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Age of History 3

Age of History 2.5 - Official Release Thread

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10 hours ago, Pumped said:

As a logical extension of my "Enhanced Spectator Mod", I introduce a new, pre-AoC3, portable plugin coded for scratch from AoC2's 2.5 update for the to ease this long period of waiting.

What does it include?

You can view a comprehensive list of individual changes and their respective implementation/instruction details in the discord link here. The main, generalized features of the mod are:

  • Dynamic flavor events to improve immersion and realism in the game. This includes economic fluctuation events, which primarily effect a single, economically large nation during the playthrough of a game and resultingly sway the economies of surrounding civilizations. Furthermore, war-related events are also included, so war-declarations, capitulations (a new feature), and call-to-arms, exclusive to significant nations militarily.
  • A complete restructuring of the game's trading system to introduce a new multi-factored system (relation, nation size, nations at war, etc) that the AI assesses rather than one arbitrary value depending on the trade, making the game much more realistic and difficult.
  • Completely different AI behavior in diplomacy, which now adapts to strategically ally and improve relations with closer, militarily larger nations, helping to guarantee their survival against external forces. The distance also is altered based on the globalization factor of the current game year/age, accepting alliances based on relative strengths of nations and overall diplomatic relationships.
  • A rewritten peace treaty safecheck system, helping to reduce border gore by comparing the distance of each AI demand to the mainland of the nation, creating many more vassals based on the distance, aforementioned age globalization, and stability of the provinces to be annexed.
  • An extremely large amount of quality-of-life UI changes, including a revamped assimilation menu for multi-province stabilization (in one click), a toggle for the battle results overlay between turns, and a animation to a civilization after clicking its flag in the diplomacy menu.
  • New settings, including border size, color, and UI width, all especially useful for graphical-related mobile errors.
  • Editor/creator changes for mod makers, including a search bar in the event creation menu, a working occupation select tool in scenario creator, the 'back' button always being at the bottom of the screen (so you don't have to scroll all the way down), and an option to select starting music.
  • Complete integrations of my other mods, including Enhanced Spectator Mod, Extended Console Commands, and Player-Led Peace Conferences (the former and latter as toggles in the pre-game menu), check out my YouTube page if you don't know what these are!
  • Many, many bug fixes, including the bug with new games sending the player to the main menu, editor civilizations not loading on mobile, and crashes when viewing the timelapse of the game.
  • Again, please join the discord for a list of every change and how to use it, if applicable, this is especially important for mod makers.

See the below video for a visual overview of the features. Mind the red borders (video recording error, not in game) and informality, I was tired


PC Download

Android Download

How do I install it on PC?
Unlike my other mod, this one comes in the form of an .exe file. That means all you have to do on computer, essentially, is to drag and drop the .exe and partial game data from the .zip file linked below into any installation of the game or mod that you wish to play with (I recommend Megamod or QBAM 😉), and then run it*. No Java or Java-related software is required, you can watch the video linked below if you need instructions as to how to extract a .zip file. 

*However you must also add the language file data to your game's (or mod's) language file data if you would like better UI experience or speak Portuguese, Turkish, or Russian (supported languages), this is shown in the video.

How do I install it on Android?

Sadly, this is slightly more complex than computer. However, if you have experience with MTManager or have installed my previous mod, you will likely not need guidance with this. Watch the visual guide below for mobile installation, located in the video above in the respective segment "Mobile Installation".

Support? Suggestions? Questions?
Again, I highly recommend you join the discord for help with installation, bug reports, or general suggestion, as I will likely respond faster there.

Special thanks to @ItsCatboy for lots of help with feature suggestions and beta-testing, without him the mod would be complete garbage. Also, thanks to @Siamese for making a youtube video showcasing Enhanced Spectator Mod and @uwut for making engine-related launchers and code modifications like the one here popular! And obviously @Łukasz Jakowski for creating the entire game and its code (all I did was slightly edit it).

It's finally here. I plan to make another video on this. What should I showcase?

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On 8/4/2024 at 5:55 PM, Reza Shah said:

Please. Guide me on how to mix this with BE2 codes. It will be an absolute banger

you can't

they're separate engine with conflicting code

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i have send one message and got banned 😂 they claimed i was toxic even tough i just mentioned catboy.

I don't want beef, but the mod looks really promising and i got banned for something that i have not done on the server


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On 8/4/2024 at 8:13 AM, ItsCatboy said:

Someone tell ivr's lazy ass THIS is how a revolutionary mod is done.

you did the work a 5 year old could do, pumped is the reason for the mod and not you so you should not act like this mod is by you

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38 minutes ago, YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan said:

Allow us to choose vassal degrees of autonomy with events as Carpatho-Ukraine became a problem due to the sudetenland thing made czechia a puppet so how do I make Carpatho-Ukraine remain a direct-controlled vassal? thats the issue we cant so the mod is (Likely) dead please add this

Also useful for the soviet occupation of the baltics and anschluss...

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