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Age of History 3

Bloody Europe II | Final update

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33 minutes ago, cvbnm07 said:

World map of this mod when

find a victoria 2 map

it sounds so out of place but be2 is literally victoria 2 europe, just not with the exact provinces

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Hello, Maybe I'm writing this too late, but I didn't have any time to report all the bugs. I hope this is not the last version of Bloody Europe II for Age of History II ;}

Province number 1559 in Poland have connection to province number 1547, but it doesn't border with it.

Upgrading army requires 25 army expierience, but only with 26 points or higher can you upgrade to the next level.

I declared war on France and the rebels in czechia {it was French territory}. When my army entered the enemy's provinces it turned into the French army.

Releasing vassals decrease number of population. First I annexed Magdeburg then I gave them independence and I saw decreased number of population in provinces that I liberated {Same as Brandenburg above}.

Nuclear reactors don't disappear when changing scenarios {you need to restart the game}.

Sandbox UI doesn't disappear when you play the classic game.

And last... Maybe it's not a bug but the provinces called fokus looks sooo weird. Please if the creator of this mod can change the name to Trzyniec.

I hope it helped ;D







Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-09 161640.png

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-11 100935.png

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-09 161204.png

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-09 161430.png

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-11 192831.png

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-11 193009.png

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-11 193057.png

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-11 101311.png

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-11 101636.png

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-11 101810.png

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-11 102151.png

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Why does it keep saying "this application requires java runtime environment 1.6.0_22" ? ive changed the file name extension from exe to jar but when i do that the application file becomes a winRAR file. How do i fix this?


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How to transfer Bloody Engine code 1.3.1 


HI everyone! Is anybody know how to transfer Bloody Engine 1.3.1 code to any mod that i want?(i have try it be4 but it crash using MT manager)

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Posted (edited)

Bugs and improvements (Sorry for bad English):

I want to show the bugs and some improvements in my opinion.


1. bug, Random bankruption, I randomly got into debt of 588 million. I don't know how that happened.

2. bug, Can't declare war, for some reason some nations I cannot declare war on because they are my friend. We can have relations -99 and still can't declare. (We are not in an alliance)

3. Bug is the worst, when I play for a really long time there is a bug which ruins everything. When I click the next turn button it brings me back to the main menu. Then I go back to the game and I see that I can't click the next turn button. And also that can happen if I click the peace offer and not the next turn. Then if I try to make another game I also cant skip turns. At that point I reinstall the game because restarting doesn't work.


There should be a lot more core territories by countries by default. And there shouldn't be core territories of the Croatian republic od Herzeg-Bosnia or the Republika Srpska there should just be cores of Croatia and Serbia and population should also be just Croat and Serb not Herzeg Bosnians and Republika Serbians. 

There are lots of more bugs but I can't remember them all if I encounter them again I will share it on here.


Edited by CroToni1357

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