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Advertize the Game - Idea For AOH3

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@Łukasz Jakowski i think its fair to say that the majority of the people following the development of AOH3 are the old fanbase of aoh2, this is good but it will most definitely lead to the game not making enough sales or not gaining any traction upon release because there is zero hype for the game outside the fanbase, i mean searching aoh3 on youtube the only thing you will see is the dev's channel where he uploads the videos and if you scroll really far maybe like 2 4 minute videos from like 2 months ago not even in English talking about it with less than 5k views, a game as revolutionary as this one coming to mobile needs equally revolutionary advertisement, i suggest reaching out to popular youtubers who made videos on aoh2 like drew durnil or any other popular eu4 youtubers and maybe sponsoring them to advertise the game, or better yet, if you REALLY want to make some noise you could give them a pre release version of the game to play, AFTER RELEASE ADVERTISING IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT THING, i think buying ads on youtube shorts should do the trick, maybe the ads could be someone playing the modern scenario while yapping about the game (lol) but its up to you really, i just think the game needs more hype to make numbers on release

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10 hours ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

@Łukasz Jakowski i think its fair to say that the majority of the people following the development of AOH3 are the old fanbase of aoh2, this is good but it will most definitely lead to the game not making enough sales or not gaining any traction upon release because there is zero hype for the game outside the fanbase, i mean searching aoh3 on youtube the only thing you will see is the dev's channel where he uploads the videos and if you scroll really far maybe like 2 4 minute videos from like 2 months ago not even in English talking about it with less than 5k views, a game as revolutionary as this one coming to mobile needs equally revolutionary advertisement, i suggest reaching out to popular youtubers who made videos on aoh2 like drew durnil or any other popular eu4 youtubers and maybe sponsoring them to advertise the game, or better yet, if you REALLY want to make some noise you could give them a pre release version of the game to play, AFTER RELEASE ADVERTISING IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT THING, i think buying ads on youtube shorts should do the trick, maybe the ads could be someone playing the modern scenario while yapping about the game (lol) but its up to you really, i just think the game needs more hype to make numbers on release

I can agree with this, I have been with aoh2 in the development days since 2016 we need more people interested in the game

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10 hours ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

@Łukasz Jakowski i think its fair to say that the majority of the people following the development of AOH3 are the old fanbase of aoh2, this is good but it will most definitely lead to the game not making enough sales or not gaining any traction upon release because there is zero hype for the game outside the fanbase, i mean searching aoh3 on youtube the only thing you will see is the dev's channel where he uploads the videos and if you scroll really far maybe like 2 4 minute videos from like 2 months ago not even in English talking about it with less than 5k views, a game as revolutionary as this one coming to mobile needs equally revolutionary advertisement, i suggest reaching out to popular youtubers who made videos on aoh2 like drew durnil or any other popular eu4 youtubers and maybe sponsoring them to advertise the game, or better yet, if you REALLY want to make some noise you could give them a pre release version of the game to play, AFTER RELEASE ADVERTISING IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT THING, i think buying ads on youtube shorts should do the trick, maybe the ads could be someone playing the modern scenario while yapping about the game (lol) but its up to you really, i just think the game needs more hype to make numbers on release

I wouldn't say there aren't a lot of interested people, but yes I agree that I would like to see more enthusiastic people involved

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Posted (edited)

If he continues the development and creates a good game all strategy YouTubers will advertise it for him. And this community will certainly grow.

Aoh2 was not advertised a single bit and many YouTubers played it. Aoh2 is fairly known among the grand strategy community. They would surely know about the upcoming sequel

Edited by Hitler the secend

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12 hours ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

@Łukasz Jakowski Eu acho que é justo dizer que a maioria das pessoas que acompanham o desenvolvimento do AOH3 são a antiga base de fãs do AOH2, isso é bom, mas definitivamente fará com que o jogo não faça vendas suficientes ou não ganhe força após o lançamento, porque há zero hype para o jogo fora da base de fãs, quero dizer, pesquisando aoh3 no youtube, a única coisa que você verá é o canal do desenvolvedor onde ele envia os vídeos e se você rolar muito longe, talvez uns 2 vídeos de 4 minutos de 2 meses atrás, nem mesmo em Inglês falando sobre isso com menos de 5 mil visualizações, um jogo tão revolucionário como este que está chegando ao celular precisa de uma propaganda igualmente revolucionária, sugiro entrar em contato com youtubers populares que fizeram vídeos no aoh2 como draw durnil ou qualquer outro youtuber popular do eu4 e talvez patrociná-los para anunciar o jogo, ou melhor ainda, se você REALMENTE quiser fazer barulho, você pode dar a eles uma versão de pré-lançamento do jogo para jogar. APÓS O LANÇAMENTO, A PUBLICIDADE É UMA COISA TOTALMENTE DIFERENTE, acho que comprar anúncios em curtas do YouTube deve fazer o truque, talvez os anúncios possam ser de alguém jogando o cenário moderno enquanto tagarela sobre o jogo (risos), mas depende de você, só acho que o jogo precisa de mais hype para fazer números no lançamento

I will speak in Portuguese  Isso seria muito bom! Youtubers como:Chratosgameplays, Stark tv, Rigby wilde e Sanzahoria (não é brasileiro)

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