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civilization What are the ways to destroy civilization?
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Денис Живков
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Age of History 3 - Official release date
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Land units - Ideas AoH3
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Representation of the battlefield in the game.
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Picked By
Łukasz Jakowski,
Let's take apart the existing ones and move on to the idea.
-Capture (You captured provinces in the war with civilization and civilization was completely annexed)
-The government lost support and rebelled against it (yes, or the government is authoritarian, then maybe with the support of other countries, the country can be captured by the rebellious population and it already decides what is better for him to accept, + you can sit down for a new or new the formed state)
What appeared or may appear in the new game:
-The displacement of the ruling party (yes, the ruling party loses support and is replaced by another one either through decisions and reforms, or the player wants it himself, but the state that we saw before has ceased to exist for us. Unlike the previous one, here the party chooses itself and rebels against the state)
?The destruction of the country by nuclear bombs (in a war against a sparsely populated country, you use a nuclear bomb in many provinces of the country and the country ceases to exist (maybe in principle, or maybe autonomous territories will appear somewhere))
-Accidentally exploded (if there is a leak in the province producing uranium, then the countries and provinces will receive a debit if the station explodes)
What can be added:
-The state will cease to exist if it cannot support the population (there are reasons for that. The state is in too much debt, but it is necessary to maintain the population and it either dies or runs away in small groups to neighboring provinces (if they are not colonized, then states with a large military force appear there and + when attacking and defending against the debtor state for 30-50 years)
If the population is steadily falling, then it can migrate to places where it is better (even to uninhabited provinces) IN ANY CASE, IF THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN THE PROVINCE IS 0, THEN THE PROVINCE BECOMES UNINHABITED
Mystical ways and they are implemented:
-Littering of the country (if your country either produces itself or is littered with other industries, then it steadily gets debauched into the population in the province and in the provinces themselves, which are littered. If you continue like this, the provinces will become uninhabitable)
-Your country was destroyed by the uprising of zombie people (if the number of attacks in your country is steadily falling due to illness and you do nothing about it, then people who have already died can rise up and destroy your state (+ you can play as a horde of the undead, which is controlled by one main goiter). A new state may have a population growth factor if a province is struck by a disease. + to the people of the country, which receives forever subordinate people, i.e. the maximum level of trust among the population and the smallest level of rebellion (but if it appears, it will be very strong). big - to production because nothing is being done and big - to technology because zombies are not strong in this.)
-Your power was destroyed by a battered superweapon (a country that has experienced and has not conspired with yours receives maximum reasoning from others. Perhaps the country conspired with yours (since the test gives you and the allied countries + to the relationship) In any case, whether it's a SOLAR LASER weapon, a KALI STORM, a COBALT BOMB or a "KING" AI must understand that 75% of the land must not be touched by a bomb, otherwise it must refuse (or act treacherously)))
- Everything is not in order in your country, and it is constantly torn apart by uprisings (Neighboring countries can divide the good territories of your country among themselves)
Conclusion: You are Poland.))))
@ALDI @Uruguargentina
@murai @AmericanLiberia@YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan @ALDI @mattxjpg @china peple @Das Moss Man@Dipto479, @Lim10, @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, @SerenDippTheGreat, @bun_dha4, @Wooodex, @Iceman, @Comrade_Parrot, @桂圆甜不甜, @PiePants, @sanitar4ick,@Gustav Heinrich @Nisnac@Avinetta @Evis7 @AleksGame @Nay_13
@IRn@bulbanoof @RMaRe@IKayzerI @thecarvalhogamer@ecl @Kiwi@aa30388,@wbladew5,@qxz,@Wayne23lololh, @Anyone,@Nowarhia, @Outlawexperience, @GalacticCakes, @Matvey, @bizacjum @paul2kdj @BALONA30, @Barbaris, @Rodak Polak, @wafflestein8, @Yahya @wbladew5, @Mihael1, @Warnnexx, @Free City of Łódź What answer would you give to my question ?
@Łukasz Jakowski
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