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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Holy Roman Empire - Ideas

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How will the Emperor be elected?

I think the reforms' points should be increase with population for example let Austria's pop: 2.2m Total Hre pop: 14.3m

(2.2/14.3)×10=1.5 point per year. If we say each reform need 40 points, we need 27 years and thats ok i think. If Brandeburg elect, Brandeburg's pop: 1m Total Hre: 14.3m, it makes 0.7 point per year, and that makes 57 years. I dont how many reforms will be but, i dont want same as eu4 hre reforms.

For the reforms, I think for the first reform let say in hre Total country number is 100. You need 10% of it, more than +80 relations. For the second; 15% of it, third one 20%...

Maybe 400 legacy points, increase +3 hre reform progress per year? 

I will update if anything else comes up to my mind.

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Well I have a pretty suggested idea.

First: That you can join and leave the Holy Empire, when you leave you will not be able to join until 10 years later (That would vary depending on the Emperor's opinion towards you) and that you need to have good relations with the countries of the Holy Empire (Especially with the electors and the Emperor). To join you need 4 things:

- Be a German, Italian or French country
- Have good relations with the Emperor and the electors
- A number of Legacy Points (It would have to be high)
- And (this is optional) having belonged before (This will give you more opportunities to re-enter).

Edited by Evis7

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4 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

I'm working on the HRE and I need your ideas, how it should work in the game.


What I want to add:

- Emperor gets manpower, and income based on the number of active Civilizations in the HRE

- Emperor have to guarantee independence of every single Civilization in the HRE


And then I would like to add some special missions(Reforms)  for the HRE.

If all missions(or Reforms) are completed, the HRE will be united under one Civilization.

Any ideas for the missions/reforms?


Some basic ideas:

Emperor have to spend X Gold.

Emperor needs to have unlocked X technologies,

Emperor have to spend X Legac y points,

Average relations with all Civilization in the HRE with emperor are over X

Have income over X

Spend Advantage points






There can only be one great power in the HRE to unite It, so if for example Bavaria or Prussia are very strong, Austria would have to defeat them.

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+ Free cities should not give any man power or taxes to the Emperor (like Cologne)

HRE Should have a system like EU4 where emperor has a thing such as a "imperial authority" if an emperor IS strong and defends the member states, it will be high, but if its a weak Kingdom and and many lands are lost, it will be low, making diplomatic relations difficult within the empire

Edited by Mov

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Cities could join different alliances yet remain in the HRE

If a nation is conquered and annexed by a nation outside the HRE it will lose its claim on the land

One a state annexes land outside the HRE, with the agreement of the emperor,it can be incorporated into the HRE

The state in which the emperor rules will get at minimum 50% of the war points once a war is won

The HRE will have independent relations with countries. For example say that basically every nation is on good terms with Byzantium, however the HRE will have a bad opinion on them due to the roman claim both entities have

Internal wars will weaken the HRE's manpower and income offered to the emperor for it's duration

When a state joins of gets annexed and incorporated, germanization will start with the funding of the emperor

By time, the authority of the emperor weakens until it doesn't exist

If a total war with the HRE is lost by them,there will be the ability to dismantle it

That's all I would like to say for now at least.

Edited by paul2kdj
Added more ideas

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I think it would be better to have the garantees blocked behind multiple reforms, because historically it had some wars and all that between it’s states and states like Denmark and France invaded some parts like lorraine and Holstein, so maybe we could instead have something that would make the AI less likely to invade other HRE states, like a -75% agressiveness or something like that, there could be reforms such as the pragmatic reform wich allows women on the imperial throne or maybe a economic union just before the last reform where you can form the HRE, wich would require high legacy points or maybe something unique for the HRE like imperial points wich depend on the religious unity and number of states in the HRE and techs that the player can maybe choose when making a new scenario 

Edited by Samuelllle

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The New HRE System For Aoh3 Is Very Improved.

This Image Show Two Faction HRE And NATO This Mean In Aoh3 We Can Have Multiple Faction?

For Example In Coldwar We Have Two Major Faction:NATO And Warsaw Pact

Or ModernWorld: NATO& EU& CSTO...BRICS....SCO...

And We Can Create Our Own Faction And Own Name And Own Flag?

Special Thanks To Lukasz Jakowski.


Edited by GeneralHitler

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The holy roman emperor can call crusades against non Christians in Europe and eurasia (anatolia, levant and Arab peninsula), these c happen if a Christian nation is fighting a non Christian nation and losing they can request a crusade ex: castile and almohades, ottomans and Serbia), outside of this the holy roman emperor cannot call a crusades, if he does so then he will get a manpower debuff, this option is only available if the papal states agree (good relations or vassalization should do the trick)

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A centralisation system could be interesting, where the influence of the hre varies based on its centralisation percentage, with buffs decreasing the less centralised the HRE is, you can keep raising the centralisation % by improving relations with stronger nations, trying to gain more vassals in the HRE ams calling for crusades every now and then, additionally winning the election 3 times in a row will strengthen your position and increase centralisation of HRE By 20%, to unite HRE you must achieve 100% centralisation (your getting a ton of good land with good resource so its worth it)

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How about making a gradual reform system which unlocks positive buffs to the members of the Holy Roman Empire?

For example, the leader (in this case Austria) passes a specific reform which increases technological progress on a specific technology like knights or whatever.

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5 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Alliance Editor in the scenario editor

The idea is to be able to create more alliances than just HRE(Type of the Alliance) but we will see

For example Defensive alliance



What alliances do you think of implementing and will custom type alliances exist?

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