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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - Releases on October 23rd, 2024

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Amigos, Estamos ante un suceso increíble ENSERIO talvez para algunos no sea la gran cosa pero para mí SI LO ES, saben cuanto quisiera jugar los Juegos de paradox pero no puedo ya que no cuento con una computadora:( pero este juego será lo más cercano que tendré espero que la versión de dispositivos móviles salga en noviembre, Me vi gran parte del video y por lo que  creo y  no soy el único es que la IA se ve horrible osea que todas las nasiones son muy equilibradas parecido a AGH 2 solo espero que en futuras actualizaciónes sea mejorada. 


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On 9/2/2024 at 6:06 AM, Marerjh said:

Yeah. Lukasz destroyed all the armies with no problem. England and France both extremely passive. Spain conquered Portugal, Aragon conquered Spain. Ottoman disappeared from the map. Looks like lukasz once again tried to make the game "balanced" by reducing some economies, resulting in civilizations being +- same in terms of power.🙂


I'm curious if they have any building strategy, as buildings are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT in this game. One library gives +5 points to research every month, basically making researches fully dependant on buildings. Libraries will be most important buildings fr.

The AI does indeed build. Like a lot, if you go to 1:40:23 on the video you can see that the Ming has built 25 more buildings than Lukasz. Also something of note is that there's still border gore

Edit: It seems the AI is focusing less on war and more on economy as France has twice more than Lukasz and France it self is number 6 while Lukasz is 10

Edited by discretemiddleman

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1 hour ago, dhdhshd said:

Lucas, I'm suggesting you fix Ai. Ai in your video is terrible and needs to be fixed.

Maybe some change to do but I don't think it is too bad as you said, for example the variation of the aggressiveness, some countries were more focus on military and expansion, while other were more focus to economic growth.

You don't even say what to change or improve, so why criticize if it don't have the aim of improve ? That's why I think it's better to say nothing than a supposed blank though only to get down his work. 

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On 9/2/2024 at 3:41 AM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Age of History 3 - Releases on October 23rd, 2024 😛



I hope u didnt forget to atleast add lds/mormons lol for the western usa from 1800s or so onwards

Edited by usernamelplol

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On ۱۴۰۳/۶/۱۲ at 12:10, Brianman said:

حدس زدن

اندروید در نوامبر/دسامبر منتشر می شود؟


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