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The idea is brief, but what if instead of "industry" or "economy" with digits, we had a GDP?


That is, by selecting the GDP we see what generates more money, whether it's trade, taxes, production, and what generates debt, which is the civil, military, research budget, and others. I mean, in the Middle Ages, there was no "industry" until the Industrial Revolution.


I would also like to see the AI carry out coups against dictatorial states and disastrous presidents that cause a drop in their GDP. Of course, so that it’s not random, we could set political and civil stability in a country, and depending on that, there would be drastic changes in corruption and the mandate of the AI and the player.


It would be interesting to face an economic crisis that is very difficult to overcome or recover from, like the Treaty of Versailles and the curse of abundant resources.


It would be interesting to see how the AI of a superpower sends aid packages in money to a country that holds some interest for the power.


I would like to see an AI like the United States intervening in wars in the East, Europe, America, Oceania, and even Asia, making it an interventionist AI.


We could have several types of AI: interventionist, conservative, isolationist, imperialist, colonialist, and mercantilist.


One AI would give importance to embargo options, while another AI would try to attack underdeveloped and uncivilized nations, another would seek to take over a country and establish a puppet dictatorship. An isolated one would be like the Qing dynasty. Anyway, there are many possibilities for the AI, but I doubt they will be implemented, after all, they are complex programming data.

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Very good idea! I want to see GDP instead of economy in game, but idea with AI is very hard to realise. I want to Lukass will make GDP, but idea with AI - don't.

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