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Age of History 3

The Hellenic/Greek Translation Completed

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Lukasz, I've already sent you an Email (im sorry if i wasnt supposed to) including the translated script, but in case that you havent seen it, here it is:


Greetings Lukas

I may provide you with the translation into the Hellenic Language for the game "Age of History 3", I hope that the outcome of my voluntary work satisfies your requirements of a quality translation.

NOTE: As you may know, the scripture used by the Hellenic Language differs by the scripture used from other languages (Latin). Therefore, there is a chance that the Greek Scripture does not have rendering support, but I was ambivalent about such possibility, thinking that this may not be the case, due to the AoH2's support of the Hellenic Language. Even if the Hellenic Scripture does not have rendering support, I am not in any way trying to pressure you into making my translation work for your great game. You may take your time and include it whenever you see fit.

(Ignore the *(backup)* part of the file's name)

(backup)translation.txtFetching info...

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