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Age of History 3

Peoples - A Perfect replacement for cores that simultaneously adds cultures

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The Idea Is Really simple, civs wont have individual cores anymore, instead, you will have a shared core like system called Peoples..


Pretty Much, each civilization has it's assigned ethnic peoples that it shares with all civlizations with the same ethnic peoples, meaning there is no reason to assimilate them just like in real life, example below of germanic region and all the civs inside it sharing the same peoples, meaning saxony wont have to assimilate bavaria for example 




this essentially means, no more annoying core placement, and no more having to worry about cores sticking around 3234234234 years after a civilization is gone, and it removes the fuss of dealing with civilizations who control massive lands of territory that isnt occupied by their ethnic group in any future culture feature, in fact if you add it you won't even need cultures,

but in some scenario's a civilization could exist that control MASSIVE swaths of land that isn't really occupied by their peoples, whats the solution for that?

well there are two ways 


these things are built in cultures a prime example of this is the timurids as seen below


as you can see, the timurids exist in big part in iran, the timurds aren't even persian ethnically, they're turkic but most of their population base is in persian land, this will be fixed by allowing civilizations to have secondary peoples that it doesn't try to assimilate into it's own turkic peoples


thats approach 1



approach 2: Simply, assimilating, but instead of removing entire peoples (illogical) the assimilation will give those peoples ASPECTS from the people that assimilate them


Example: Germany Colonizes namibia, namibia's peoples are called ovambo, the ovambo people will be assimilated and turned into germanized ovambo, giving a 70% stability bonus, if namibia regains independence the old ovambo culture will be set as the main and namibia will start getting rid of its colonial culture



thoughts? i simplified it as much as possible, i have many other ideas for a better assimilation system, making settlers change the province's demographic by settling them there until they become a majority etc etc etc...

@Łukasz Jakowski thoughts?

@Das Moss Manis this a good replacement for the cores?




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Posted (edited)

very good.

but it needs cultures as mechanic, because basically it's just "shared cores" Some cultures would have claims on some land and if you have that culture as yours main it will be your claims. At least I understood so

Edited by Naval

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30 minutes ago, Naval said:

very good.

but it needs cultures as mechanic, because basically it's just "shared cores" Some cultures would have claims on some land and if you have that culture as yours main it will be your claims. At least I understood so

maybe, but i think this is a more than sufficient placeholder

31 minutes ago, Naval said:

Some cultures would have claims on some land and if you have that culture as yours main it will be your claims. At least I understood so

yes, it's pretty much a good excuse for you to go to war if your people are under the rule of an invader 

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Posted (edited)

There should be a law about how minorities should be treated. This could be used for AI too, for example, if Romania installs a minority repression law, repressing the Hungarian minority, Hungary will be more likely to declare war on Romania.

Centralization contributes to it.


Vassal liberty Desire  

Building Construction Cost  

Unique capital Construction  Cost  


Province Stability  

Research  Cost  











Low centralization  








Medium centralization  








High centralization  
















*Minority population happiness, rebellion risk (inverted sign)


Edited by Wayne23lololh

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2 hours ago, Wayne23lololh said:

There should be a law about how minorities should be treated. This could be used for AI too, for example, if Romania installs a minority repression law, repressing the Hungarian minority, Hungary will be more likely to declare war on Romania.

Centralization contributes to it.


Vassal liberty Desire  

Building Construction Cost  

Unique capital Construction  Cost  


Province Stability  

Research  Cost  











Low centralization  








Medium centralization  








High centralization  
















*Minority population happiness


amazing idea

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7 hours ago, Wayne23lololh said:

There should be a law about how minorities should be treated. This could be used for AI too, for example, if Romania installs a minority repression law, repressing the Hungarian minority, Hungary will be more likely to declare war on Romania.

Centralization contributes to it.


Vassal liberty Desire  

Building Construction Cost  

Unique capital Construction  Cost  


Province Stability  

Research  Cost  











Low centralization  








Medium centralization  








High centralization  
















*Minority population happiness


I know how I'm gonna use this

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On 8/26/2024 at 10:17 AM, Marerjh said:

Coring ≠ assimilation. For me it's process of establishing new administration and introducing your laws to local people as well, and your system misses it 😞 

well that IS true but i feel like it's too complex for the gaming style lukazs is going for

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