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Age of History 3

Controlling vassals & Colonies

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-There should be colonisation system separate from vassals.

-Features of these two in game: 

VASSAL: Sends you certain amount of tax and various gifts, helps you in wars if you will. They battling with their own armies and Aİ. And vassals can annex lands only in lord's permission in peace negotiations. A vassal's leader can only be selected by lord country. Vassals don't have access to espionage and they mostly attached to lord country in diplomacy but they can trade with other countries if they're not enemies of lord country. The more prestige and army power lord has, less liberation desire vassal gets.

COLONY: Making a country our colony shouldn't be possible before age of colonialism and must require a good certain amount of technology, and we should be only allowed to make civilizations with low technology our colony like in reality. Or we can make our own colonies in newly discovered and colonized lands. Lord country can exploit all of colony's resources. Colonies doesn't have access to diplomacy and they can only trade with lord country, and this trading always profits to the lord country. A colony's army gets under DİRECT CONTROL of lord country if lord wishes in war state. Lord can assimilate colony in terms of ethnicity, religion, language and ideology. Not only colony's leader but also advisors of colony can be determined by lord.

-And lastly, Vassals and colonies should get lord country's color and ideology automatically.

I'm looking forward to see everyone's ideas about vassals and colonization system!

Edited by TatarWarmonger

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