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Actually their where protestants, but for the game it is the same. Hitler and Mussolini both made a pact with the church, why is it so strange to you?

On 5/31/2024 at 3:50 PM, Kiwi said:

I hope you made the "religion" of Atheism because this is ABSURD!! (Note: I know this is a first version of the scenario, but please change this as soon as possible) 



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Posted (edited)

hitler wasn't even an atheist   


''Hitler described himself as a Christian in his book Mein Kampf and in his speeches in the early years of his rule.[7][8][9] Hitler and the Nazi Party promoted "Positive Christianity," a movement that rejected most traditional Christian doctrines, such as the divinity of Jesus, and Jewish elements such as the Old Testament.'' 

Edited by Anyone

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18 minutes ago, Anyone said:

Hitler nem era ateu   


''Hitler se descreveu como cristão em seu livro Mein Kampf e em seus discursos nos primeiros anos de seu governo. Hitler e o Partido Nazista promoveram o “Cristianismo Positivo”, um movimento que rejeitava a maioria das doutrinas cristãs tradicionais, como a divindade de Jesus, e elementos judaicos, como o Antigo Testamento. 

That doesn't matter, using the name of God to do wrong things should be considered atheism, and I'm not going to exclude the topic since we learned in schools in Brazil (Schools, not Universities or Colleges) that the German Reich did not have an exact religion, but They believed that GOD'S PEOPLE caused bad things in the world (See? that doesn't even make sense) it's easy to say that you have a religion and not fulfill your duties. If you want to change my opinion, please speak respectfully. 

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27 minutes ago, Anyone said:

Hitler nem era ateu   


''Hitler se descreveu como cristão em seu livro Mein Kampf e em seus discursos nos primeiros anos de seu governo. Hitler e o Partido Nazista promoveram o “Cristianismo Positivo”, um movimento que rejeitava a maioria das doutrinas cristãs tradicionais, como a divindade de Jesus, e elementos judaicos, como o Antigo Testamento. 

Resposta da IA:The religious landscape of the Third Reich was complex. Officially, Nazi Germany did not endorse a state religion, but initially promoted a form of Christianity known as **Positive Christianity**. This version sought to align Christian beliefs with Nazi ideology, emphasizing anti-Semitic and nationalist elements.


However, the Nazi regime also harbored elements of mysticism and occultism, particularly through the influence of ideologies like **Ariosophy**. Ariosophy combined Germanic myths with occult practices and was followed by some prominent members of the Nazi party. It envisioned a prehistoric golden age ruled by mystical Aryan priests and promoted the idea of a superior Aryan race.


Furthermore, there was an attempt to shape the **Reich Church**, moving away from traditional Christianity towards a more pagan and nationalistic belief system.


Leaders like Hitler had a complicated relationship with Christianity. While he used Christian symbolism and language for political purposes, he privately criticized Christianity and its teachings. The regime's ultimate goal seemed to be the creation of a new religious order that would replace traditional Christian beliefs with a belief system that aligned with Nazi ideology and Aryan supremacy narratives.

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Esto no tiene sentido, amigo. No al revisionismo histórico. Hitler y su régimen son dos cosas distintas (aunque inseparables). Les guste o no, los nazis tenían religión. Si saltaran conque los soviéticos no tenían, es aceptable y lógico porque era promovido por el régimen (al principio, al menos), pero los nazis eran cristianos. No aceptados por la iglesia católica, pero eso no quita que lo fueran. Este hilo no tiene ningún sentido, lo que te hayan dicho de niño no importa aquí. En latinoamérica las clases de historia suelen ser un asco, no las uses de guía.

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