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Text file events will ruin modding and here's why

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with text file event's there is no way to assign provinces, no way to dictate peace treaties, no way to do half of the stuff that the old event editor was able to and is overall much less accessible for phone users and completely ruins the idea of events watering them down to just giving bonuses to civilizations instead of their old purpose of pre decided peace treaties or wars or any other widely used reason



it completely ruins the event feature and it sucks, plus even if there was a way to transfer provinces it would involve copying and pasting the province ID over and over and over again, 10xing the time to make events (especially with all the new provinces) by making you open the map editor and find the info of the provinces, adding them by hand was much much more easier, this pretty much made events useless and i don't understand why lukasz is so persistent on keeping it in, that's the purpose of the editor, its there for that reason


@Łukasz Jakowski thoughts? please change this, its going to kill the modding scene




Edited by OwnM3Z0

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18 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

It will be as it is, in the text file

that still doesn't answer my question about province assignment, how will that work?!

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22 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

It will be as it is, in the text file

i don't know why the event creator HAS to be a text file, why not just add both options for the modders to choose?! 

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1 minute ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

i don't know why the event creator HAS to be a text file, why not just add both options for the modders to choose?! 

Because of lazyness

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Naval said:

Because of lazyness

I doubt it, if that was the case he wouldn't even do a project as big as aoh3 and make it this good, lukasz also listens to the community, he isn't a lazy man, i think he believes this will be much better somehow and that it will prevent any bugs from an event creator like the old game

Edited by OwnM3Z0

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39 minutes ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

I doubt it, if that was the case he wouldn't even do a project as big as aoh3 and make it this good, lukasz also listens to the community, he isn't a lazy man, i think he believes this will be much better somehow and that it will prevent any bugs from an event creator like the old game

The event editor was so confusing to even use in AOC2 at this point, get rid of it

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32 minutes ago, Unity said:

The event editor was so confusing to even use in AOC2 at this point, get rid of it

Solve the UI and bugs of the old editor while making it easier to use like you did to the rest of the game:

Remove The Whole thing completely and replacing it with even more confusing and less flexible tags/codes to copy paste every time in a txt file:

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Just now, OwnM3Z0 said:

Solve the UI and bugs of the old editor while making it easier to use like you did to the rest of the game:

Remove The Whole thing completely and replacing it with even more confusing and less flexible tags/codes to copy paste every time in a txt file:

It's in readable format I think It's not hard to use code to put events in

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15 minutes ago, Unity said:

It's in readable format I think It's not hard to use code to put events in

but its much less accessible as i said and throws province transferring out the window which diminishes 60% of the entire purpose of events

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

but its much less accessible as i said and throws province transferring out the window which diminishes 60% of the entire purpose of events

We don't know yet, but I go you can put them as

Province(civid_id) 0,1,2,3,4 etc

it's a guess, will just have to wait

Edited by Unity

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19 minutes ago, qxz said:

Province assignment is made in-game using the scenario editor


thats not for events though, i either don't understand your point or there's info i dont know, did lukasz reveal a way to assign provinces for event outcomes through the editor somehow?

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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Unity said:

We don't know yet, but I go you can put them as

Province(civid_id) 0,1,2,3,4 etc

it's a guess, will just have to wait

thats my exact point, thats terrible, finding the ID of provinces would be hell since you would have to open the PROVINCE EDITOR THING or search thru files, also one mistake and congrats, you just gave a iraq a province in silesia, its very slow and inefficient considering how many provinces there are, and you would have to constantly reboot the game to check if the event works since you will be editing event files, its hell 

Edited by OwnM3Z0

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26 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Will be fine.

i don't mind taking your word for it but i don't understand how

do you mean removing the function of adding and removing provinces ''will be fine'' because it definitely wont 

or do you mean that there will be a way to quickly and accurate copy and paste province ID's into event files so ''it will be fine'' because that would make everything way clearer, also rebooting the game to check if the event works properly sucks since you would have to do that when editing event text files every time, i don't understand mr jakowski why you're so persistent when you can just add both and make everyone happy, hell i would be satisfied if you explained how it would work in the text files or even said you would fix it later, but from what im understanding none of that is being said



but it is your game after all and im not your brand owner nor do i control your decisions, you already did alot of effort into making it as amazing as you can so i can't really speak, but i would love it if this was fixed or atleast explained in a video like you do for the other DIY text file features


also happy birthday ❤️ (ik im late by a day or two but i had exams and couldn't get on here)

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19 minutes ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

finding the ID of provinces would be hell since you would have to open the PROVINCE EDITOR THING or search thru files

At least in AoH 2 it's possible to see the province IDs easily. Cheat console and typing 'debug' and it's possible to see the province ID passing the mouse over the province.

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Iceman said:

At least in AoH 2 it's possible to see the province IDs easily. Cheat console and typing 'debug' and it's possible to see the province ID passing the mouse over the province.

imagine having to do that for 👏 every 👏 province 👏 for a map with 16k provinces and having to WRITE DOWN EACH PROVINCE ID since in aoh2 u cant copy and paste it, it sucks and is so time consuming and confusing, and you have to relaunch aoh3 to see if the events even WORK

Edited by OwnM3Z0

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14 minutes ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

imagine having to do that for 👏 every 👏 province 👏 for a map with 16k provinces and having to WRITE DOWN EACH PROVINCE ID since in aoh2 u cant copy and paste it, it sucks and is so time consuming and confusing, and you have to relaunch aoh3 to see if the events even WORK

Yeah, for example creating an event to annex the 845 provinces of Russia will definitely take some time. Maybe Łukasz can make a thing that we can select some provinces and all IDs are copied and we just need to paste them.

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Just now, Unity said:

how about be patient and wait for the game to release then go from there obviously it isn't important to Łukasz right now 

well i had asked him and he said it will remain the same for the release and he wouldn't change it, which is why i made this post

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Just now, Unity said:

he clearly has alot of other things to do he might just end smashing everything else in a update but we'll wait and see 

i know, thats why i asked of it to be atleast delayed, but lukasz outright said it will remain the same, this ruins events so i expressed my opinion

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I'll just preface this by something: have any of y'all ever tried to mod Hoi4, and compared it to AoC2? The fact of the matter is, the system Hoi4 uses (which is similar to the concepts Lukasz is speaking about with AoC3) is much more user friendly and overall workable than what was in AoC2. 

The even editor in AoC2 didn't work half the time, let's be real. Having it all go through text files will make it much more easily modable, and overall could lead to more versatility eventually. I don't think the province selection is an issue, this can be solved very easily by Lukasz, say, adding a "debug mode" similar to paradox games where when you hover over a province it displays its ID. 

Also, as for Lukasz's responses in this thread, please be open minded. He is saying things will be fine because, as Unity said, this probably is not his main point of focus right now. This doe NOT mean that "things will be the same", it's more of a command to "stand down" so to speak. To not panic, basically the same thing I'm telling you right now.

Overall, the sky is not falling, and this will be, in fact, a boon to modders of AoC3.

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14 hours ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

with text file event's there is no way to assign provinces, no way to dictate peace treaties, no way to do half of the stuff that the old event editor was able to and is overall much less accessible for phone users and completely ruins the idea of events watering them down to just giving bonuses to civilizations instead of their old purpose of pre decided peace treaties or wars or any other widely used reason



it completely ruins the event feature and it sucks, plus even if there was a way to transfer provinces it would involve copying and pasting the province ID over and over and over again, 10xing the time to make events (especially with all the new provinces) by making you open the map editor and find the info of the provinces, adding them by hand was much much more easier, this pretty much made events useless and i don't understand why lukasz is so persistent on keeping it in, that's the purpose of the editor, its there for that reason


@Łukasz Jakowski thoughts? please change this, its going to kill the modding scene

Absolutely wrong. This will only require modders to be more careful and attentive when creating mods, which will increase the average quality of projects. However, the presence of additional separate editors, such as Map Editor (but for other functions), which would be like an UI over the text editor (and the absence of which, by the way, has become a huge disadvantage of Paradox games), really makes it take longer to do the same. Otherwise, text editing provides even more features than a pre-configured in-game editor.

Not to kill, but to update the modding.

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