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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Shaping Your Legacy - The Council and Advisors

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14 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

A mão orientadora:

O Conselho serve como seu círculo interno, um grupo de indivíduos de confiança que oferecem conselhos e moldam a trajetória de sua Civilização.
Liderado pelo Governante (Rei nas monarquias, funcionário eleito nas repúblicas), a composição do Conselho reflete o seu tipo de governo. Ruler recebe até quatro pequenos bônus aleatórios que podem reforçar sua liderança.



Conhecimento Especializado:
Além da sabedoria geral do Conselho, você pode reforçar a força da sua Civilização contratando Conselheiros especializados. Cada orientador representa um domínio crítico:


Conselheiro Administrativo: Este burocrata experiente oferece bônus para agilizar a operação do seu reino. Espere reduções nos custos de manutenção da província, construção de edifícios administrativos, tempo de construção e até mesmo custos de conversão religiosa.



Conselheiro Econômico: Com um olhar aguçado para o lucro, este consultor traz benefícios para o seu motor econômico. Você verá custos mais baixos para investimentos nas províncias e edifícios econômicos, maior eficiência de produção, além de uma redução nos custos de criação de núcleos e muito mais.



Consultor de Inovação: Este pensador visionário acelera seu avanço tecnológico. Eles podem acelerar a pesquisa ou consolidar o legado da sua civilização com bônus exclusivos.



Conselheiro Militar: Estrategista experiente, este conselheiro oferece vantagens táticas às suas forças armadas. Espere bônus para seus generais (ataque/defesa), custos reduzidos de manutenção do exército, maior eficácia de cerco ou até mesmo um aumento na força de trabalho geral de sua Civilização e muito mais!




Investir na grandeza:
contratar consultores exige ouro e legado de civilização. Estas aquisições permanentes tornam-se ativos inestimáveis, moldando o caminho da sua Civilização.

Afiando a vantagem:
Mas a história não termina aí. À medida que sua civilização desbloqueia novos legados ou tecnologias, você pode aprimorar ainda mais as habilidades de seus conselheiros. Ao aumentar o seu nível de habilidade, todos os bônus existentes recebem um aumento de +50%.

Uma sinfonia de conhecimentos especializados:
O Conselho e os Conselheiros trabalham em conjunto. O Conselho fornece uma base de liderança, enquanto os conselheiros oferecem conhecimentos especializados para realmente impulsionar a sua Civilização para a grandeza.



When I place the cursor over a bonus will it explain what it does? 

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Posted (edited)
59 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

> elected official in republics

Can you discribe more about this? Is there be democratic parties and parliaments?

Edited by Alexey Navalny

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40 minutes ago, Unity said:

Можем ли мы добавить наше собственное наследие? С собственными изображениями

That would be useful in modding

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4 hours ago, PHZanoniGamer said:

Would be interesting to see a law/judiciary advisor too, that could provide bonus for social and diplomatic features 

I also think that there are too few advisors. There should be 5 or 6

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20 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

The Guiding Hand:

The Council serves as your inner circle, a group of trusted individuals offering counsel and shaping your Civilization's trajectory.
Led by the Ruler (King in monarchies, elected official in republics), the Council's composition reflects your government type. Ruler receives up to four random, small bonuses that can bolster your leadership.



Specialized Expertise:
Beyond the Council's general wisdom, you can bolster your Civilization's strength by hiring specialized Advisors. Each advisor represents a critical domain:


Administrative Advisor: This seasoned bureaucrat offers bonuses to streamline your realm's operation. Expect reductions in province maintenance costs, administrative building construction, construction time, and even religious conversion costs.



Economic Advisor: With a keen eye for profit, this advisor unlocks benefits for your economic engine. You'll see lower costs for province investment and economic buildings, increased production efficiency, plus a reduction in core creation costs and more.



Innovation Advisor: This visionary thinker expedites your technological advancement. They might accelerate research or cement your civilization's legacy with unique bonuses.



Military Advisor: A seasoned strategist, this advisor provides tactical advantages to your armed forces. Expect bonuses for your generals (attack/defense), reduced army maintenance costs, higher siege effectiveness, or even an increase in your Civilization 's overall manpower and many more!




Investing in Greatness:
Hiring advisors requires both gold and civilization legacy. These permanent acquisitions become invaluable assets, shaping your Civilization 's path.

Sharpening the Edge:
But the story doesn't end there. As your civilization unlocks new legacies or technologies, you can further enhance your advisors' skills. By increasing their skill level, all existing bonuses receive a +50% boost.

A Symphony of Expertise:
The Council and Advisors work in tandem. The Council provides a foundation of leadership, while advisors offer specialized expertise to truly propel your Civilization to greatness.




Yes The 1th Dev Diary Is Out.So Good 

This News Is Very Great.Im So Happy.

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23 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

The Guiding Hand:

The Council serves as your inner circle, a group of trusted individuals offering counsel and shaping your Civilization's trajectory.
Led by the Ruler (King in monarchies, elected official in republics), the Council's composition reflects your government type. Ruler receives up to four random, small bonuses that can bolster your leadership.



Specialized Expertise:
Beyond the Council's general wisdom, you can bolster your Civilization's strength by hiring specialized Advisors. Each advisor represents a critical domain:


Administrative Advisor: This seasoned bureaucrat offers bonuses to streamline your realm's operation. Expect reductions in province maintenance costs, administrative building construction, construction time, and even religious conversion costs.



Economic Advisor: With a keen eye for profit, this advisor unlocks benefits for your economic engine. You'll see lower costs for province investment and economic buildings, increased production efficiency, plus a reduction in core creation costs and more.



Innovation Advisor: This visionary thinker expedites your technological advancement. They might accelerate research or cement your civilization's legacy with unique bonuses.



Military Advisor: A seasoned strategist, this advisor provides tactical advantages to your armed forces. Expect bonuses for your generals (attack/defense), reduced army maintenance costs, higher siege effectiveness, or even an increase in your Civilization 's overall manpower and many more!




Investing in Greatness:
Hiring advisors requires both gold and civilization legacy. These permanent acquisitions become invaluable assets, shaping your Civilization 's path.

Sharpening the Edge:
But the story doesn't end there. As your civilization unlocks new legacies or technologies, you can further enhance your advisors' skills. By increasing their skill level, all existing bonuses receive a +50% boost.

A Symphony of Expertise:
The Council and Advisors work in tandem. The Council provides a foundation of leadership, while advisors offer specialized expertise to truly propel your Civilization to greatness.



What about the spouse? Heir-player? What does this give or does marriage give nothing other than a union?
But what about the character traits of the ruler? Or are all rulers beautiful from birth?



Yes, genes are not to blame for everything, but you still need to understand that the state cannot exist without a ruler. This means that it directly depends on his actions and policies. This means that relations with other states improve depending on the character traits of the player’s ruler. If the ruler is handsome, then the opinion of him will be much higher than of the ugly result of incest, of a degenerate.

They didn’t really choose their appearance or their throne, so they lived as they happened.


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On 4/14/2024 at 10:28 AM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

The Guiding Hand:

The Council serves as your inner circle, a group of trusted individuals offering counsel and shaping your Civilization's trajectory.
Led by the Ruler (King in monarchies, elected official in republics), the Council's composition reflects your government type. Ruler receives up to four random, small bonuses that can bolster your leadership.



Specialized Expertise:
Beyond the Council's general wisdom, you can bolster your Civilization's strength by hiring specialized Advisors. Each advisor represents a critical domain:


Administrative Advisor: This seasoned bureaucrat offers bonuses to streamline your realm's operation. Expect reductions in province maintenance costs, administrative building construction, construction time, and even religious conversion costs.



Economic Advisor: With a keen eye for profit, this advisor unlocks benefits for your economic engine. You'll see lower costs for province investment and economic buildings, increased production efficiency, plus a reduction in core creation costs and more.



Innovation Advisor: This visionary thinker expedites your technological advancement. They might accelerate research or cement your civilization's legacy with unique bonuses.



Military Advisor: A seasoned strategist, this advisor provides tactical advantages to your armed forces. Expect bonuses for your generals (attack/defense), reduced army maintenance costs, higher siege effectiveness, or even an increase in your Civilization 's overall manpower and many more!




Investing in Greatness:
Hiring advisors requires both gold and civilization legacy. These permanent acquisitions become invaluable assets, shaping your Civilization 's path.

Sharpening the Edge:
But the story doesn't end there. As your civilization unlocks new legacies or technologies, you can further enhance your advisors' skills. By increasing their skill level, all existing bonuses receive a +50% boost.

A Symphony of Expertise:
The Council and Advisors work in tandem. The Council provides a foundation of leadership, while advisors offer specialized expertise to truly propel your Civilization to greatness.



 "Ruler receives up to four random, small bonuses that can bolster your leadership."


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