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Age of History 3

Strong countries should not be weakened for balancing

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As far as I saw in the video, the Great and Powerful civilizations remained passive and did not make their power felt
France and England, passive
The Ottoman Empire was divided
But these 3 states should be very powerful and unstoppable

In the scenarios I want, I want all civilizations to remain as strong as they are and I want us to have a more realistic struggle

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Honestly, the game is overall poorly balanced. In AoH2 all the bonuses were so minor that most players didn't even notice them. In AoH3 they are too huge (wtf, why do specialized buildings provide +75% prod efficiency??? They will repay within a few months. +5 research per library? This one literally halves research time every time the library is built).

Investments are too fast and cheap. Even the weakest civilization can constantly invest in its provinces.

Research speed is based on the number of provinces, so huge civilizations will always be much more developed.

Regiments are too cheap. Like, are you serious? 12 gold? 0,1 gold maintenance? Let's remember specialized buildings. Each one will increase income by like 2-3 gold. This allows me to hold an additional 20-30 regiments.

Elite Swordsman and Elite Pikeman cost the same, however Swordsman are much weaker.

I hope that Lukasz's understanda the problem and will fix everything within two months.🙏

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