sovetsk, when polsih = Tylża, when german = Tilsit
  • Rostock, when polish = Rostok
  • Greifswald, when polish = Gryfia
  • Stralsund, when polish = Strzałów/Strela
  • Sassnitz, when polish = Sośnica
  • Neubrandenburg, when polish = Nowy Branibórz
  • Prenzlau, when polish = Przęsław
  • Cottbus, when polish = Chociebuż
  • Waren, when polish = Warzno
  • Wittstock, when polish = Wysoka
  • Grabow, when polish = Grabów

"A Coruña" is the name in galician

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24 minutes ago, Redguy325 said:

How could he even program that? What would be "ww2"?

Ok a event to change It when play as germnay or building a new wonder that Germany didn't built either that or a chance to rename it after the year 1945 or 44 passes by that way if it excess a certian date it can be thru a event or building the new German Volkshalle wonder or if like Germany captiulates soviets & britian one of the two or both then option to rename and build the wonder 

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      First line side:

      Horseman -> Elite Horseman -> Cavalry -> Tank -> Modern Tank

      Second line:

      Archer -> Bowmen -> Crossbowman -> Elite Crossbowman

      Canon -> Field Cannon -> Artillery -> Modern Artillery

      Early Airplane -> Airplane -> Modern Airplane


      This is a very early version, so maybe something should be changed?

      Or maybe an idea for a new type of unit with upgrades? I'm waiting for your suggestions.

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