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Age of History 3

Some suggestions for AoH3

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A big list of suggestions for the game, feel free to add some in the replies.

1. Peace treaties-(already pretty good), should be able to demilitarize provinces, reduce the army size of the enemy and pay/request war reparations. Another interesting idea is that of a goverment in exile.


2. Military- already amaizing but you could have more units for each era (ex: light/medium/heavy medieval linemen, knights, spearmen etc.)

                 - add artilery and an actual air force based at airfields (planes should not be destroyed by non ranged units)

                 -ships(optional) could be used especialy to distrupt trade routes

                 -add supply camps or military bases 

3.Cultures- Add many athnic groups and have them actively seek independence or unification (the cultures should be modifiable in the map editor, for ex. add more germans in some provinces, or russians or any other ethnicity, unlike AoH2 where all ethnicities are based on bordering provinces,  also you should be able to create new culture and assign a nation that they could create.)

Assimilation should also play a big part. A nation could have a tier system for different cultures ( Primary-the main culture, Secondary-accepted cultures that wont really assimilate over time, Tolerated-will be assimilated over time, Discriminated-will be heavily assimilated but also very rebelious, Underhumans-the worst of them all, the player will be given the option to deport or commit genocide, but at a very heavy cost in reputation.)

Another interesting idea would be to have the option to rename cities. If you rename the city for the main culture it will speed up the assimilation process, but also create unrest.

5. Cities- Having dynamic city names would be a monolithic undertaking, you would need to have hundreds of variations for each province for every culture combined with ideology and era. Making such a thing for capital cities would be nice but still incredibly hard (ex. Warsaw would need to have a polish name-warsawa, a german name-Warschau,a russian name-Varshava and the english name-Warsaw, and posibly many others just for this province.)

6. Religions- You should add all main religions but with all their different characteristics. For ex. Zoroastrianism can only be taken up by heritage so it would be impossible to convert others. Different buff and debuffs could also be implemented.

7. Economy- The economy is nice but you should also have different branches, agriculture, industry and services.

Agriculture will produce food which will be consumed and exported/imported. For ex. a single human will consume 1 unit of food per week, if the national production is lower than the consumpion then there will be a famine. If there is afood surplus you could export the food to countries which need it in exchange for gold. As tehnology advances you should unlock things like automated farming or irigation which will increase the output.

Industry will produce 2 things, weapons and consumer goods. For weapons, the industry will produce armament points, for ex. if you raise an army of 10k swordmen, their swords will cost 1 point each, so the entire army will cost gold+10k armament points. A tank may cost 100k points, a jet 1mil. and so on. In the tech tree there should be multiple sections, it starts with manufactories, then factories, then modern factories and then automated factories. Each section could have other discoveries in the tech tree like streamlined production or machines.


Services will be the moneymakers. The service sector will not produce anything except gold.

8. Resouces. Each province should have more than one resource available. In mountainous provinces you should have gold, iron, tungsten and other metals,provinces should also have an agricultural productivity index.

9.Map modes-Political (borders, provinces, names)

-Diplomatic (relations)

-Factions (allinaces)


-Agricultural productivity

-Population(individual provinces)

-Economy(individual provinces)



-Cultural map

-Religious map

-Gdp per capita(Economy divided by population)

-National population

-National economy

-National military strenght




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5 hours ago, Nigga said:

A big list of suggestions for the game, feel free to add some in the replies.

1. Peace treaties-(already pretty good), should be able to demilitarize provinces, reduce the army size of the enemy and pay/request war reparations. Another interesting idea is that of a goverment in exile.


2. Military- already amaizing but you could have more units for each era (ex: light/medium/heavy medieval linemen, knights, spearmen etc.)

                 - add artilery and an actual air force based at airfields (planes should not be destroyed by non ranged units)

                 -ships(optional) could be used especialy to distrupt trade routes

                 -add supply camps or military bases 

3.Cultures- Add many athnic groups and have them actively seek independence or unification (the cultures should be modifiable in the map editor, for ex. add more germans in some provinces, or russians or any other ethnicity, unlike AoH2 where all ethnicities are based on bordering provinces,  also you should be able to create new culture and assign a nation that they could create.)

Assimilation should also play a big part. A nation could have a tier system for different cultures ( Primary-the main culture, Secondary-accepted cultures that wont really assimilate over time, Tolerated-will be assimilated over time, Discriminated-will be heavily assimilated but also very rebelious, Underhumans-the worst of them all, the player will be given the option to deport or commit genocide, but at a very heavy cost in reputation.)

Another interesting idea would be to have the option to rename cities. If you rename the city for the main culture it will speed up the assimilation process, but also create unrest.

5. Cities- Having dynamic city names would be a monolithic undertaking, you would need to have hundreds of variations for each province for every culture combined with ideology and era. Making such a thing for capital cities would be nice but still incredibly hard (ex. Warsaw would need to have a polish name-warsawa, a german name-Warschau,a russian name-Varshava and the english name-Warsaw, and posibly many others just for this province.)

6. Religions- You should add all main religions but with all their different characteristics. For ex. Zoroastrianism can only be taken up by heritage so it would be impossible to convert others. Different buff and debuffs could also be implemented.

7. Economy- The economy is nice but you should also have different branches, agriculture, industry and services.

Agriculture will produce food which will be consumed and exported/imported. For ex. a single human will consume 1 unit of food per week, if the national production is lower than the consumpion then there will be a famine. If there is afood surplus you could export the food to countries which need it in exchange for gold. As tehnology advances you should unlock things like automated farming or irigation which will increase the output.

Industry will produce 2 things, weapons and consumer goods. For weapons, the industry will produce armament points, for ex. if you raise an army of 10k swordmen, their swords will cost 1 point each, so the entire army will cost gold+10k armament points. A tank may cost 100k points, a jet 1mil. and so on. In the tech tree there should be multiple sections, it starts with manufactories, then factories, then modern factories and then automated factories. Each section could have other discoveries in the tech tree like streamlined production or machines.


Services will be the moneymakers. The service sector will not produce anything except gold.

8. Resouces. Each province should have more than one resource available. In mountainous provinces you should have gold, iron, tungsten and other metals,provinces should also have an agricultural productivity index.

9.Map modes-Political (borders, provinces, names)

-Diplomatic (relations)

-Factions (allinaces)


-Agricultural productivity

-Population(individual provinces)

-Economy(individual provinces)



-Cultural map

-Religious map

-Gdp per capita(Economy divided by population)

-National population

-National economy

-National military strenght




have you looked at any of the development footage, or check any of the confirmed things. (90% of this stuff is already confirmed, except for the larp stuff)

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