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Praefectus Italicum

My question is If we would have more ancient scenarios like in Imperator Rome game ?


I think that most of us are annoyed by many modern scenarios and we would like at least 5 more scenarios for ancient world in the vanilla of AOH3

Lukasz I will ask you direct because I want to be sure that you will implement that in the nearest future after you will have finish the 1836 scenario which are you working on it and other you have propose for the game.

We would like to get in the game scenarios like:753 BC,509 BC (Rise of the Roman Republic),334 BC,

Jvlivs Caesar gallic campain in 58 BC

Rise of Octavianvs Avgvstvs, in 27 BC

10 AD with the provisory Roman occupation of German tribe

101 AD with first Daco-Roman war and also the second in 105-106 AD.

117 AD Rome at his peak, 3rd Century Crisis, Divison of the Roman Empire in 395 AD and 475-476 Fall of the Western Half of  The Roman Empire.

And from the dark ages 533 AD gothic wars.

Thank you for your time also and have a nice day.

I will tag some of the most influential users on this formum: @OwnM3Z0 @Unity


Edited by Praefectus Italicum

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Its an honor bro 😭



but i do think these ages need their own technology tree, events, and (If cultures are really being added) an entire new set of cultures for like 80% of the known world, i love the idea and think the current combat system is more than fitting for a roman or ancient greek style scenario, but i doubt we would get it on alpha release because of how many strings are attached



you can always check out the file though to see if anything like that is coming, i think the farthest back we're getting is like 1050 (might be 1200 mistyped by lukasz because for some reason he mentions the mongols in the description)


and i do believe the game is going to have absolutely fire mods, the versatility is just so overwhelming, so rest assured, someone is DEFINETLY gonna cook some fire modpack for the roman period


@Łukasz Jakowski

Edited by OwnM3Z0

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17 minutes ago, Unity said:

agree on this but remember Łukasz is one man and probably has far to much on his to do list so not probably everything will be added 

Exactly, it's why when i made that topic i put multiple disclaimers that this doesn't confirm much and even said i would delete the topics if lukasz reached out to say it was all not true, the list doesn't confirm we're getting cultures on release, it confirms we're getting cultures, at some point, probably the next update

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