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Age of History 3

6 tips based on ur video

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Hi @Łukasz Jakowski

Here r 6 tips based from ur latest video

1. The icon for theravada is the zorastrian logo which is incorrect!

2  I saw sunni and Shia in the game but hope u didn't forget Islam's 3rd major sec/denomination who r found in parts of North Africa and like half of Oman the ibadis maybe u added them but they weren't visible on the menu of religons since u didn't scroll/show then all so forgive me if I'm asking for soemthing that is already there plz don't forget the ibadi sect

3. Chinese religions: I hope u added china's other major religion historically since it seems like in paradox games they always add one and not the other, that being taoism please add that also Bön religion in Tibet just like ck2

4. please don't forget small historical religons like the Mormons, zunists, sikhs among others 

5  Different forms of paganism just like in paradox games (u don't have to add it rn but u can add it later)

6. Athiesm/irrelgiousity/Secularism religion for post 1800 scneiroes as a religion yk since some areas of China, North korea Russia, chechia & I think Estonia are all pretty irrelgious what do u think of these 6 tips please let me know


It's not hard to add religons simply a a

Icon and selecting provinces so please


Edited by xox

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By looking at paradox games, ck2, ck3, eu4, eu4 extended timeline and going based of mainly the extended timeline plus adding a few more missing things i composed the following list


im going off the last video for what is added and what isnt



1. Catholic (already added)

2. Protestant

3. Orthadox (already added)

4. Coptic (already added)

5. Hussite

6. Anglican (maybe)

7. Mormon


8. Sunni (already added)

9. Shia (already added)

10. Ibadi

(if u want subsects for specfic mechnics, sufis vs salafis & some denominations for sunni islam can be further added maybe for a peity mechnic too like hanafis, maliki, hanbalis & shaf'i)

other abrahamic:

11. Jewish (maybe beta jews and normal jews can be multiple denominations if u want)


12. Hindu (already added)

13. Sikh

14. Jain (also present in ck2)

15. Zunist

16. Sanamahist

17. Shivaism maybe


18. Mahayana (already added)

19. Theravada (already added)

20. Vajrayana (already added)

(the 3 deninomantions have been already added)

also after them say buddhism like the denomination then the name of religion

eastern religions:

21. Satsana phi

22. Confucian (already added)

23. Shinto (already added)

24. Tengri (already added)

25. Bon

26. Muist

27. Taoism

Pagan religions:

28. Animist

29. Shamanist

30. Dreamtime

31. Maori

32  Polynesian/melanisan paganism


32. Roman hellenism

33. Greek hellenism

34. Nabataean

35. Druidist

Iranian religions:

36. Zoroastrian

37. Mancihaean

38. Baha'ii

American Paganism:

39. Totemist

40. Mayan

41. Aztec

42. South American

43. Nahuatl

44. Native American

45. Inti

East European Pagan:

46. Romuva

47. Slavic

48. Suomenusko

Germanic Pagan:

49. Norse

50. Germanic

African Paganism:

51. Ancient Egyptian

52. Fetishist


53. Ashurist

54. Ancient Arabian Paganism

55. Ancient Mesopotamian


56. Secular

57. Irreligious


58. Countries which don't fit any other forms of paganism get the defualt pagan(already added)

(appears in modern starts in a few provinces e.g. in Czechia Czechia, Estonia Estonia, North Korea North Korea, and South Korea South Korea)

Edited by xox

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