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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Resources and Production

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4 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Greetings, leaders! Today's development diary delves into the foundation of any thriving Civilization: its resources. In Age of History 3, you'll have a diverse selection of 49 unique resources at your disposal, ranging from the staples of life like grain and rice to the luxuries of porcelain and glass.

A World of Potential



Full text:


Tutorial how to add own Resource:



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52 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Saudações, líderes! O diário de desenvolvimento de hoje investiga a base de qualquer civilização próspera: seus recursos. Em Age of History 3, você terá uma seleção diversificada de 49 recursos exclusivos à sua disposição, desde itens básicos da vida, como grãos e arroz, até os luxos da porcelana e do vidro.

Um mundo de potencial



Texto completo:


Tutorial como adicionar recursos próprios:


Good Jakowski 

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13 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Greetings, leaders! Today's development diary delves into the foundation of any thriving Civilization: its resources. In Age of History 3, you'll have a diverse selection of 49 unique resources at your disposal, ranging from the staples of life like grain and rice to the luxuries of porcelain and glass.

A World of Potential



Full text:


Tutorial how to add own Resource:


The 2th Dev Diary.

Very Very Good.

the AOH3 Is Borning!😀

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19 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

It is cosmetic and doesn't change anything for now


## Group
GroupID: 0,

0 = Food
1 = Commodities
2 = Luxury Commodities
3 = Luxury
## Group

What group are wood, stone?

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Posted (edited)

Or maybe there should be a "car factory" building that allows you to profit from the province where the resource is a car (or in any province you want)
The factory should be very expensive, but once built it should generate huge revenues

I think that the presence of cars in the game is necessary for a credible portrayal of Germany in Modern Day and electronics to credible present China in the game @Łukasz Jakowski


Edited by Rodak Polak

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@Łukasz Jakowski


myślę. że handel byłby bardzo dobrą rzeczą dla age of history 3.  Dodałby on grze więcej realizmu (np. jeżeli  chcemy uderzyć w gospodarkę przeciwnika zabieramy mu port i tym samym odcinamy jego główne źródło dochodów). Po drugie handel dodałby więcej sensu sojuszom gospodarczym (nie wiem czy można tak określać UE0 jak Unia Europejska w której panuje przecież tak zwany  wspólny rynek "wewnętrzny".  

Zawsze gdy grałem w aoh2 dążyłem do uzyskania dostępu do chociaż trzech mórz, ale tak w sumie nie miałem z tego żadnych korzyści, więc mam nadzieję, że w aoh3 dążenie do uzyskania dostępu do morza będzie miało  sens.  Chodzi o dostęp do mórz i oceanów myślę,  że dobrym rozwiązaniem mogłaby być mechanika  wpływów (taka jak w eu4 lub podobna)

a jeżeli chodzi o Unie Europejską  i rynek "wewnętrzny" myślę, że dobrym rozwiązaniem byłaby mechanika z vic3 (z tego co pamiętam możemy być w tej grze połączeni z innym krajem unią celną co daje nam dostęp do jego rynku).

Ale nawet bez handlu aoh3 zapowiada się wspaniale mam jednak nadzieję, że Pan przemyśli to co tu napisałem.

Życzę dalszego rozwoju,


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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

How could trading work? Provide more detail on its mechanics and any changes it brings.

Say example if a country had oil we can trade for exchange of our resource for their oil

Edited by Unity

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

How could trading work? Provide more detail on its mechanics and any changes it brings.

I have a suggestion for trading: Trade agreement Diplomacy action: Basically both Civilizations agree on a trade agreement, boosting both of their income and economic growth, however, for the ai to send/accept trade agreements, both Civilizations must have good relations (ex: above 30)

The income won from trade agreements depend on the prosperity tier of both civilizations + their distance from each other, the more prosperous they are and closer to each other, the higher the income, the lower the prosperity tier and farther the borders, less the income won by the trade agreement


However, good relations above 30 and equally high prosperity tier will push the ai to use trade agreements more, especially in times of peace and good relations, the closer the border, the more valuable the resources a civilization has, the more likelihood the ai will accept and use trade agreements with each other and the player

Maybe this post could help Mr Łukasz, what do you think ?

Add more changes? Ideas ? Let me know


Edited by Outlawexperience

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1 hour ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

How could trading work? Provide more detail on its mechanics and any changes it brings.

I saw an idea like this a few years ago by EmpirePlanner145


What would be required:

-Needs a new building : Trade Post

-Needs a new Option in Trade with Country

-New Map mode


What is it?:

A trading system with countries to make money to help boost the economy of a province.

How would it improve gameplay?:

-New gameplay, becoming a economic powerhouse

-Improve in economy growth/ getting money



Trade Deal with a country, there would be a option of Exporting or Importing.

Depending who is doing what will do one of these effect, 

Importing will grow economic value and growth but will lose some of your country's income. 

Exporting will help grow development and give you some more money. It can also help with relationships with Countries. The only downside I can think Of is economic growth will be lower.


There is Land Trade and Sea Trade.

Land Trade only needs a Trade Post

Sea trade needs a port and Trade Post


If a country offers Trade Goods that would be a import trade for you and export for them, but if they ask for goods it's a export trade for you and import for them. 

Once a deal is accepted you can choose which province will get that Trade.

The province would need the building Trade Post to be built to be used for the trade.

This would be stackable

The province can have import and export trades at the same time. It doesn't negate the negative effects but lowers it.


Distance of trade:

For land trade, it would be the distance of 5-10 provinces from the border

For sea trade, probably 2-5 of those sea blocks.

(Simpler way would be just but which ever country is close)


Trade Routes:

The new map mode would show which provinces has the trades going on. This makes them valuable. The map mode would also see if the trade is imports or exports which will show you what they need more of and what they have.

The map will show how many import the province have and how many exports. This is so if they have alot of export trades you can offer import trades to help them.



3 trades limit per provinces

5 trades per country. 


This system will not guarantee that you will become a economic powerhouse but for the region you are in you can use it for your advantage.

A much simpler way of this would just ignore the provinces part and just be the countries.

Thank you

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1 hour ago, Outlawexperience said:

I have a suggestion for trading: Trade agreement Diplomacy action: Basically both Civilizations agree on a trade agreement, boosting both of their income and economic growth, however, for the ai to send/accept trade agreements, both Civilizations must have good relations (ex: above 30)

The income won from trade agreements depend on the prosperity tier of both civilizations + their distance from each other, the more prosperous they are and closer to each other, the higher the income, the lower the prosperity tier and farther the borders, less the income won by the trade agreement


However, good relations above 30 and equally high prosperity tier will push the ai to use trade agreements more, especially in times of peace and good relations, the closer the border, the more valuable the resources a civilization has, the more likelihood the ai will accept and use trade agreements with each other and the player

Maybe this post could help Mr Łukasz, what do you think ?

Add more changes? Ideas ? Let me know


Also if a country was to trade constantly with its partner then maybe it could overtake it as the largest producer and possibly cause a war over trade. There could also be trading rights where a nation can allow this certain nation to trade depending on relations and if it does allow it then there could be an increase of relations.

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15 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

How could trading work? Provide more detail on its mechanics and any changes it brings.

Każdy kraj mógłby wysyłać propozycję handlu tylko tym państwom, które są największymi producentami dóbr. Tylko najwięksi producenci mogą dostawać propozycje handlu od innych państw, a sami mogą taką propozycję wysyłać największym producentom innych dóbr. Umowa handlowa trwa 5 lat i zawarcie jej kosztuje 20 punktów dyplomatycznych.

Kraj, który wysyła wiadomość o chęci zawarcia umowy handlowej dostaje: +1 legacy points, - 100 złota, +1% wzrostu ekonomicznego miesięcznie

Największy producent zgadzając się dostaje + 100 złota miesięcznie (można też wprowadzić, że ilość złota jest zależna od tego jakiego produktu dany kraj jest największym producentem)

Za zawarcie takiej umowy handlowej obie strony takiej umowy dostają bonus do swoich wzajemnych relacji +1 na miesiąc

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16 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Como poderia funcionar a negociação? Forneça mais detalhes sobre sua mecânica e quaisquer alterações que ela traga.

Acho que seria bom se adiciona-se classes sociais, assim cada uma delas dariam uma demanda de recursos, assim o país teria que suprir essa demanda produzindo os recursos e os comprando de outros países, logo o comércio entre países seria útil, além disso cada unidade militar deveria consumir recursos também para funcionar, assim ficaria mais legal o jogo creio eu

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14 hours ago, Ares I of Congo said:

I saw an idea like this a few years ago by EmpirePlanner145


What would be required:

-Needs a new building : Trade Post

-Needs a new Option in Trade with Country

-New Map mode


What is it?:

A trading system with countries to make money to help boost the economy of a province.

How would it improve gameplay?:

-New gameplay, becoming a economic powerhouse

-Improve in economy growth/ getting money



Trade Deal with a country, there would be a option of Exporting or Importing.

Depending who is doing what will do one of these effect, 

Importing will grow economic value and growth but will lose some of your country's income. 

Exporting will help grow development and give you some more money. It can also help with relationships with Countries. The only downside I can think Of is economic growth will be lower.


There is Land Trade and Sea Trade.

Land Trade only needs a Trade Post

Sea trade needs a port and Trade Post


If a country offers Trade Goods that would be a import trade for you and export for them, but if they ask for goods it's a export trade for you and import for them. 

Once a deal is accepted you can choose which province will get that Trade.

The province would need the building Trade Post to be built to be used for the trade.

This would be stackable

The province can have import and export trades at the same time. It doesn't negate the negative effects but lowers it.


Distance of trade:

For land trade, it would be the distance of 5-10 provinces from the border

For sea trade, probably 2-5 of those sea blocks.

(Simpler way would be just but which ever country is close)


Trade Routes:

The new map mode would show which provinces has the trades going on. This makes them valuable. The map mode would also see if the trade is imports or exports which will show you what they need more of and what they have.

The map will show how many import the province have and how many exports. This is so if they have alot of export trades you can offer import trades to help them.



3 trades limit per provinces

5 trades per country. 


This system will not guarantee that you will become a economic powerhouse but for the region you are in you can use it for your advantage.

A much simpler way of this would just ignore the provinces part and just be the countries.

Thank you

Best explanation so far

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Posted (edited)
17 horas atrás, Łukasz Jakowski disse:

Como poderia operar uma negociação? Forneça mais detalhes sobre sua mecânica e quaisquer alterações que ela traga.

Para funcionar primeiro teríamos que adicionar classes, quais? Poderia ser, pobre, classe média, rico e soldados.

Os pobres poderiam ter uma demanda de recursos básicos, a classe média poderia ter os recursos básicos e alguns luxos, os ricos deveriam ter uma demanda de recursos de luxo, e os soldados deveriam ter a demanda de recursos básicos e munições ou armamento de acordo com o tipo de unidade, pois por exemplo, as unidades de idade média vão ter uma demanda por espadas, enquanto que o mundo moderno terá demanda por munições.

Com a adição de tais classes teríamos um sistema de comércio onde compraríamos os recursos de outros países para suprir a demanda do nosso país, assim sendo útil o comércio, além disso poderia adicionar uma opção de acordo comercial onde os recursos de dois países seriam divididos entre os dois, assim suprindo a demanda de ambos. 

Edited by Edmilson Gomes

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18 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

How could trading work? Provide more detail on its mechanics and any changes it brings.

I will, of course, post about this in a separate post. In the meantime, I’ll say what I already wrote about in my post about nomads.

maintaining a large and stable empire has several advantages. One of them, and this is another innovation, is the Silk Road. This new feature can be seen in the Trade tab, which will show the provinces connecting China and Europe. Provinces along the Silk Road receive bonuses to the economy, and such proximity is especially beneficial for cities in the provinces. Trading powers will be able to build trading posts on the lands of such provinces, and not just on the coast, as was the case before. Controlling the Silk Road is a surefire way to get rich.

        An interesting mechanic of the Silk Road is related to the fact that if a war occurs on a given trade route, then everything “downstream” is immediately turned off. Those. if, for example, a horde decided to raid a province near Tibet, then all provinces leading to Damascus would lose their bonuses. The traders will try to find another route (and there are several of them), but waiting for a new caravan to arrive will have a noticeable effect.

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Before a trade system I think it's necessary to make resources more useful, not just for having a bonus of largest producer. So I suggest a demand system.

How it would work? The civilization would have a demand for certain vital resources, and there would be two ways to fulfill the demand: Producing or trading with other civilizations.

Some examples:
■ The population need food and some commodities.
■ Using motorized units would increase the oil demand.
■ Uranium is not a vital resource, so the population would not demand it. However, we would need it to produce nuclear weapons.

What would happen if the demand is not fulfilled? Negative buffs, unrest and famine in case of food shortage.

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