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Ok hear me out real quick

So we all know how messy wars work in Aoh2, right?, well, maybe we could fix that!

Here is my idea:

If you attack the neighbouring country and have for example, the northern parts of it while the southern parts still neighbours you, the AI won't go all out and attack your provinces, instead, it will focus on liberating taken areas before attacking you back(kind of like a front!)

If the ai attacked you first, it should try to close the attack all the neighbouring provinces instead so you don't get to attack them instead (I'll try to show an example, defending plus attacking)





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I agree that the AI should heavily prioritize reconquering lost provinces given that reconquering lost provinces almost always will be more valuable than conquering the enemy's provinces first. However it would be unrealistic if the AI would never try to conquer at least some of your undefended provinces before having reconquered its own provinces.

I also don't think that this would be the best way to implement a front system. I believe the best way to make sure that both your own and the AI's armies are spread out across the border is to lower the maximum effective amount of units in a province to (for example) 10 after you or your enemy have researched accurate rifles and/or machine guns. Just like how IRL armies stopped fighting each other in dense formations after the invention of these weapons made such tactics ineffective.

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13 hours ago, Gosling said:

I agree that the AI should heavily prioritize reconquering lost provinces given that reconquering lost provinces almost always will be more valuable than conquering the enemy's provinces first. However it would be unrealistic if the AI would never try to conquer at least some of your undefended provinces before having reconquered its own provinces.

I also don't think that this would be the best way to implement a front system. I believe the best way to make sure that both your own and the AI's armies are spread out across the border is to lower the maximum effective amount of units in a province to (for example) 10 after you or your enemy have researched accurate rifles and/or machine guns. Just like how IRL armies stopped fighting each other in dense formations after the invention of these weapons made such tactics ineffective.

Yeah, this is kind of what I had more in mind recently, just didn't word it properly

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