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Денис Живков

[AE] Aggressive expansion and coalitions

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Wow, how you post icons in your text I get shocked

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Within the framework of the game mechanics, it makes sense to make sure that, upon victory, the coalition could only disintegrate the former aggressor into many countries. Otherwise, we will get several strong countries that will very soon turn the region into a bloody mess.


В рамках механик игры имеет смысл сделать так, чтобы коалиция при победе могла разве что развалить бывшего агрессора на множество стран. В ином случае получим несколько сильных стран, которые совсем скоро превратят регион в кровавое месиво.

Edited by Matvey

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1 minute ago, Matvey said:

Within the framework of the game mechanics, it makes sense to make sure that, upon victory, the coalition could only disintegrate the former aggressor into many countries. Otherwise, we will get several strong countries that will very soon turn the region into a bloody mess.


В рамках механик игры имеет смысл сделать так, чтобы коалиция при победе могла разве что развалить бывшего агрессора на множество стран. В ином случае получим несколько сильных стран, которые совсем скоро превратят регион в кровавое месиво.

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1 hour ago, Денис Живков said:


A coalition is a group of countries that has united against another country with a high  indicator of aggressive expansion. They serve a single purpose - to contain a common threat: if a target country declares war on a coalition member, or a coalition member declares war on a coalition target with Casus Belli "Coalition" or "Crush the Revolution", all coalition members will join the war without any penalties. Note that this call to war will not work if the coalition member is a minor participant in the war on the side of a country not in the coalition against the coalition target. A coalition is created without the obligation of coalition members to help each other in wars against a country other than the target of the coalition. Thus, rivals can join a coalition to stop a common threat, even if those competing countries would never join the same alliance. This models historical coalitions against terrible invaders, such as, for example, the various Holy Leagues against the Ottoman Empire, and the Seventh Coalition against revolutionary France under Napoleon.

Joining a coalition

Any country can join or form a coalition against the target country as long as:

  • there is no truce between countries
  • the country is not an ally or subject to the coalition target
  • the country has a negative opinion about the goal of the coalition
  • the country has an opinion penalty from  of -50 or greater against the target country (can be seen using the  image.png.42f2c7d9691460cf8f8f6326d4908d7d.png coalition map)
  • the country has a image.png.80c8d1f363fd3fbd51029b9dee85a2c3.pngRivalry attitude, a competitive or Attitude_outraged.png.18f8f4c1b7ac9aaebf57b7c1b5fa45ab.pngOutraged attitude, an angry attitude against the target country
  • there are at least 4 countries eligible to join the coalition (meeting the above requirements)
  • the coalition may pose a threat to the target.

A country can be a member of only one coalition at a time.

Joining a coalition is an instant diplomatic action with no cooldown.


Leaving the coalition

  • Leaving a coalition is an instant diplomatic action with no cooldown.
  • An AI-controlled country will instantly leave the coalition if it has a truce with the coalition's target.
  • Countries change their opinion to Attitude_outraged.png.18f8f4c1b7ac9aaebf57b7c1b5fa45ab.pngOutraged attitude if they have a negative opinion with  -50  image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.pngAggressive expansion impact (AE) against the target country, excluding rivals who maintain aimage.png.80c8d1f363fd3fbd51029b9dee85a2c3.png Rivalry attitude.
  • An AI coalition member will instantly change from Attitude_outraged.png.18f8f4c1b7ac9aaebf57b7c1b5fa45ab.pngOutraged attitude to another if they are in the same religious league, have no image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.png penalty, or have an attitude of more than +50 to the coalition's target country. He will leave the coalition a few months later.
  • Attacking an HRE Prince in a coalition against you while the Emperor is in the same coalition against you will summon the Emperor as a member of the coalition (but he can still summon his allies).
  • A coalition will disintegrate if its remaining members are much weaker than the coalition's target. This may be caused by a declaration of war on an ally of a strong coalition member (for example, Austria or Prussia in the German coalition), so that the coalition members will be forced to leave it when peace is signed. This could lead to a “snowball” of several small states leaving the coalition, after which the remaining ones will follow, resulting in the coalition completely disintegrating.
  • If a coalition has formed, countries that drop the image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.png AE level below the required -50 will lose Attitude_outraged.png.18f8f4c1b7ac9aaebf57b7c1b5fa45ab.pngOutraged attitude and leave the coalition when one of two A: there is no country in the coalition with an attitude image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.png penalty of -50 or higher; or B: 2 to 5 years have passed since the image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.pngAE relationship penalty was -50 or higher.
  • If a coalition has been formed, countries with a image.png.80c8d1f363fd3fbd51029b9dee85a2c3.pngRivalry attitude will leave the coalition if one of two conditions is met: A: the coalition has decreased to 3 or fewer members; or B: the penalty from of image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.pngAggressive expansion has dropped to 0.


Coalitions at war

  • Coalition members will not be targets in the upcoming war unless Casus Belli "Coalition" or "Crush the Revolution" is used. I will prefer to use these CBs when they are available.
  • The coalition automatically calls a country to war, and as a result, all its members currently not at war with the coalition Target become part of the war, even if they have a truce with the Target. There is no option to decline the call.
  • Every coalition has a leader. If there is a coalition attacking, the country's leader will declare war. If a coalition is formed, the leader is the country that originally declared war.
  • The coalition leader always holds an international pre-election meeting of the entire coalition; Member countries of the peacekeeping coalition cannot conclude a separate peace treaty. Coalition members do not have the right to demand the capture of your provinces, but only return their territories.
  • If you attack an ally, a member of a coalition, and summon the member himself as an assister, he will summon all members of the coalition, but as allies in the war, and not coalitionists, they will lose the +30 military revolution bonus and will be able to make a separate peace, this is also will remove them from the coalition. This is especially useful in regions such as Northern Germany, where coalitions adhere to the principle of loyalty to the number of small countries.
  • The war leader and emperor in coalitions can call non-coalition allies to war, but these alliances are not associated with the coalition coalitions - they can refuse the call, withdraw from the war in a separate peace, and also take over regions that do not need help.
  • The coalition will fall apart after a coalition war. This will not remove the existing penalty for image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.pngaggressive expansion, however, it will allow coalitions to rebuild after a truce as a result of the outcome of a coalition war.


Aggressive expansion

image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.pngAggressive expansion (AE) is a game mechanic that simulates the negative impact of politics on other countries caused by aggressive actions, mainly thus the expansion of a country through the annexation of provinces and the forced vassalization of enemies. If the agreement relationship suffers due to the penalty from image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.pngaggressive expansion, this will be shown in the conclusion window. During world relations, if the size of image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.pngAE, which will affect the -50 angle, and the country has a negative opinion of you, then it will be shown in the low cabinet of window worlds.



  • Annexation of provinces:
  1. image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.pngAggressive expansion = development * 0.5 * (100% + religious modifier + cultural modifier) * (100% + AE influence) * (100% - Administrative Efficiency) * Casus Belli modifier
  2. image.thumb.png.650334359ba1f0edb98e2b05d00d998d.png
  3. Religious modifier: 50% for same religion, 0% for heretics, -50% for pagans
  4. Cultural modifier: 50% for the same culture, 25% for another culture in the same culture group, 0% for a foreign culture.
  5. Casus Belli modifier: e.g. 100% for Conquest, 75% for Imperialism, 25% for Return


  • Forced vassalization: -0.5 per development unit
  • Declaration of war with loss of stability: -10 stability stability.

Example 1: Declaration of war without CB (-2 stability): -20; In case of complete acceptance of the concepts of concepts (-1 stability): -10
Example 2: Violation of the truce (-5 stability): -50; In case of complete acceptance of concept ideas (-3 stability): -30

  • Vassal Actions: The overlord receives a full penalty to image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.pngAggressive expansion from all actions of his vassals.


  • Diplomatic relations will be deteriorated due to the penalty from image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.pngaggressive expansion. The negative modifier will fall to a base +2 per year, which is further increased through various bonuses to improve relations.
  • The opinion about the aggressor may change to Attitude_outraged.png.18f8f4c1b7ac9aaebf57b7c1b5fa45ab.pngOutraged attitude, angry, despite the original attitude or opinion.
  • Coalitions can be formed against the aggressor from countries with a penalty from image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.png equal to or greater than -50. There must be at least 4 countries with an image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.pngAggressive expansion impact attitude penalty of -50 or higher, and a negative (below 0) opinion of you, they must not be at peace with the player for a coalition to form. If there are 3 such countries, or one of them has a positive attitude towards you, the coalition will not form. A coalition is unlikely to come together if the total strength of potential members is much less than that of the target country.


The base image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.png aggressive extension gained from any action varies due to the following factors:

Additional modifiers include:

+33% when gaining provinces through threat of war
-20% for a Catholic country controlling the Curia.
-10% for an Orthodox country with an icon of St. Nicholas.
-10% for Muslims following the 28px-Muslim_school_hanbali.png.2cf7d86b0e7b47c16087c7d7788d64bc.pngHanbali school of the Hanbali school or recognized Hanbali scholars
-5% for Hindus with the Hindu deity 28px-Shiva.png.f7e867aeb617c932e3d32571556585fe.png Shiva as their patron.
-1% for countries with unreformed 28px-Nahuatl.png.e7c482f86e36a6bbe2efd4f6677bb532.png Nahuatl per point of doom
-0.1%image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.png to glass   image.png.b38292fc4162b57e61812a78ce25dfa5.png   prestige
-10% image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.png extension for the Righteous Wars ability from the Age of Discovery
-10% image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.png expansion for the ruler character trait "Cautious"
-10% image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.png for 100 Spy Network in Mountain Country
-100% image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.pngextension for 100% administrative efficiency

https://sun9-56.userapi.com/impg/tOueVLm8EIuukWi7Glu67LSl8HXDM8wHXh4Irw/IaAWqdbvpD0.jpg?size=1142x498&quality=96&sign=3786f0591284dd412e32540ee7d28ea2&type=album (clumsy, but still)

Impact of aggressive expansion

The gradation of how each country is affected image.png.88ce2997f242761d187ae0bd65aa4137.png Aggressive expansion depends on the characteristics of the provinces being taken or (for wars without CB and wars with a broken truce) the country whose war is declared.





@IKayzerI @thecarvalhogamer

@aa30388@Alexey Navalny,@wbladew5,@qxz,@Wayne23lololh, @Anyone,@Nowarhia,   @Outlawexperience@GalacticCakes,   @Matvey @bizacjum @paul2kdj @BALONA30,   @Barbaris,  @Rodak Polak, @wafflestein8,@Historyk,   @wbladew5,  @Mihael1@Warnnexx @Free City of Łódź what do you thinks about my idea?

expert opinion on the ideas from, @SmearierMoon19 , please:D

@Łukasz Jakowski

Good idea 

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