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Leave your alt. history ideas here for the 20th century scenario

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Maybe you can make a alternate scenario where the the British empire won the American Revolution thus united states never had independence in the first place, I'm sure many things would change without a USA in the 20th century🤔. (if that sounds like a bad and/or boring scenario then you don't have to add it ofc!)

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20 hours ago, Kaboom master said:

Maybe you can make a alternate scenario where the the British empire won the American Revolution thus united states never had independence in the first place, I'm sure many things would change without a USA in the 20th century🤔. (if that sounds like a bad and/or boring scenario then you don't have to add it ofc!)

It is a good idea! 😄 but im talking about alt history scenarios from events in the 20th century. For example Choose an event from the 20th century and give a possible result and its changes.

Example: Event: Assasination of Franz Ferdinand 

                             Alt history option: Assasination Failed

                            Outcome: WW1 avoided for some time

(This is only an example dont take it as the only form to suggest)


Edited by Uruguargentina

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45 minutes ago, Uruguargentina said:

It is a good idea! 😄 but im talking about alt history scenarios from events in the 20th century. For example Choose an event from the 20th century and give a possible result and its changes.

Example: Event: Assasination of Franz Ferdinand 

                             Alt history option: Assasination Failed

                            Outcome: WW1 avoided for some time

(This is only an example dont take it as the only form to suggest)


Oh thank you for correcting me, I didn't fully understand what you meant at first😅

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Jahr des Sieges (sorry for yapping 😔🙏)

May 23, 1919

Scenario where Germany wins World War 1 and gives the Allied Powers a BRUTAL Treaty:

United Kingdom

United Kingdom loses all colonies to Germany.

United Kingdom splits into England, Ireland, and Scotland.

England pays germany 100000 money each Year.


France becomes a vassal of Germany.

France loses all colonies but Algeria and Tunisia to Germany.

France won't be liberated until Germany Collapses.

Russian Empire/Soviet Union (idk abt S.U.)

Russia loses Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltics to Germany and Austria-Hungary.

Russia loses Transcaucasia to the Ottoman Empire.

Russia gives Turkestan (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan) independence.

Siberia liberates itself from russia, losing 70% of it's land.

United States

United States gives Mexico it's former lands (California, Texas, New Mexico, etc.)

United States gives Alaska and Hawaii Independence.

I am NOT doing the rest, you do it😀

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On 7/12/2024 at 2:24 PM, ExistenceDaVitaReduxDev said:

Jahr des Sieges (sorry for yapping 😔🙏)

May 23, 1919

Scenario where Germany wins World War 1 and gives the Allied Powers a BRUTAL Treaty:

United Kingdom

United Kingdom loses all colonies to Germany.

United Kingdom splits into England, Ireland, and Scotland.

England pays germany 100000 money each Year.


France becomes a vassal of Germany.

France loses all colonies but Algeria and Tunisia to Germany.

France won't be liberated until Germany Collapses.

Russian Empire/Soviet Union (idk abt S.U.)

Russia loses Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltics to Germany and Austria-Hungary.

Russia loses Transcaucasia to the Ottoman Empire.

Russia gives Turkestan (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan) independence.

Siberia liberates itself from russia, losing 70% of it's land.

United States

United States gives Mexico it's former lands (California, Texas, New Mexico, etc.)

United States gives Alaska and Hawaii Independence.

I am NOT doing the rest, you do it😀

Good! I will include it!

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On 02/07/2024 at 15:01, Uruguargentina said:

Se você tiver alguma ideia de história alternativa para esse cenário:

Deixe aqui nos comentários 😄

Super Ascenção de Países Americanos após ah primeira guerra



Se os Estados Unidos ganhar:

Tudo segue como o normal e os Sul Americanos melhoram as relações entre si.




Se os Estados Unidos se Fragmentar:


Os países sul Americanos começam a ficar com dívidas horríveis desse jeito virando Impérios e se juntando a esfera da Alemanha


Se os Estados Unidos tiverem uma crise na economia:

Os países Latinos começam a brigar entre si se dividindo por regiões 




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