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Age of History 3

Ideas of dictatorship and diplomatic options.

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Hello, some mechanics or concepts that I would like to see in Age of History III are the percentages of the population affiliated with a particular ideology, such as communism, democracy, anarchism, and others.


Of course, to increase the population of a particular ideology, investments should be made in that ideology (if it's not the form of government) to establish it on a national level.


On the other hand, the quality of life of the population and national prestige could have a positive growth, leading to a 25-30% popularity increase of the ideology in that country and a 5-2% increase in neighboring countries.


In the event of election fraud, due to corruption above 60 or actions by the player/AI, national discontent will increase by 30% plus the percentage of negative or positive growth in prestige, economy, taxes, and population (migration).


An ideological civil war (not independence) should transform the entire country rather than create a clone of it with a different ideology. For this, the rebels must capture 70-80% of the provinces or 80% of the population for a capitulation event to occur.


Two possible events could occur: the government capitulates and the ruler is executed, or the government reforms and the ruler is exiled.


The ruler provides a 1-6% monthly popularity boost to their attributed ideology.


The player can create or modify the name of a generic party to a more suitable one. That is, the game generates a simple name with the following pattern:

Party {ideology}

{communism = communist}

{Democracy = Democrat}

{Republic = Republican}

{Fascist = Nationalist/fascist}


Democratic Revolutionary Party


To establish a dictatorship, a law must be passed on elections or a decision made by a general election event or some options section where elections are banned. This will cause discontent multiplied by the era they are in and the number of democratic countries (Example: Contemporary Era = Discontent +0.3 x {number of countries with elections or democracy}).


The election laws every x years can be modified by the player or the AI, as long as they don't exceed 8-10 years of mandate per election. The longer the government period, the more corruption and control the dictatorial AI will generate in the long term.


A second AI within a nation would be convenient. While the player is trying to maintain power, the AI (controlling any population with a different ideology) will try to gain popularity through campaigns (Campaign probability events) and/or through rearmament or foreign aid.


Example: Chinese communists arming themselves with Soviet support.


If the opposing population has too much support, weaponry, money, or hidden rebel armies, the probability of civil war is greater than 80%.


If you lose the civil war, then: +60% corruption

Probability of becoming a dictatorship: 20% + influence of a country without elections (%)

Probability of being an ideology established by the people: 50%




United Nations Organization:


Resolutions to declare/remove/end wars/embargoes/tensions and maintain peace.


It has a 0% to 100% international alteration. If a country causes more than 30-40% of international alteration due to its wars or diplomatic movements, then every country within this organization will have a higher than 50% probability to embargo the cause of the international turmoil, send support to every invaded country, and possibly intervene in the country's conquests.


The founding or highest investing country in this organization can control its movements according to its interests (Example: resolution to remove the embargo on Cuba by the USA. 98% in favor, with the USA and Israel against. Result: Embargo not removed. Reason: The United States has strong influence over the organization).


(Perfect for modern era games)


Political actions:


Pay debt


Recognize country (Israel/Palestine, China/Taiwan, etc.)


Send volunteers (maximum army to send depends on the technology or capacity of the country).


Support (x) party (by foreign countries), e.g., Soviet Union supports the {communist} party of Poland. Grants +10-20% popularity monthly/annually.


Steal technology:

Mission time (1 to 5 years), possibility of being discovered (x)% (the possibility can be reduced if: investment is made in the agency, the spied country is not a power, the country is/is not at war, state-of-the-art spy technology, or if the spied country invests/does not invest in counterintelligence). If the theft is successfully completed, then: you get +(x)% research speed, one/two technologies unlocked.


Sabotage the research/relations/economy of (x) country.


And that is all I have to offer as ideas to Aoh3. They might not be added due to their complexity. But it's better to share my idea today than never.


P.S.: Drink water and get good sleep. Being healthy is good 👍

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