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Holy War - Idea For AOH3

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Holy War Is A War Fought By a Coalition Of People Of The Same Religion (Regardless Of Orthodox Or Catholic, But Differs For Sunni Or Shia) Holy war can be waged By The Holy Roman Emperor Or The Papal States ONLY (christianity) and for islam Holy war can be waged By The Caliph Against A Non Muslim Or Shia Kingdom, Holy War Can Be Triggered Through:

Converting The Religions Provinces Too Quickly while in the vicinity of someone that can declare holy war (caliph, papal states and HRE, pretty much anywhere around the Mediterranean sea and europe including baltics) 

Controlling Alot of provinces from islam or christianity For Example 

controlling holy land provinces (Levant Provinces For Christians And Mecca, Medina And Jerusalem For Muslims)

Too Much Aggressive Expansion At The Cost Of A Religion (IE Conquering too much christian states) 


And Holy war Have a 50 year cooldown and a defeat can cause heavy debuffs in morale




well it depends on the warscore, example:

Low War Score (ie defeat) will mean winners will get to capture some Mediterranean Or Baltic coastal provinces and if civ is landlocked or has no such provinces then they pay a HUGE sum of money and a normal peace treaty happens with vassalization sometimes

Medium Warscore: (ie draw or minor victory) borders are restored to their form before the last war between the bordering factions: example: in anatolia a successful jihad with medium warscore would hand back most of anatolia to seljuk Rum Again

High Warscore: partition of big civilizations and converting smaller ones to religion while vassalizing

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22 hours ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

Священная война - это война, которую ведет коалиция людей одной религии (независимо от того, православные они или католики, но различаются для суннитов или шиитов) Священная война может вестись ТОЛЬКО Императором Священной Римской Империи Или Папской областью (христианство), а для ислама Священная война может вестись халифом Против немусульманского или шиитского королевства, Священная война может быть спровоцирована:

Слишком быстрое преобразование религиозных провинций в непосредственной близости от того, кто может объявить священную войну (халиф, папская область и HRE, практически в любой точке Средиземного моря и Европы, включая прибалтику)

Например, контроль над многими провинциями со стороны ислама или христианства

контроль провинций святой земли (Провинции Левант для христиан и Мекка, Медина и Иерусалим для мусульман)

Слишком большая агрессивная экспансия за счет религии (т. е. Завоевание слишком большого количества христианских государств)


У Holy war и Holy war время восстановления составляет 50 лет, а поражение может вызвать серьезные потери боевого духа




ну, это зависит от военного рейтинга, например:

Низкий счет в войне (т. е. поражение) будет означать, что победители получат возможность захватить некоторые средиземноморские или балтийские прибрежные провинции, а если civ не имеет выхода к морю или таких провинций нет, то они платят ОГРОМНУЮ сумму денег, и иногда заключается обычный мирный договор с вассализацией.

Средний боевой результат: (т.е. ничья или незначительная победа) границы восстанавливаются в их форме до последней войны между граничащими фракциями: пример: в Анатолии успешный джихад со средним боевым результатом вернул бы большую часть Анатолии сельджукскому руму снова

Высокий военный рейтинг: разделение крупных цивилизаций и обращение меньших в религию при одновременном вассализме

All religions have moral authority, depending on the control of sacred places (five provinces that are sacred for one religion or another, some of them “separate” two different religions, and only one can control, which spurs wars), the numbers and titles of believers, victories in holy wars and crusades. A religion with high moral authority is readily adopted by all districts and is accepted by other rulers. In this way, you can shake up some religion that is of little significance in reality and discover how all your neighbors accept it in the hope of protection. A religion with low moral authority is not respected, it is reluctantly accepted, and most importantly, it gives rise to heresies among some religions.

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20 minutes ago, Денис Живков said:

All religions have moral authority, depending on the control of sacred places (five provinces that are sacred for one religion or another, some of them “separate” two different religions, and only one can control, which spurs wars), the numbers and titles of believers, victories in holy wars and crusades. A religion with high moral authority is readily adopted by all districts and is accepted by other rulers. In this way, you can shake up some religion that is of little significance in reality and discover how all your neighbors accept it in the hope of protection. A religion with low moral authority is not respected, it is reluctantly accepted, and most importantly, it gives rise to heresies among some religions.

Don't you love it when someone posts their own unique idea and you just copy paste yours in his replies because you think yours its better, you have posted some cool-ish idea's but maybe if you didn't go around the forums acting so arrogantly and condescendingly we would appreciate it, my god you're self centered

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1 minute ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

Don't you love it when someone posts their own unique idea and you just copy paste yours in his replies because you think yours its better, you have posted some cool-ish idea's but maybe if you didn't go around the forums acting so arrogantly and condescendingly we would appreciate it, my god you're self centered

I did not say that. 

See, I didn't say this dude's idea was worse than mine. I complement the idea, and if he does not agree or adds something to me, then I listen to him or argue with him. I no longer spam all over the forum about my genius, as I did before and for which I was blocked.
If you do not want to perceive my point of view as equal or slightly less than yours, then I am not interested in proving anything to you.
If I behaved maliciously, arrogantly, meanly and greedily, then I will ask you to reproach me for all these sins (not my fault, of course) and then I will think about my behavior...

I'm not English and don't communicate as freely as many people. Perhaps my point was misinterpreted by the translator. If I was rude in any way, you tell me.

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9 minutes ago, Денис Живков said:

I did not say that. 

See, I didn't say this dude's idea was worse than mine. I complement the idea, and if he does not agree or adds something to me, then I listen to him or argue with him. I no longer spam all over the forum about my genius, as I did before and for which I was blocked.
If you do not want to perceive my point of view as equal or slightly less than yours, then I am not interested in proving anything to you.
If I behaved maliciously, arrogantly, meanly and greedily, then I will ask you to reproach me for all these sins (not my fault, of course) and then I will think about my behavior...

I'm not English and don't communicate as freely as many people. Perhaps my point was misinterpreted by the translator. If I was rude in any way, you tell me.

let me rephrase your original reply to something that wouldn't cause trouble to highlight my issue:


"good idea, its similar to the one i wrote, if you like go read it, although i disagree with (this part)"

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16 hours ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

let me rephrase your original reply to something that wouldn't cause trouble to highlight my issue:


"good idea, its similar to the one i wrote, if you like go read it, although i disagree with (this part)"

It seems to me that you are adding something from yourself. I don't think I would say that.

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