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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - 06/24 - Scenarios

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Infinite thank lukasz.you work hard and add many scenarios and features.

I very like the ww2 scenario you added.this scenario have many detailed colonies and vassals and.... 

But just few provinces have controled by wrong civs.(You can see scenario video).

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I adore the info you put on the scenarios, you could have done better with the modern world info though. The campaign is also something no one thought they wanted but it's extremely interesting, hopefully you get a reward such as a couple more secondary scenarios for completing certain tasks. It would be great if people could also make info for their own scenarios 

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2 hours ago, Unity said:

As campanhas podem desbloquear cenários?

I think the campaign releases other scenarios from the campaign by missions, for example "Capture London 6 months in any Campaign scenario" and if you do that, you get another scenario like: First World War, Second World War and all with one goal. If you don't play in "Campaigns" your game is free and you can play with any nation and make the choices you want, which is why the campaigns would be challenging 

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Hello Lukasz. There is something I am very confused about, so in the first shot of Poland, Poland was in the 4th rank but in the second shot it was in the 3rd rank. I don't know if this is because the leader made them go up to third rank cause that's the only thing I can think of

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5 minutes ago, discretemiddleman said:

Hello Lukasz. There is something I am very confused about, so in the first shot of Poland, Poland was in the 4th rank but in the second shot it was in the 3rd rank. I don't know if this is because the leader made them go up to third rank cause that's the only thing I can think of

Łukasz, make poland superpower🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

to jest dużo potrzebny 🫵😌

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I really like "Civilization stability"

It would be nice if this could be changed in the scenario editor so that it could be changed in African countries where, for example, Sudan has a coup every 3 years

I would also add something like "ruler's authority", which should increase with technology and there should be special laws to increase the ruler's authority.
The less authority the ruler has, the less stability the civilization has and greater likelihood of rebellions and civil wars

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13 minutes ago, Rodak Polak said:

I really like "Civilization stability"

It would be nice if this could be changed in the scenario editor so that it could be changed in African countries where, for example, Sudan has a coup every 3 years

I would also add something like "ruler's authority", which should increase with technology and there should be special laws to increase the ruler's authority.
The less authority the ruler has, the less stability the civilization has and greater likelihood of rebellions and civil wars

Its been a long time I not see you Rodak !

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13 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Age of History 3 - 06/24 - Scenarios




The colonies in the 1618 scenario look cool (there're inaccuracies like the boundaries of the Audience of Quito, and the names should also be made official, but it still looks cool). In the WWII scenario, the colonies are rather poorly detailed, and the flaws in the names are even more noticeable, but it's still a big step forward compared to the detail of AoH2

In addition, there should be a small principality of Orange on the territory of the papal Comtat Venaissin - the birthplace of the Orange dynasty

In addition, it's worth adding native principalities in Uganda, and the administrative center of Bechuanaland was in SAU.

All the mandated territories of the League of Nations (British Togo, etc.) should be made separate vassals. And Walvis-Bay should be a part of SAU.

These new mini-scenarios look really cool! Maybe it will be the same with other regions (HRE, Rus, Segunate Japan, manchu conquest of Ming)?

Edited by Mirolit

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16 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Эпоха истории 3 - 06/24 - Сценарии




Łukasz please add the scenario of the First World War in 1914 and the Peace of Versailles in 1919

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3 hours ago, mrx said:

Łukasz please add the scenario of the First World War in 1914 and the Peace of Versailles in 1919

Surely at least 1914 will be

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4 hours ago, mrx said:

Łukasz please add the scenario of the First World War in 1914 and the Peace of Versailles in 1919


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20 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Age of History 3 - 06/24 - Scenarios




I'd love to see 3 scenarios Lukas, a crusader setting one, rise.of.mongols & rise of islm, also I hope the vassal flag feature is toggelable on and off yk cuz like for exmaple makes Belgian Congo not really look realistic or accurate yk


Also china in the ww2 scenrio needs expansion tbh

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21 hours ago, Praefectus Italicum said:

 Chicos, vi a Alejandro Magno en uno de los archivos json de los líderes, así que creo que finalmente tendremos escenarios más antiguos. Por cierto, mis favoritos son esos)) 

Siempre han habido lideres asi, duh

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