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Age of History 3

Casus beli - War Justification

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my idea is to make it so that normally you cannot declare war on a country without providing a justification, maybe you had a button to create a casus belli in certain provinces, and the number of provinces selected and time ti create could depend on the level/skill of your military/diplomatic administrator, and when you have those war points and make a peace agreement you can select only the provinces with casus belli done, perhaps the justification could be lost with the death of the king/election of a new one or with the passage of time. and so the more recent the start date, the more provinces could be selected in less time. Perhaps it could also be said that if your country has a "Horde" government, its "casus belli" would take less time to be made, but if you do that, I think there should be a barrier so that a country cannot become a horde.




I don't know if it would work well because it needs testing and there is the problem that the game will have several dates and the way to conquer changes over time @Łukasz Jakowski 

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Posted (edited)

It will bring depth and a better role play for one of the main features of AOH3, which is war. 

When we click on the "declare war" button, there could be a tab with these options that would be shown only according to the enemy. If the enemy completes all the requirements, the country could declare war. If not, the option is hidden.

As you said, they should take time for the country to declare war, with an amount of money. The time could be sped up while paying more, or for other types of casus belli such as Alliance war, Liberation war and Military intervention, where the reaction should be immediate or fast.

Here's the possibilities :

Expansion war: 

This will be the most used reason for war, to extend its own territory. This is the option with the most consequences possible.

Example : Japanese expansion

Defensive war (coalition):

It's a war where at least one nation is mainly trying to defend itself from another. It will be possible if the enemy has +30% aggressive expansion points, and has a higher rank than the player (local, minor, major, great and superpowers). The country could also create a coalition for this, by requesting other countries. 

Example : Napoleonic wars, Winter war

Alliance war:

It will be possible to support an ally country which is already at war, by joining its side.

Example : World War One

Colonial war:

It will be possible if the enemy has colonies, the goal is only to possess te colony.

Example : The Colonial War

Liberation war

The vassal could declare a liberation war for its independence. 

Example : American Revolutionary War

Revanchist war:

It will be possible if the country still has a core to its lost territories.

Example : September Campaign, later WW2 (would fit with alliance war)

Military Intervention:

The country could intervene in an already existing war, if it lasts more than X years, depending on the country's rank (local, minor, major, great and superpowers). The player will side with its favorable country. And it will be possible only for great powers, or for military alliances led by a great power (like NATO or CSTO).

Example : 2011 military intervention in Libya.

Holy war

The country will try to convert people who aren't in its banner, by war. There is the possibility to call other countries with the same religion. Should be exclusive for christian countries.

Example : Crusades.



Some other option could be added, but it won't be worth it to, because they are already present in the peace treaty. 


If there's more, it would be possible to add.

Edited by Wayne23lololh

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5 hours ago, Wayne23lololh said:

It will bring depth and a better role play for one of the main features of AOH3, which is war. 

When we click on the "declare war" button, there could be a tab with these options that would be shown only according to the enemy. If the enemy completes all the requirements, the country could declare war. If not, the option is hidden.

As you said, they should take time for the country to declare war, with an amount of money. The time could be sped up while paying more, or for other types of casus belli such as Alliance war, Liberation war and Military intervention, where the reaction should be immediate or fast.

Here's the possibilities :

Expansion war: 

This will be the most used reason for war, to extend its own territory. This is the option with the most consequences possible.

Example : Japanese expansion

Defensive war (coalition):

It's a war where at least one nation is mainly trying to defend itself from another. It will be possible if the enemy has +30% aggressive expansion points, and has a higher rank than the player (local, minor, major, great and superpowers). The country could also create a coalition for this, by requesting other countries. 

Example : Napoleonic wars, Winter war

Alliance war:

It will be possible to support an ally country which is already at war, by joining its side.

Example : World War One

Colonial war:

It will be possible if the enemy has colonies, the goal is only to possess te colony.

Example : The Colonial War

Liberation war

The vassal could declare a liberation war for its independence. 

Example : American Revolutionary War

Revanchist war:

It will be possible if the country still has a core to its lost territories.

Example : September Campaign, later WW2 (would fit with alliance war)

Military Intervention:

The country could intervene in an already existing war, if it lasts more than X years, depending on the country's rank (local, minor, major, great and superpowers). The player will side with its favorable country. And it will be possible only for great powers, or for military alliances led by a great power (like NATO or CSTO).

Example : 2011 military intervention in Libya.

Holy war

The country will try to convert people who aren't in its banner, by war. There is the possibility to call other countries with the same religion. Should be exclusive for christian countries.

Example : Crusades.



Some other option could be added, but it won't be worth it to, because they are already present in the peace treaty. 


If there's more, it would be possible to add.

good idea, I think @Łukasz Jakowski should see it and try it, even if it was more simplified in the end

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Additionally, we can make it so that it takes more time, or is harder and more expensive to declare war on a nation that has the same ideology, and we can also apply that to religion if Lukasz is dedicated enough to add religion 

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