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Age of History 3

Age of History 2 Toaster Mod.

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This mod is a miniaturized version of the original Age of History 2 game, with minor optimizations made and an attempt to give it a Victoria 3 theme.

Made only for Android.

It can be played even on an empty 450 MB RAM device using 1 scale.
- java Debug symbols removed.
- Kepler Scenario has been completely removed.
- 100 Kb backgrounds are used (2 colors).

- Only Victoria3 music will play in the game.

There are 1,5,7 saceles for AoC2. Removed others available for AoC 1.4.


Some ideologies in the latest update of Age of History 2 have been activated.

The names of the civilizations in the "Ancient Greece" scenario were translated into Turkish.

As I said, it can even be played in a toaster.

I couldn't finish the UI Adjustments completely, I will try to make the icons from the Victoria 3 theme.

link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-3UvY6iruZp1RC8nEcWUU3nD4PfKyl6u/view?usp=drivesdk


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Yes, now let me share another mod for toaster devices.
Note: I am testing the Optimization Modes on the Galaxy Tab 3 device, which is a slightly below average device. The modes can be played without any problems with minimal lag.

Another toaster mod was made for Blody Europe 2 v1.3.1.1 (Mobile exclusive).
Let me underline that I share this mod in accordance with the "netiket" rules, also known as internet etiquette. This quality mod belongs to the user MrDavid on the forum.
Really very high quality...

Yes, let me write in detail about what I did in the mod, maybe the official producer of the mod can take notes and fix some things.
I will also inform the community. I feel like letting it go for a while 😀.


Things done for optimization:

  • Unnecessary assets have been removed.



assets/map/backgrounds/BE_M.png (I guess these backgrounds are the loading screen before coming to the game.).

I removed its files from the game. I examined the dex code a little, but I couldn't see that these were called from anywhere. Some image files probably used for testing or in some trials (old versions). And you won't even feel its absence with its presence.


These cannot be called from anywhere in the dex. probably the file location was changed later.
There are already the same files in assets/UI/bg/.
That's why these were removed too.


  •  Assets that are necessary for some but not used by the majority.

Of course, every nation thinks that concrete is not enough to support its history, anthems and music.
But most gamers and streamers probably don't listen to it even once (even if they do, they don't listen to it through the game) and set the music volume to 0% in the settings.

For this reason:

    Scheming_Weasel.ogg, (This is the music that plays while typing the hi command and typing other commands in the console. But it had an unbearably loud bumpy gameplay, so I replaced it with the original game.).
    Victoria3_1.ogg, (Added music from the game Victoria 3 "netiket" and is metadata per Patent rule and cannot be used for merchandise)
    I deleted all the music in the game except the Music in the list.


  •  Debuggers that are useless except for Developers and Data analysts.

In this game, these are the sections of code required to log any crashes or see at runtime which class, method, field or line was called.
You can see this from the terminal or port or on debuggers. In short, it is extremely unnecessary for a normal player.
If I give an example of this from the PC version, when I create a bat file that writes "java -jar BE2.jar" and start the Blody europa 2 mod, the texts that come through cmd.

Of course, applications that do not contain any debugging code cannot be trusted, do not trust them.
A virus can be written in between. But I DID NOT do such a thing (If I did, would I say I did it?🧐)
Don't worry, you can look at AndroidManifest.xml, it doesn't require any extra permissions, you can also remove the debuggers in the original game.
You can remove debugging with jadx and compare files with Winmerge. (Although a normal user cannot do this, but...)

Anyway, this made the game lighter in both runtime and storage.
BE2 dex code is 9.99 Mb. It became 8.91 MB.



These are STEAM API support.
It was removed because it was of no use in the BE2 code.


  • Removed x86, x86_64 bit and armeabi (thumb) libraries.

Each upper API, let's say 4, can already run 2. That is, an x86 device can already run 64-bit code.
Upper ndk's were removed because AoC2 memory requirements were already sufficient for this ndk.
Note: x86 support is important for emulators, but I don't know a maniac who would play a game that already has a PC version on an emulator.


Let's get to the scenarios.

First of all, let me give you this historical note.
Hatay's Joining Date to the Motherland is 23 July 1939.

In other words, in all scenarios after July 23, 1939, Hatay was reorganized as Turkey's.



Normally, after Nazi Germany attacked France in World War II and the establishment of Vichy France, there were supposed to be vassals in Africa and the Middle East, I'm lazy about making flags and borders.


Balancing and diplomatic changes in the banned scenario.



The script of "Holy new world" was reworked by me. (In a fitting way).
However, it is a balanced power scenario where diplomacy and strategy are important.



Battle of Titans scenario. I'm not an expert. And I respect the history of every nation.
However, a bit too pan-Slavist approach was followed. The Ural-Altaic language alliance was made as a part of Pan-Slavism.

Anyway, since I am a Turkist, a few small Turquoise and Ural touches were made by me. (I'm no expert, but it's definitely more realistic than the original).

Did you like the changes in the scenarios? You can play the original scenarios by changing the assets/map/BE/scenarios/ folder.

RESULT: The --- that was 474 MB became 161 MB...
and there is no visible difference.
Of course, if Art is for the ear, I can't say anything 😂.

link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-2xHF4qtPlL3VoLOEsccTIwAyIEkWAhQ/

Edited by MeteHun

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