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Age of History 3

Historical AI Mod for AOH3 using events Starting at 1200 scenario

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Will there be a spectator mode in the game? And if there will be, can we manage the countries with the chat code, or will we be able to add armies, will there be something like setarmy like aoh2 feki in aoh3?

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3 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Creo que te llevará mucho trabajo agregarlo.

Los eventos ya no se crean en el juego como en AoH2, ahora hay que crear archivos de texto.


Aquí está el archivo de preguntas frecuentes de la versión actual, no final, de "cómo crear un evento" y dos eventos de ejemplo.

cómo_crear_evento.txt 13,42 kB · 10 descargas expandiendo_el_frente_de_batalla.txt 415B · 12 descargas avance_en_construcción.txt 463B · 6 descargas

I'm wondering if We can find all the available triggers and results in a manual or help archive txt.

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5 hours ago, dodoaltac said:

This will be a project I @OwnM3Z0 will be working on once the game releases, the idea will be worked on through multiple phases 


PHASE 1- Testing It's Possibility

This Will be done by attempting this idea on one nation first, in this case the ottomans, I will add an entire event tree detailing the ottoman beylik growing into its maximum size then deteriorating with accurate historical dates up until modern day turkiye, in this phase I will understand how to best make the events, incorporate them, and likely make ai aggressiveness 0% and play around with that, if this works well, I will then start working on the next phase


PHASE 2-  First Group Of European Historical events

This will be the hardest part as here I will etch an event tree for each significant European nation and research it properly, focusing on important nation event trees like Austria, France, England, Spain (reconquista and hamburg's will be wild) muscovy (forms russian empire, colonizes siberia then forms USSR after russian civil war), Poland, Lithuania (their expansion, unification and partition), prussia, Hungary and Sweden, (making them start wars via events while giving massive debuffs to losing sides and decide peace treaty via events also) this will be the hardest phase as I would have to make easily 1k events in total and study the history of each important nation


PHASE 3- Indian History And Rise And fall Of Mughals, Martha's, British Raj, And Partition

This one will be very hard as I would have to get much more well versed on the subject but the hardest part should be keeping up with the Indian microstates


PHASE 4- Chinese History

Fall of ming, Rise Of qing, maybe some zheng he events, Century Of Humiliation, Chinese civil war, Ww2 (will be hella hard if there isn't an occupation outcome in events) 


PHASE 5-Middle Eastern, Iranian, Central Asian and North African History, which shouldn't be too hard since most of the history of this region going forward was finished with the ottomans and Russian empire in phase 1, and 2 so I would just have to adjust the caucuses, iran, morroco and Iran and fix some small central Asian details


PHASE 6- South Western African History


This will deal with songhai and other similar empires then the scramble for Africa which shouldn't be too hard


PHASE 7- North/South American History and colonialism by French, British and spanish/Portuguese, independence from them and US expansion (manifest destiny, US Mexico war, Alaska Purchase and Maine wars with Spain (conquest of Cuba and Philippines)


PHASE 8- WW1 And WW2-Present


This one.. i might need help in, I will possibly hand it from there To Some Famous Modders Or Someone in the community as i am the least well versed person on this period and its too broad, but this is only if I don't have time to read up on this period, either way I will be able to add the israel palestine conflict as I read multiple books on it


PHASE 9- Linking all continents thru certain events, will just be a mostly World News tab late game


The possibility to pull this off will vary based on how flexible lukazs makes the new scenario editor, if it is possible then I think it would take me a year or a little more, but I think I need to figure out a way for the player to choose if they want to also progess through history accurately by events or lead their nation independently while history moves around them, its really tricky for things like the scramble for Africa to be added thru events, because imagine playing as the ottoman empire, you managed to (so far) hold on to all of North africa, only for the scramble of Africa event to come and swipe it all away which wouldn't make sense, so I might make the scramble for Africa work thru more than one event with many triggers based on who controls what, for example the nation that controls Algeria gets the algerian borders, and the country that controls South morroco gets Mauritania and Mali, and the country that controls the coasts of South West Africa gets all of South West Africa, and if you control the Nigerian coasts you get Nigeria, pretty much, if you are playing as Spain and want to get all of North Africa then you must conquer the coasts either before the others or from them before the event, any wars happening during the event will continue, only annexed territory counts


So, what are you guys thoughts on this idea? Will it make the game more fun and engaging or too predictable? 


@Łukasz Jakowski thoughts, will it be possible?

U can ask ai and tell it the template and use ai to make these events thru text files faster 

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

I think it will take you a lot of work to add it.

The events are not longer created in the game as it was in AoH2, now you have to create text files.


Here is for you faq file of current not final version of "how to create event" and two example events.

how_to_create_event.txt 13.42 kB · 20 downloads expanding_the_battle_front.txt 415 B · 19 downloads breakthrough_in_construction.txt 463 B · 10 downloads

Will be a full list of modifers in game files or on the some forum page?  I very interested in modding and if there be wiki with full branch of triggers, effects and modifers will be good.

Edited by Alexey Navalny

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11 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

I think it will take you a lot of work to add it.

The events are not longer created in the game as it was in AoH2, now you have to create text files.


Here is for you faq file of current not final version of "how to create event" and two example events.

how_to_create_event.txt 13.42 kB · 25 downloads expanding_the_battle_front.txt 415 B · 22 downloads breakthrough_in_construction.txt 463 B · 13 downloads

This should work, I just need the ability to make civs either occupy or annex provinces thru province ID, If there is an ability to change province (not kingdom) population and religion thru events then that would be great, I also want to ask if it is possible to make events happen at certain dates only? lastly adding civs as an outcome would be great, if these are present that I will be able to make the project work, thanks

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17 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

I think it will take you a lot of work to add it.

The events are not longer created in the game as it was in AoH2, now you have to create text files.


Here is for you faq file of current not final version of "how to create event" and two example events.

how_to_create_event.txt 13.42 kB · 35 downloads expanding_the_battle_front.txt 415 B · 29 downloads breakthrough_in_construction.txt 463 B · 15 downloads

Hello Lukasz, can you add a "change leader" event outcome ? (Not talking about the "kill ruler" outcome, something different) So that while making the event, we can choose which leader, from the non random ones in game files, replaces the previous leader, it would help a lot making election events and choosing successor of someone, while keeping the mod historical, for example, when making an event about lenin's death, we can choose who becomes leader: Stalin or Trotsky. This will allow us to not require to change the games code and create whole civilizations to change the leader to a specific leader

Since there is a "change ideology" and "change religion" to a specific ideology and religion it would be very good and useful to have the same but for leaders 🙏 

@Łukasz Jakowski

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17 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Here is for you faq file of current not final version of "how to create event" and two example events.

Events will be in the path "game\events\common". The common folder means there will be more folders inside "game\events" where we can put events for a specific scenario? For example "game\events\worldwar2".

And two things from aoh2 that seem to be missing: Recipient (the civilization that receives the event) and date.

I also would like to have almost all the triggers/outcomes from aoh2 (except the ones related to unions and removed things, of course).

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1 hour ago, Outlawexperience said:

Hello Lukasz, can you add a "change leader" event outcome ? (Not talking about the "kill ruler" outcome, something different) So that while making the event, we can choose which leader, from the non random ones in game files, replaces the previous leader, it would help a lot making election events and choosing successor of someone, while keeping the mod historical, for example, when making an event about lenin's death, we can choose who becomes leader: Stalin or Trotsky. This will allow us to not require to change the games code and create whole civilizations to change the leader to a specific leader

Since there is a "change ideology" and "change religion" to a specific ideology and religion it would be very good and useful to have the same but for leaders 🙏 

@Łukasz Jakowski

And also "add core" and "remove core"

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Outlawexperience said:

And also "add core" and "remove core"

Good one, though this could be unnecessary if civs with the same cultures (if added) are simply not releasable vassals after some time (imagine the mod actually goes thru and you go to release a vassal as germany in ww2 and some no Name City states take up 90% of your screen)


I also think some way to recruit units and make them attack certain provinces via events would solve 90% of any issues with the 20th century/ World wars when attempting to make this mod happen

Edited by dodoaltac

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2 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

then it will be in the scenario folder

Events will be in In unique files now? If so, Will we be able to merge them into one file anyway? I would find it extremely convenient to just copy and paste some events in one file to make dozens of similar events at once (sometimes it was required in AOH2). 

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3 minutes ago, Redguy325 said:

Events will be in In unique files now? If so, Will we be able to merge them into one file anyway? I would find it extremely convenient to just copy and paste some events in one file to make dozens of similar events at once (sometimes it was required in AOH2). 

No, namespaces how we see not realised as feature in event's files, so every event be in different file 😵‍💫

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7 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

then it will be in the scenario folder

Is it possible to add events for deleting armies and creating armies? For example, I could choose the event to create armies equal to 80% or 100% of the country's army limit. And I can define the percentage of armies in different positions, e.g. 50% front, 20% flank and 30% support. This is useful for event generating new countries. Or I can just event create any number of troops of the selected type. By default, the most advanced army in the corresponding category that the country can produce will be generated.
Also, again, I strongly request that the concept of nations be added, I don't want to see South Koreans and North Koreans not being a nation. We need cultures, cultural groups. Instead of having to assimilate the people of the Republic of Korea to the people of the Socialist Republic of Korea. That would actually take the pressure off the calculations wouldn't it? In Age of Civilization 2, for every additional nation there is an additional ethnicity (created by rebellion, event, or civil war), and new nations start without their own populations, leading to so little stability that you have to have the rebels automatically assimilate half of the population, which then leads to a re-unification that requires re-assimilation, which adding cultures would solve.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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On 3/24/2024 at 5:09 AM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

I think it will take you a lot of work to add it.

The events are not longer created in the game as it was in AoH2, now you have to create text files.


Here is for you faq file of current not final version of "how to create event" and two example events.

how_to_create_event.txt 13.42 kB · 77 downloads expanding_the_battle_front.txt 415 B · 53 downloads breakthrough_in_construction.txt 463 B · 38 downloads


Will AoH3 support complex logical constructs (if-else/for [civilization tag], etc.) similar to the Clausewitz Engine's scripting language in Paradox games? This would be very useful when creating events with complex conditions/outcomes. For example, the application of the event to all countries. 


In addition, the trigger_or/trigger_and/trigger_not system looks quite complicated to use in events with many conditions. Is it possible to add logical constructions with curly brackets (similar to what is used in JSON files)? For example:




        condition1, condition2, AND{

              condition3, NOT{condition4}





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You've missed an event after ww2 west Germany and east Germany has been formed and after west and east merge into a single country reunification of Germany that must be added .

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Posted (edited)

@dodoaltac please pull it back to the year 1000 so crusades can be included not just mongols, black death, scramble of africa & colonization, horde Invasions & discovery of New World that happen from 1200 onward pull it back to 1000 so things like crusades & stuff can be included using the in game 1066 sceneio so mod things from 1066 onwards but um

If possibly please pull it back to 600s to include rise of Islam events

Edited by xox

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