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Age of History 3

Age of History 3: Mod Organizer

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As we all know the game will have direct integration with Steam Workshop. This is great as it allows easy installations without worries of catching unwanted malware when downloading from third-party website, and ensures that only legitimate copies of the game can install modifications. 


When it comes to the configurations of the installed mods, there arises a problem. Steam does not offer a software which allows the user to manage the modifications which they installed. Many games workaround this issue by developing their own applications directly tied to the game which allows the player to manage their modifications, enabling only those modifications which they want to use within the game process, and disabling the modifications which are not relevant to user experience.

Common examples of those cases include games from Paradox Interactive like Hearts of Iron 4 or Victoria 3. Both utilise a simple and eye-pleasing launcher, which directly integrates a mod organizer in itself, allowing the user to tweak their experience with installed modifications.

This is where this suggestion is leading up to.

The game requires a mod organizer. 

A game with a huge modding scene can not go without it. It is practical and convenient for the user to use, activate the mods they want to play with and disabling those they do not wish to play with at the moment, without the need to unsubscribe from the modification on Steam Workshop, and resubscribing when they feel like playing with it.

Here is my rough example:image.thumb.png.91c521e2791229cda6ca87a3f4a583ca.png

It is by no means perfect, but it showcases all the relevant feature the mod organizer needs. It is by no means to be used as a direct reference. 


But it serves its job perfectly.

Edited by qxz

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7 hours ago, qxz said:

As we all know the game will have direct integration with Steam Workshop. This is great as it allows easy installations without worries of catching unwanted malware when downloading from third-party website, and ensures that only legitimate copies of the game can install modifications. 


When it comes to the configurations of the installed mods, there arises a problem. Steam does not offer a software which allows the user to manage the modifications which they installed. Many games workaround this issue by developing their own applications directly tied to the game which allows the player to manage their modifications, enabling only those modifications which they want to use within the game process, and disabling the modifications which are not relevant to user experience.

Common examples of those cases include games from Paradox Interactive like Hearts of Iron 4 or Victoria 3. Both utilise a simple and eye-pleasing launcher, which directly integrates a mod organizer in itself, allowing the user to tweak their experience with installed modifications.

This is where this suggestion is leading up to.

The game requires a mod organizer. 

A game with a huge modding scene can not go without it. It is practical and convenient for the user to use, activate the mods they want to play with and disabling those they do not wish to play with at the moment, without the need to unsubscribe from the modification on Steam Workshop, and resubscribing when they feel like playing with it.

Here is my rough example:image.thumb.png.91c521e2791229cda6ca87a3f4a583ca.png

It is by no means perfect, but it showcases all the relevant feature the mod organizer needs. It is by no means to be used as a direct reference. 


But it serves its job perfectly.

AOH 3 Launcher 😯😯😯

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On 11.03.2024 at 01:12, qxz said:

Как мы все знаем, игра будет напрямую интегрирована с Мастерской Steam. Это здорово, поскольку позволяет легко устанавливать, не опасаясь заражения вредоносным ПО при загрузке со сторонних веб-сайтов, и гарантирует, что модификации могут устанавливаться только в законных копиях игры.


Когда дело доходит до конфигураций установленных модов, возникает проблема. Steam не предлагает программного обеспечения, которое позволяет пользователю управлять установленными им модификациями. Многие игры решают эту проблему, разрабатывая свои собственные приложения, напрямую привязанные к игре, которые позволяют игроку управлять своими модификациями, включая только те модификации, которые он хочет использовать в игровом процессе, и отключая модификации, которые не имеют отношения к опыту пользователя.

Распространенными примерами таких случаев являются игры от Paradox Interactive, такие как Hearts of Iron 4 или Victoria 3. Оба используют простой и приятный глазу лаунчер, который напрямую интегрирует в себя органайзер модов, позволяя пользователю настраивать работу с установленными модификациями.

Вот к чему ведет это предложение.

Для игры требуется организатор модов.

Игра с огромной сценой моддинга не может обойтись без этого. Пользователю практично и удобно использовать, активировать моды, с которыми он хочет играть, и отключать те, с которыми он не хочет играть в данный момент, без необходимости отписываться от модификации в мастерской Steam и повторно подписываться, когда ему захочется поиграть с ней.

Вот мой примерный пример:изображение.thumb.png.91c521e2791229cda6ca87a3f4a583ca.png

Он ни в коем случае не идеален, но демонстрирует все необходимые функции, необходимые органайзеру модов. Его ни в коем случае нельзя использовать в качестве прямой ссылки.


Но он отлично выполняет свою работу.

It's amazing how many things exist. Good. Will you write to me when the game is released, then I will need this topic much more than I do now?

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