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Age of History 3

My Ideas pls look

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Dear Lukasz Jakowski, I watched your latest game video, but unfortunately, I didn't see a game as good as I expected. Perhaps it's because you focus solely on warfare, but based on the information you have shared so far and various videos, I must say that the game appears to be quite shallow and lacking depth. Additionally, many of my ideas were not acknowledged in the community or forums, which truly saddened me. Therefore, I would like to share all my ideas again in a single text.


1. **Poor Diplomacy Artificial Intelligence (AI):** It seems that the diplomacy mechanics in the game are similar to Age of History 2, if not worse. The AI behavior is poor, economies don't strengthen realistically, and the AI barely utilizes diplomatic mechanics.


2. **Inadequate Army Power:** When one side has numerical superiority, they have a high probability of winning battles. Here are some improvement suggestions:

   - Armies could receive bonuses depending on the country they are fighting in. For instance, if an army fights in its homeland, it could gain a 0.1 homeland defense bonus.

   - As technology advances over the years, the duration of battles should increase. For instance, in the 1400s, two armies could engage in battle for a maximum of 2 months without any retreat, whereas in 1900, this duration could extend to 6 months.


3. **Colonization:** The colonization system has been briefly discussed and then set aside with minor changes. However, the current system is inadequate and even nonsensical. I believe a mechanic should be added where we can establish an interest zone in the region we want to colonize. If successful, colonization should start. Moreover, after a certain period, it should be evident that the territory belongs to us, as other countries might attempt to colonize the area.


I hope these translations help convey your valuable feedback effectively to the relevant parties.

- When you establish an interest zone in a colony region, there could be a chance for us to see other countries declaring their interest zones as well. This competition among nations can lead to unofficial wars between colonies, and the winner should be able to claim the territories in that region.


- In overseas colonies, it would be much more logical to create a Vassal state once we reach a certain number of territories. Similar to Age of History 2, the distance from the capital should affect mechanics such as morale, happiness, and stability, potentially causing harm to the region and its earnings.


- **War Table:** The war table should definitely include economic and population loss, just like in the second game. When a province undergoes war, looting, enemy troop passage, or occupation, it should inflict damage not only on that province but also automatically on the country. Considering that wars could last from weeks to decades, knowing these statistics about countries is crucial.


- **Industry and Resources:** While industry is somewhat average in the game, I cannot say the same for resources. Particularly, materials such as wood, metal, steel, lead, and other economic resources should be vital for military production. As technology advances, the requirements for military production will change, affecting the importance of these resources over time.

   - Units that require these resources for production should include ships, aircraft, tanks, and some significant buildings.


I hope these translations accurately convey your thoughts and suggestions for further improvements in the game.


- **Aircraft, Ships, and Warships Mechanics**


   - Aircraft must have a distinct mechanic. Using them as support units within an army is unrealistic and detracts from the enjoyment of the game. It is truly disheartening that such a poor mechanic is used when there are many simple options and methods to compensate for it.


   - Aircraft should definitely be removed from the support class within armies and they should have no connection with any ground forces.


   - Aircraft should be produced based on resources, not just money and number of soldiers.


   - **Ships and Warships**


   We are aware that ships exist in the game, but whether they are trade ships or warships, or if both exist, is unclear. I noticed mention of pirates in some text.


    Firstly, while I have certain disappointments with various mechanics, I would like to discuss this as well. Warships need to be diversified over time into categories according to the modern era:


   - Destroyer, submarine, battleship, cruiser, flagship, aircraft carrier. Each of these should have unique attributes and hold a special place in the sea and ocean within the game.


   - If a country loses a naval battle and its coastline is exposed, their naval power should be reset. Entering a naval blockade should increase the economic damage and sanctions of the country.


- **Education**:


   - Education should definitely have a proper mechanic. Laws and reforms pass too simply; citizens do not demand needed reforms or oppose unnecessary ones. Education levels should evolve based on the era and education system in place.


I hope these translations accurately express your suggestions for enhancing the aircraft, ship, warship mechanics, as well as the educational system in the game.


- **Schools, Universities, and Educational Investments**:


   - As the education level and literacy of the population increase through schools, universities, and investments, there should be an easier chance to pass certain laws. However, having a high level of education can lead to democratic or ideological demands and may even result in triggering some uprisings. Therefore, caution is necessary in this regard.


   - As the education level increases, the region's and country's income should also rise, leading towards a more stable economy. Additionally, there will be an increased need for certain resources.


- **Era-Specific Buffs and Mechanics**:


   - Each era should lead to specific consequences. After the Industrial Revolution, Europe and certain regions should experience an accelerated economic growth rate. Post-1453, geographical discoveries and colonization should occur, while after 1800, global bloc formation and world wars are expected.


- **Neutral Zones**:


   - In-game, the winning side may demand the demilitarization of a region from the defeated side, with the duration of demilitarization being regulated based on months or years.


These are my comments on your suggestions. Thank you.


Could you please provide feedback on my comment in one response?

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On 05.09.2024 at 02:44, muhoaga said:

Dear Lukasz Jakowski, I watched your latest game video, but unfortunately, I didn't see a game as good as I expected. Perhaps it's because you focus solely on warfare, but based on the information you have shared so far and various videos, I must say that the game appears to be quite shallow and lacking depth. Additionally, many of my ideas were not acknowledged in the community or forums, which truly saddened me. Therefore, I would like to share all my ideas again in a single text.


1. **Poor Diplomacy Artificial Intelligence (AI):** It seems that the diplomacy mechanics in the game are similar to Age of History 2, if not worse. The AI behavior is poor, economies don't strengthen realistically, and the AI barely utilizes diplomatic mechanics.


2. **Inadequate Army Power:** When one side has numerical superiority, they have a high probability of winning battles. Here are some improvement suggestions:

   - Armies could receive bonuses depending on the country they are fighting in. For instance, if an army fights in its homeland, it could gain a 0.1 homeland defense bonus.

   - As technology advances over the years, the duration of battles should increase. For instance, in the 1400s, two armies could engage in battle for a maximum of 2 months without any retreat, whereas in 1900, this duration could extend to 6 months.


3. **Colonization:** The colonization system has been briefly discussed and then set aside with minor changes. However, the current system is inadequate and even nonsensical. I believe a mechanic should be added where we can establish an interest zone in the region we want to colonize. If successful, colonization should start. Moreover, after a certain period, it should be evident that the territory belongs to us, as other countries might attempt to colonize the area.


I hope these translations help convey your valuable feedback effectively to the relevant parties.

- When you establish an interest zone in a colony region, there could be a chance for us to see other countries declaring their interest zones as well. This competition among nations can lead to unofficial wars between colonies, and the winner should be able to claim the territories in that region.


- In overseas colonies, it would be much more logical to create a Vassal state once we reach a certain number of territories. Similar to Age of History 2, the distance from the capital should affect mechanics such as morale, happiness, and stability, potentially causing harm to the region and its earnings.


- **Savaş Tablosu:** Savaş tablosu, tıpkı ikinci oyunda olduğu gibi, kesinlikle ekonomik ve nüfus kaybını içermelidir. Bir eyalet savaş, yağma, düşman asker geçişi veya işgale uğradığında, yalnızca o eyalete değil, aynı zamanda ülkeye de otomatik olarak zarar vermelidir. Savaşların haftalardan on yıllara kadar sürebileceğini düşünürsek, ülkeler hakkında bu istatistikleri bilmek çok önemlidir.


- **Endüstri ve Kaynaklar:** Endüstri oyun ortalaması olsa da kaynaklar için her şeyi aynı söyleyemem. Özellikle ahşap, metal, çelik, kurşun ve diğer ekonomik kaynaklar gibi özellikler askeri üretim için hayati öneme sahiptir. Teknolojinin askeri üretimi boyunca ve bu zamanda bu ürünlerin özellikleri mevcuttur.

   - Üretim için bu kaynaklara ihtiyaç duyan birimler arasında gemiler, uçaklar, tanklar ve bazı önemli binalar yer almalıdır.


Umarım bu çevirileri, oyunda daha fazla ilerlemeniz için düşüncelerinizi ve önerilerinizi doğru bir şekilde aktarırsınız.


- **Uçak, Gemi ve Savaş Gemileri Mekaniği**


   - Uçakların belirgin bir mekaniği olmalı. Bunları bir ordu içinde destek birimleri olarak kullanmak değildir ve kullanım avantajını kaçırır. Bunu hızlı bir şekilde gerçekleştirmek için birçok basit seçenek ve yöntem varken böylesine kötü bir mekaniğin kullanılması gerçekten ahlaki açıdan yorucu.


   - Uçak orduları içerisinde destek sınıfından kesinlikle çıkarılmamalı ve hiçbir kara gücüyle bağlantı parçaları bulunmamalıdır.


   - Uçak üretimi sadece para ve askere göre değil, kaynaklara göre yapılmalıdır.


   - **Gemiler ve Savaş Gemileri**


   Oyunda gemilerin varlığının farkındayız ancak bunların ticaret gemisi mi yoksa savaş gemisi mi olduğu veya onun ne olacağı de olup olmadığı belirsiz. Bazı metinlerde korsanlardan bahsedildiğini fark etmiştiniz.


    Öncelikle çeşitli mekaniklerle ilgili bazı hayal kırıklıkları olsa da, bunu da tartışmak istiyorum. Savaş gemilerinin modern döneme göre zamana göre ayrılması gerekiyor:


   - Muhrip, denizaltı, savaş gemisi, kruvazör, amiral gemisi, uçak gemisi. Bunların arasında her biri benzersiz özelliklere sahip olmalı ve oyun içinde denizde ve okyanusta özel bir yere sahip olmalıdır.


   - Bir ülke deniz savaşını kaçırıyorsa ve kıyı şeritleri çıkarsa, deniz gücü yeniden ayarlanmalıdır. Deniz ablukasına girmek, ülkenin ekonomik hasarını ve yaptırımlarını artırmak gerekir.


- **Eğitim**:


   - Eğitimin kesinlikle düzgün bir mekaniği olmalı. Yasalar ve reformlar çok basit geçişler; standart ihtiyaç seçenekleri reformları talep etmiyor veya gereksiz olanlara karşı çıkmıyor. Eğitim seviyeleri, çağa ve mevcut eğitim sistemine göre gelişmeli.


Umarım bu çeviriler oyundaki uçak, gemi, savaş gemisi mekaniklerinin yanı sıra eğitim sisteminize yönelik önerilerinizi doğru bir şekilde ifade eder.


- **Okullar, Üniversiteler ve Eğitim Yatırımları**:


   - Okullar, üniversiteler yatırımlar ve yoluyla sağlanan eğitim düzeyi ve okuryazarlığı becerileri, seçici davranışların özünde daha kolay bir olmalıdır. Ancak yüksek bir eğitim ortamına sahip olmak demokratik veya ideolojik taleplere yol açabilir ve hatta bazı ayaklanmaları tetikleyebilir. Bu nedenle bu konuda dikkatli olmak gerekir.


   - Eğitim düzeyi bölgesi ve ülkenin geliri de artmalı, bu da daha partiye bir ekonomiye yol açmalıdır. Ayrıca belirli kaynaklara olan ihtiyaç artacaktır.


- **Çağa Özel Güçlendirmeler ve Mekanikler**:


   - Her çağın kendine özgü sonuçları olmalıdır. Sanayi Devrimi'nden sonra Avrupa ve belirli aralıklarla hızlandırılmış bir ekonomik büyüme oranı deneyimine sahip olmalıdır. 1453'ten sonra bölünmeler ve sömürgeleşmeler meydana gelmeli, 1800'den sonra ise küresel blok oluşumu ve dünya savaşları beklenmelidir.


- **Tarafsız Bölgeler**:


   - Oyun içerisinde kazanan taraf, yenilen düzeyde bir bölgenin silahsızlandırılmasını talep edebilir, silahsızlandırmanın süresi aylar veya yıllarla belirlenir.


Önerilerinizi ilgilendiren konulardam bunlar. Teşekkür ederim.


Yorumuma tek bir cevap geri bildirimde bulunabilir misiniz?

Lütfen@Lukasz JakowskiBakmak


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