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Age of History 3

Leaders Attributes/Reforms

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The attributes of leaders are a mechanic that could work very well in the game, as they would make civil wars and changes in presidents and rulers more frequent.


In other words, the attributes of leaders will be crucial for their popularity (if democratic), their loyalty (if non-democratic or a dictatorship), and their political stance.


For example, if a leader is a protectionist, you cannot reform the country into a free market or a state without intervention, because the leader supports state intervention.


An example is what happens in Venezuela:


Leader: Maduro



(Paranoid -2

Criminal -1

Inexperienced -5

Dictator +2

Iron Fist +1) + (public discontent -5, dictatorship -2, taxes -2, embargoes -7, illicit government -3, quality of life -6)


[The illicit government is based on the trade of illicit substances controlled by a criminal group involved in this business.]


Loyalty/popularity can be an "A" factor that could lead to a civil war.


Let’s imagine this mechanic exists in AoH3. Now, go to the United States during an election period.


You would see two candidates running for president: Trump and Biden.


Trump has high popularity and the support of the people to win and take the presidency. Biden, on the other hand, does not.


Now, let's imagine an event occurs where, hypothetically, Trump is removed from the political and earthly scene.


What would most likely happen is that the risk of civil war and unrest would increase significantly, leading to substantial losses for the AI-controlled or player-controlled nation.


If a civil war occurs, the rebels would be marked as fanatics of the opposing party. That is, they wouldn't form a new country; instead, they would try to capture the most important cities or 70-80% of the entire American territory to force the government to capitulate and install a ruler from their ideology.


This prevents the creation of unnecessary countries.


Additionally, I suggest that, to ensure this feature is not overlooked or deemed unimportant, something should be implemented that makes players or the AI addicted to keeping a particular ruler in power. Whether it’s revenue, spending, or anything else crucial to us, it would be like Julius Caesar in politics, making it difficult to abandon, assassinate, or lose the ruler in elections. This could lead to a dictatorship, or for wiser players, they might choose to let go of the ruler to allow others to take their place.




Extra Suggestion:


I suggest implementing a time limit for reform changes.


For example, if we transition from gold coins to paper currency, it shouldn't happen instantly. It would be like technology; we would have to wait for its implementation and full integration into the country to be completed (just like reforms in Victoria III).


From 0% to 100% over a period, say from January 1st to September 8th, or something like that.

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Increíble sería más o menos como Europa Universales, pero algo diferente, y con lo final que dijiste siento que no de mucha importancia (en mi opinion) espero que este post tuyo resiba más respuesta de la gente para ampliar el tema,

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