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Age of History 3

question to lukas - specific unique feautures tied to ideolgies & religions??

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Hi lukas i am wondering if ideolgies and religions can have unique mechnics tied to them like holy wars for islam & christanity,a caste system in hinduism, elections for democratic nations, punishment for being at peace for too long for horde and nat soc ideologies aswell as some sort of economic feuture or mechinic for merchent republics and features or even simply anything from buffs/debuffs tied to some ideoliges and religions if mehcnics are too much

this is so they can actually have some features and not just simply be logos and labels on a screen like aoh2 ideolgies were and didnt do anything intresting or anything at all


what do u think 

@Łukasz Jakowski

for exmaple in eu4 u could pick a diety out of 4 main ones that gave u bonuses if u were playing as a hindu nation, and also in ck2 & maybe 3 elephant units existed in india

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