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Age of History 3

Rebellions and Guerilla fighters

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Cool idea, make it so before Ai rebellion starts, there's about 3-4 Stages before armed one begins,

1. Peaceful Protests A. Give in their demands, ( Creates an Autonomous Republic which works as a puppet state, which cannot have allies or have Trade deals, is completely dependent on you)


 B. Shut the protests down ( Escalation of revolution increased by 75%, Escalation of the stages increases in speed by 75%, Assimilation Price Increased by 3x, Disables Event Progressive Protest Escalation for 60 Days, after which all Buffs/Debuffs above come into the effect)    


😄 Ignore the Protests ( No effects until the Stage is over. AFTER the next Stage: Increase revolution escalation by 25/35% depending on how hard the country opposed in the battle against you , Increase the Price of Assimiation by 2x


2. Civilian Unrest in the Region

A. Do nothing. ( Adds the following debuffs: After 35 Days: Escalation of Revolution increases by 35%, Happiness Passively decreases overtime in the region, Adds Debuff: -35% Income from Province worth 1-4 Stars, -55% Income from provinces between 5-999 Stars


B. Give in Their Demands| Following things happen: Create Completely Dependent Puppet State on the selected territory: (the more you leave to yourself, the bigger Stability, Happiness, Income Debuff, UNLESS the province is a core, no time limit


😄  😄 Supress the Population into Submission| (Stability Decreased by 40%, Happiness Decreases passively over time, Immiediately Enters the next Stage of Revolution)


"In Preparation for war of Independence" 

Event Starts lasting for 360 Days

Happiness Continues to decrease over time, IF at any point Happiness hits 5% or lower, Shorten the Event by 33%, Increase Partisant resistance by 35% which will increase over time, if Partisant resistance increases up to 85%, Event Shortens by 50% (If you have 180 Days left the event will shorten to 90 days)

If you have any divisions in the Region, Following event Begins:

Partisants Resistance against [your country name] forces

In the following event: 10% chances for your division to be attacked by the partisant forces ( 20% of the event's time has passed)

40% Chance for your division to get attacked atleast once over the span of (21% of the Event's time, until 45% of the event's time)

70% Chance for your division to get attacked atleast once over the span of (46% of the Event's time until 70% of the Event's time)

90% Chance for your division to get attacked atleast once over the span of 71% of the event's time until 100% of the Event's time)

If your Division gets attacked more than once, Ai will either target other Weakest Division, or if the previous division can't stretch the battle for more than 15-30 days, other guerilla force will join the fighting division that has the least time until defeat to buy some time

FOURTH STAGE IS AN ULTIMATUM, BY AGREEING YOU RELEASE THE OCCUPIED STATE GIVING IT COMPLETE INDEPENDENCE AND TRUCE FOR 5-10 YEARS, where as denying it releases 35-40% to the rebellion, which will then fight for independence of the state, you wouldn't only deny if you know you can win, cause if you don't, there could be debuffs like less volunteers and national humiliation, which decreases stability over a certain time

I ALSO think I'd be very skibidi sigma to add  "Decisions" where you passively gain political power that's then used to do some fun events, like hold referendums or do decisions to politically strengthen your regime and collapse the resistance sCpan widget

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2 hours ago, aa30388 said:

I mean some of the rebellions were armed by the start ant didn't contain any protests or bullshits like that

Very much true, The Indian Rebellion of 1857 and Taiping Rebellion (just to name a few) all started as violent uprisings

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