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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Holy Roman Empire - Ideas

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  On 3/29/2024 at 7:29 PM, Rodak Polak said:

O que acontecerá se jogarmos como único membro do HRE e de repente o imperador unir todo o HRE? Isso significará a nossa derrota e a incapacidade de continuar o jogo?


I believe you have to agree, that is, if the king asks you to unify and you refuse the chance for him to go to war with you or maybe he leaves you aside, however (I hope that doesn't happen) like in Vic3 some countries cannot be controlled by for some reason, then you can probably control the HRE, it can surrender and end your game or it can cause a war with the entire HRE if you don't accept the Kaiser's requirements (the chance of war happening could be: 65% of him declaring war and 35% of him letting it go and if you are friends with nearby countries you can call them to war) in my opinion this should happen talk to me obviously with respect if you disagree 

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  On 3/29/2024 at 5:04 PM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Reforms(missions) inside of the HRE which leads to unification of the HRE under one Civilization. 15 reforms so far. What do you think about it?








How would we achieve this reforms?

Maybe having good relationships, a strong emperor? Some advance bar?

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  On 3/28/2024 at 9:41 PM, Evis7 said:

Well I have a pretty suggested idea.

First: That you can join and leave the Holy Empire, when you leave you will not be able to join until 10 years later (That would vary depending on the Emperor's opinion towards you) and that you need to have good relations with the countries of the Holy Empire (Especially with the electors and the Emperor). To join you need 4 things:

- Be a German, Italian or French country
- Have good relations with the Emperor and the electors
- A number of Legacy Points (It would have to be high)
- And (this is optional) having belonged before (This will give you more opportunities to re-enter).


be german or italian or french is NOT a good idea it would MAKE IT HARD TO MAKE SENARIOS which is one of the best features of the game

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  On 3/29/2024 at 5:04 PM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Reforms(missions) inside of the HRE which leads to unification of the HRE under one Civilization. 15 reforms so far. What do you think about it?








HRE reforms whether the text and pictures can be changed. The change here refers to the change outside the game, not through the compiler in the game.

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Will it be possible to abolish HRE

The unification of the HRE is good, but it would also be nice to make it possible to abolish it or force the emperor to cancel the reform. For example, as a condition of a peace treaty (of course, it should cost a lot of victory points). Then the members of the empire could organize coalitions against the emperor (similar to the Reformation period in real history), and the rest of the states could prevent the formation of a powerful enemy.

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It would be much more logical to make the game have common mechanics for various organizations with their flexible settings. So that this is relevant in any scenario. Holy Roman Empire, Comintern, United Nations, Shogunate, Caliphate, etc. and so on.


Будет куда логичнее сделать в игре общую механику различных организацией с их гибкой настройкой. Чтобы это было актуально в любом сценарии. Священная Римская Империя, Коминтерн, Организация Объединённых Наций, Сёгунат, Халифат и т.д. и т.п.

Edited by Matvey

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  On 3/30/2024 at 12:03 PM, Mirolit said:

Will it be possible to abolish HRE

The unification of the HRE is good, but it would also be nice to make it possible to abolish it or force the emperor to cancel the reform. For example, as a condition of a peace treaty (of course, it should cost a lot of victory points). Then the members of the empire could organize coalitions against the emperor (similar to the Reformation period in real history), and the rest of the states could prevent the formation of a powerful enemy.


Like disband alliance too.

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can you make different types of alliances like Military(NATO) Economical(eu) Confederation(hre) Diplomatic (un or league of nation) and two or many types of alliances Together

 can you make govt type and ideology systems different like any nation has Communist type of  government But ideology Democratic or Democratic type of government But ideology Communist

Can you make condominium-like features two or Multiple nations have joint control in a Territory or nation

Edited by Dipto479

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  On 3/29/2024 at 5:11 PM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

No, it is hard coded only for the HRE. 


Do you mean that only the HRE has these reforms/missions or that it is the only entity that has set ones and that we can add some to other types like for example we can create some for the German confederation to unite Germany in a victorian era scenario ?

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  On 3/30/2024 at 7:57 PM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Somente este tipo de Aliança tem tais missões por enquanto.

Tipo de Aliança: HRE

Pode ser usado em qualquer cenário, mas o conjunto de missões será o mesmo


Hello Jakowski, important alliances similar to the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) in custom scenarios would have anything different? Let’s assume that in 1915, Austria-Hungary is an HRE-type alliance. However, I want to do other things beyond those listed above. Could we create events similar to how we do in AoH2? Or would we need to modify text files? Also, how would we create vassals’ flags? Would they have new symbols? Let me know.

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  On 3/30/2024 at 7:57 PM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Only this type of Alliance has such missions for now.

Type of Alliance: HRE

It can be used in any scenario, but the mission set will be the same


Is it possible to add a new alliance type with a different way of electing allies and with different member states and missions?
The Chinese Empire, for example, could be taken over as Emperor by a neighboring Eastern Religious state through war and inherit all the dependencies (but the dependencies would get a reduction in their relationship to the new Emperor and could potentially break away from the Empire.)
Alliance customization should be turned on, we should be able to dictate the rights and interests of allied nations ourselves, e.g. hre's emperor should protect free city type nations, and reforms could prohibit vassal states from declaring war on each other. In eoc, vassal states are also categorized into internal vassal states, vassal states, and tribute states; tribute states can launch empires on their own and gain a reduction in relations, but the former must wage wars of independence. Vassal states also have higher obligations to the emperor, internal vassal states can only declare war and rebel if the emperor has low legitimacy, whereas vassal states and tributary states can annex each other, and the emperor can participate in the wars of vassal states or spend resources to order them to make an unconditional truce, but the emperor can't intervene in the wars between tributary states and can only participate in the external wars of tributary states if the tributary states agree to do so.


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  On 3/31/2024 at 1:21 AM, 桑榆不是鱼 said:

Is it possible to add a new alliance type with a different way of electing allies and with different member states and missions?
The Chinese Empire, for example, could be taken over as Emperor by a neighboring Eastern Religious state through war and inherit all the dependencies (but the dependencies would get a reduction in their relationship to the new Emperor and could potentially break away from the Empire.)
Alliance customization should be turned on, we should be able to dictate the rights and interests of allied nations ourselves, e.g. hre's emperor should protect free city type nations, and reforms could prohibit vassal states from declaring war on each other. In eoc, vassal states are also categorized into internal vassal states, vassal states, and tribute states; tribute states can launch empires on their own and gain a reduction in relations, but the former must wage wars of independence. Vassal states also have higher obligations to the emperor, internal vassal states can only declare war and rebel if the emperor has low legitimacy, whereas vassal states and tributary states can annex each other, and the emperor can participate in the wars of vassal states or spend resources to order them to make an unconditional truce, but the emperor can't intervene in the wars between tributary states and can only participate in the external wars of tributary states if the tributary states agree to do so.



Also there should be alliances without any elections, just one or few leaders.

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This will make a good federal or feudal system if you want it to be

Like instead of annexing a land you could make it a kingdom or a duchy under your empire

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  On 3/28/2024 at 9:41 PM, Evis7 said:

Well I have a pretty suggested idea.

First: That you can join and leave the Holy Empire, when you leave you will not be able to join until 10 years later (That would vary depending on the Emperor's opinion towards you) and that you need to have good relations with the countries of the Holy Empire (Especially with the electors and the Emperor). To join you need 4 things:

- Be a German, Italian or French country
- Have good relations with the Emperor and the electors
- A number of Legacy Points (It would have to be high)
- And (this is optional) having belonged before (This will give you more opportunities to re-enter).


The Emperor should be able to kick members from the Empire


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