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Age of History 3

Change of ideologies and civil wars

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I suggest that the change of some ideologies(communist, fascist etc.), should only be achievable by provoke a civil war. 

For example, if a country is under a communist regime, and player want to change it, he would need to incite a civil war by destabilizing the internal political situation (low income, low stability, etc.), and then emerge victorious in it (the player would be able to choose any ideology to fight for).

However, if we playing as democracy or a republic, then it might be possible to change idealogy through peaceful methods without resorting to war.

The civil war itself should also differ from the second game. Firstly, the country should neatly divide into two distinct halves, unlike the messy enclaves seen in the second part. Secondly, during civil wars, all major separatist movements should gain independence and fight to reclaim their national territories that were lost due to occupation. Thirdly, there should always be a CHOICE provided, allowing players to decide which side to fight for in the civil war or which separatist movement to support in their struggle for independence.

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