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Age of History 3

Economic and Support Organizations

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Economic and Support Organizations


The new idea came to my mind that I want to come up with and hope that the idea is good and interesting


If we have this type of organization

To countries that allow work permits and entry into it

The organization can be active in those countries as:


1.Construction of some buildings

2.Improves wounded and failed forces

3.Investing in some provinces of that country

4.And in the case of possibility and economic fall of that country

It can come in and help build buildings with the budget of the organization or to help from other countries or its own treasury to a country that is falling economically.


How is the budget of organizations funded?


First of all that organizations are for a country

But it can be removed apart from the country

Hacking organization has no provincial warning and is like a spectator mode, except that they can do things

Can be added to a section editor called Add Organization

In which the organization's specifications such as name, flag, work can be done in countries and the country owned the country.

Then you can add countries that have worked on the commercial


But you can organize at the time of games


You are playing with German in the modern scenario

And in the country management sector you will see an option (organization construction)

Like the Vassal Making Option

Then click on the Organization Construction option

You make the flag of the organization and name the organization and give the organization access

And you can take your own control of the organization

Or continue to play with Germany


Continue to play with Germany.

In the organizational interface no longer need to do anything

But you should have some of the ki per month

Give a specified to the money organization

Of course you can get the level of warehouse and treasury yourself and give the organization the same amount of money


And assume that the organization has taken control with

You first have to go to the countries you want to do in

Apply for a job and if you agree you will be free to do what was said above

Of course you can do work in the country of the first country.

And if the founder of the organization is requesting the dissolution of the organization

The organization is destroyed and if the player controlled the organization and the organization was destroyed

Player of the country owner to control the organization

And if the founder of the country is destroyed

The organization is also dissolved and destroyed


Public organizations


Organizations such as:

The International Organization (of course, the International Organization can do other things, which are the only small examples of the UN's work that considers the UN design itself).

  Red Cross

Red Crescent

And organizations such as

In scenarios that exist

Are controllable from the first

And can do their job in their member countries

That these organizations even have the ability to pay loans and bring resources to their member states


These types of organizations are in the manufacturing editor


This is a small part of the idea

And if needed to explain more tell me to continue


Hope you come to have the idea

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