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The United Nations Alliance - Idea for AOH3

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you probably aint reading allat am i right? pretty much for your youtube shorts eroded brain:

General assembly: useless but the civs might listen

Security council: less useless but still useless if u have a high enough relation with a member to to activate their veto in a vote against you (IM LOOKING AT YOU USA) 🇵🇸🇵🇸

economic council: money and tech for everyone

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Posted (edited)
Just now, mostlymossyman said:

i have donated to multiple charitable organizations and i am known among my peers as a spreader of justice

real real, i can attest to that 

Edited by OwnM3Z0

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7 hours ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

The United Nations for the modern period NEED to have it's own mechanics that prevent the 2022 scenario from going full bonkers like 1440 would, we need a balance that would make the scenario a realistic experience



which is why i suggest THESE features for the UN that turn the modern scenario from a feudal nightmare to a strategic game of diplomacy and political power


The UN will, similar to the HRE, have ranks that allow their members certain powers, these ranks are:


The General Assembly:

All UN members (meaning all civs) are part of this assembly, civilizations which are part of this are 95% less likely to go to war, reducing wars over the years drastically, the general assembly has a few uses, but since it is the lowest rank it is not as strong or relevant as the others

when two civilizations go to war, the general assembly will usually make peace offers to try and appease both nations, they might vote for a ceasefire too, in which case you better pray you have high relations with the right civilizations to help you out


having high relations, trading especially if it is oil, or natural gas, frequently (when the feature is added) gives you you a 40% chance of the civilization voting for you, meaning you must engage economically with your resources to keep an upper hand politically and improve relations, this means that for the player to wage a war and annex land he would have to hold a lot of influence both economically and politically in the general assembly, but at the end of the day, the general assembly has no real power if the warring civilizations don't listen (which AI won't 90% of the time unless they're losing)


The Security Council

The Security council is Composed of the United States, Russia, China, And France As Permanent Members, While the non permanent members aren't a thing yet by 2022 so i won't include them but the security council can elect them later

To be part of the security council there are many conditions that ALL need to be There to be allowed in, which are:


-Be A Great Power

-Be Economically As Strong As The Weakest Member of the Security Council

-Have higher Development than the Weakest Development In the Security Council

-Hold An Election To Join Security Council in General Assembly And Have At Least 70% Approval (you get to try once every 10 years and other civilizations will Compete with you)

-Be Within The Top 10 militaries in the world


All Conditions must be there to join, but losing conditions after being admitted doesn't kick you out, it is only after you lose all 4 maintainable conditions that a vote will be held to kick you out or not

Nations within the security council are 90% less likely to go to war with one another

The Powers that the security council holds are very much important, any ONE member of the security council can start a vote in the general assembly concerning certain wars going on, if the general assembly agrees the security council COULD stage a few things to punish the countries in concern such as:


-60% economic growth

-No trade with them

-They Are Kicked Out of the Economic and social Council

the security council will approach the countries firstly warning you that no ceasing the war will result in the above (via event popup), if you do not oblige, they will do those things, if you continue the war for 6 more months, the security council will hold one more vote which if it passes they will intervene militarily and a white peace will be made after they occupy your entire civilization, additionally if it is a dictatorship or any ideology other than constitutional monarchy/ democracy or republic they will change the ideology to democracy automatically and all politicians, advisors etc are changed to a new set of options since the old government was abolished


additionally, as a member of the security council, you and others have the ability to use a veto if you have a high relation with the civilization targeted with the vote ex: US and Israel, US And Ukraine, US and.. damn US abuses veto to death now that i think abt it


other civilizations will veto as well if they want to



Lastly, and this isn't really important but it was mentioned above so i have to add it

the Economic and social Council


this doesn't do much really, every 10 years 54 civilizations alternate in being members, the most developed countries in the world alternate to be members too to help the other smaller guys so all the developed world isn't in one council while the other is empty

being in here gives you some neat bonuses such as:

+15% research time bonus 

-2% corruption

+5% economic growth

being in this council means that upon unlocking a certain unit/tech tree, researching it becomes 40% faster for everyone else


Lastly, the UN has a bunch of rules you have to follow (unless you don't or you're rich and have high relations with a certain United States in the security council if ykyk who this is):

1- no territorial annexation unless:

-you have at least 60% of your people in the provinces, otherwise your annexation is deemed illegal

-you won a decisive victory, but you cannot annex entire countries, your victory points are halved to fit the period, you can instead annex important regions or puppet

-you have a core on the region

-you lost the region before in another war

2- you cannot convert religious provinces, instead you can combat debuffs in the region by having no official state religion (secularism), that way you don't break the rules and you get to maximize your province value

3- non constitutional monarchy, republic or democracy civilizations get medium debuffs in relations with everyone else, making it hard to climb the ladder unless you're really rich or you play your cards right

4- using nukes causes a massive relation reduction of -80 with all non allied (outside the UN Ofcourse, for example if the US nuked russia NATO would only get a 1/4th of that which is -20 deduction) UN member states and might cause you to get coalitioned for your government to be overthrown unless, yk, you nuke them to-


ANYWAYS that's my idea, it's very complicated and it probably wont get added in alpha let alone later, but it adds a lot of realism to the modern period and i think when choosing the scenario it could be togglable like war fog in aoh2 for example



Good idea, its complicated but still amazing

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9 hours ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

The United Nations for the modern period NEED to have it's own mechanics that prevent the 2022 scenario from going full bonkers like 1440 would, we need a balance that would make the scenario a realistic experience



which is why i suggest THESE features for the UN that turn the modern scenario from a feudal nightmare to a strategic game of diplomacy and political power


The UN will, similar to the HRE, have ranks that allow their members certain powers, these ranks are:


The General Assembly:

All UN members (meaning all civs) are part of this assembly, civilizations which are part of this are 95% less likely to go to war, reducing wars over the years drastically, the general assembly has a few uses, but since it is the lowest rank it is not as strong or relevant as the others

when two civilizations go to war, the general assembly will usually make peace offers to try and appease both nations, they might vote for a ceasefire too, in which case you better pray you have high relations with the right civilizations to help you out


having high relations, trading especially if it is oil, or natural gas, frequently (when the feature is added) gives you you a 40% chance of the civilization voting for you, meaning you must engage economically with your resources to keep an upper hand politically and improve relations, this means that for the player to wage a war and annex land he would have to hold a lot of influence both economically and politically in the general assembly, but at the end of the day, the general assembly has no real power if the warring civilizations don't listen (which AI won't 90% of the time unless they're losing)


The Security Council

The Security council is Composed of the United States, Russia, China, And France As Permanent Members, While the non permanent members aren't a thing yet by 2022 so i won't include them but the security council can elect them later

To be part of the security council there are many conditions that ALL need to be There to be allowed in, which are:


-Be A Great Power

-Be Economically As Strong As The Weakest Member of the Security Council

-Have higher Development than the Weakest Development In the Security Council

-Hold An Election To Join Security Council in General Assembly And Have At Least 70% Approval (you get to try once every 10 years and other civilizations will Compete with you)

-Be Within The Top 10 militaries in the world


All Conditions must be there to join, but losing conditions after being admitted doesn't kick you out, it is only after you lose all 4 maintainable conditions that a vote will be held to kick you out or not

Nations within the security council are 90% less likely to go to war with one another

The Powers that the security council holds are very much important, any ONE member of the security council can start a vote in the general assembly concerning certain wars going on, if the general assembly agrees the security council COULD stage a few things to punish the countries in concern such as:


-60% economic growth

-No trade with them

-They Are Kicked Out of the Economic and social Council

the security council will approach the countries firstly warning you that no ceasing the war will result in the above (via event popup), if you do not oblige, they will do those things, if you continue the war for 6 more months, the security council will hold one more vote which if it passes they will intervene militarily and a white peace will be made after they occupy your entire civilization, additionally if it is a dictatorship or any ideology other than constitutional monarchy/ democracy or republic they will change the ideology to democracy automatically and all politicians, advisors etc are changed to a new set of options since the old government was abolished


additionally, as a member of the security council, you and others have the ability to use a veto if you have a high relation with the civilization targeted with the vote ex: US and Israel, US And Ukraine, US and.. damn US abuses veto to death now that i think abt it


other civilizations will veto as well if they want to



Lastly, and this isn't really important but it was mentioned above so i have to add it

the Economic and social Council


this doesn't do much really, every 10 years 54 civilizations alternate in being members, the most developed countries in the world alternate to be members too to help the other smaller guys so all the developed world isn't in one council while the other is empty

being in here gives you some neat bonuses such as:

+15% research time bonus

-2% corruption

+5% economic growth

being in this council means that upon unlocking a certain unit/tech tree, researching it becomes 40% faster for everyone else


Lastly, the UN has a bunch of rules you have to follow (unless you don't or you're rich and have high relations with a certain United States in the security council if ykyk who this is):

1- no territorial annexation unless:

-you have at least 60% of your people in the provinces, otherwise your annexation is deemed illegal

-you won a decisive victory, but you cannot annex entire countries, your victory points are halved to fit the period, you can instead annex important regions or puppet

-you have a core on the region

-you lost the region before in another war

2- you cannot convert religious provinces, instead you can combat debuffs in the region by having no official state religion (secularism), that way you don't break the rules and you get to maximize your province value

3- non constitutional monarchy, republic or democracy civilizations get medium debuffs in relations with everyone else, making it hard to climb the ladder unless you're really rich or you play your cards right

4- using nukes causes a massive relation reduction of -80 with all non allied (outside the UN Ofcourse, for example if the US nuked russia NATO would only get a 1/4th of that which is -20 deduction) UN member states and might cause you to get coalitioned for your government to be overthrown unless, yk, you nuke them to-


ANYWAYS that's my idea, it's very complicated and it probably wont get added in alpha let alone later, but it adds a lot of realism to the modern period and i think when choosing the scenario it could be togglable like war fog in aoh2 for example




You genius, dude!

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9 hours ago, OwnM3Z0 said:

The United Nations for the modern period NEED to have it's own mechanics that prevent the 2022 scenario from going full bonkers like 1440 would, we need a balance that would make the scenario a realistic experience



which is why i suggest THESE features for the UN that turn the modern scenario from a feudal nightmare to a strategic game of diplomacy and political power


The UN will, similar to the HRE, have ranks that allow their members certain powers, these ranks are:


The General Assembly:

All UN members (meaning all civs) are part of this assembly, civilizations which are part of this are 95% less likely to go to war, reducing wars over the years drastically, the general assembly has a few uses, but since it is the lowest rank it is not as strong or relevant as the others

when two civilizations go to war, the general assembly will usually make peace offers to try and appease both nations, they might vote for a ceasefire too, in which case you better pray you have high relations with the right civilizations to help you out


having high relations, trading especially if it is oil, or natural gas, frequently (when the feature is added) gives you you a 40% chance of the civilization voting for you, meaning you must engage economically with your resources to keep an upper hand politically and improve relations, this means that for the player to wage a war and annex land he would have to hold a lot of influence both economically and politically in the general assembly, but at the end of the day, the general assembly has no real power if the warring civilizations don't listen (which AI won't 90% of the time unless they're losing)


The Security Council

The Security council is Composed of the United States, Russia, China, And France As Permanent Members, While the non permanent members aren't a thing yet by 2022 so i won't include them but the security council can elect them later

To be part of the security council there are many conditions that ALL need to be There to be allowed in, which are:


-Be A Great Power

-Be Economically As Strong As The Weakest Member of the Security Council

-Have higher Development than the Weakest Development In the Security Council

-Hold An Election To Join Security Council in General Assembly And Have At Least 70% Approval (you get to try once every 10 years and other civilizations will Compete with you)

-Be Within The Top 10 militaries in the world


All Conditions must be there to join, but losing conditions after being admitted doesn't kick you out, it is only after you lose all 4 maintainable conditions that a vote will be held to kick you out or not

Nations within the security council are 90% less likely to go to war with one another

The Powers that the security council holds are very much important, any ONE member of the security council can start a vote in the general assembly concerning certain wars going on, if the general assembly agrees the security council COULD stage a few things to punish the countries in concern such as:


-60% economic growth

-No trade with them

-They Are Kicked Out of the Economic and social Council

the security council will approach the countries firstly warning you that no ceasing the war will result in the above (via event popup), if you do not oblige, they will do those things, if you continue the war for 6 more months, the security council will hold one more vote which if it passes they will intervene militarily and a white peace will be made after they occupy your entire civilization, additionally if it is a dictatorship or any ideology other than constitutional monarchy/ democracy or republic they will change the ideology to democracy automatically and all politicians, advisors etc are changed to a new set of options since the old government was abolished


additionally, as a member of the security council, you and others have the ability to use a veto if you have a high relation with the civilization targeted with the vote ex: US and Israel, US And Ukraine, US and.. damn US abuses veto to death now that i think abt it


other civilizations will veto as well if they want to



Lastly, and this isn't really important but it was mentioned above so i have to add it

the Economic and social Council


this doesn't do much really, every 10 years 54 civilizations alternate in being members, the most developed countries in the world alternate to be members too to help the other smaller guys so all the developed world isn't in one council while the other is empty

being in here gives you some neat bonuses such as:

+15% research time bonus

-2% corruption

+5% economic growth

being in this council means that upon unlocking a certain unit/tech tree, researching it becomes 40% faster for everyone else


Lastly, the UN has a bunch of rules you have to follow (unless you don't or you're rich and have high relations with a certain United States in the security council if ykyk who this is):

1- no territorial annexation unless:

-you have at least 60% of your people in the provinces, otherwise your annexation is deemed illegal

-you won a decisive victory, but you cannot annex entire countries, your victory points are halved to fit the period, you can instead annex important regions or puppet

-you have a core on the region

-you lost the region before in another war

2- you cannot convert religious provinces, instead you can combat debuffs in the region by having no official state religion (secularism), that way you don't break the rules and you get to maximize your province value

3- non constitutional monarchy, republic or democracy civilizations get medium debuffs in relations with everyone else, making it hard to climb the ladder unless you're really rich or you play your cards right

4- using nukes causes a massive relation reduction of -80 with all non allied (outside the UN Ofcourse, for example if the US nuked russia NATO would only get a 1/4th of that which is -20 deduction) UN member states and might cause you to get coalitioned for your government to be overthrown unless, yk, you nuke them to-


ANYWAYS that's my idea, it's very complicated and it probably wont get added in alpha let alone later, but it adds a lot of realism to the modern period and i think when choosing the scenario it could be togglable like war fog in aoh2 for example



Quite Interesting

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1 hour ago, trumpvoter2024 said:

WHAT THE HELL??? DONALD TRUMP HAS JUST WON THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES! Celebrate with me and 2 thousand other trump voters in the unofficial official AOH3 Trump fangroup! https://discord.gg/VkAA6tCQ4t... Join before the election to experience ungodly pleasure when Trump inevitably wins! Thanks to Arash for officially supporting this endeavor. 

What the hell are you talking about? 

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The idea is great, but I would like to add. Add the ability to justify the purpose of the war, even if the population of your province is less than 60% as the author suggested, using the justification of military mechanics it will be possible to annex the territory without consequences. Add the possibility of negotiations with leading countries, bribery of small countries, for a decisive vote at the UN.

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21 minutes ago, sanitar4ick said:

The idea is great, but I would like to add. Add the ability to justify the purpose of the war, even if the population of your province is less than 60% as the author suggested, using the justification of military mechanics it will be possible to annex the territory without consequences. Add the possibility of negotiations with leading countries, bribery of small countries, for a decisive vote at the UN.

Yes, a war without a reason will cost much more and spoil the attitude of many countries.

And besides, the morale of the army is less because they do not understand what they are fighting for

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36 minutes ago, sanitar4ick said:

The idea is great, but I would like to add. Add the ability to justify the purpose of the war, even if the population of your province is less than 60% as the author suggested, using the justification of military mechanics it will be possible to annex the territory without consequences. Add the possibility of negotiations with leading countries, bribery of small countries, for a decisive vote at the UN.

good idea

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