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Age of History 3

Ideas that (maybe) sucks

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@Łukasz Jakowskipls if you'll respond then respond for them all not for one like you always do


1. Event descriptions in other files

In AoH2 adding event decs with enters is pain. You have to 300 times check in game how it looks and if you have to add one or more Tab. It would looks like this (in my opinion):


       (here is description)



2. Holy Roman Empire System


It should be like this:


There are three types of members of HRE:




Emperor is choosen by electors. Every prince can become elector if prince is stronger then any of current electors (like have more provinces and economy) and have -45 to relations with this elector. Then in diplomation will show new option: „Start war over electorate". If prince will occupy capital of elector then war end. No annexion or anything else - only elector will loose it statute and prince will get it. Emperor will get +10% to attack and defence bonuses and can call all of HRE to war (if it is not against any war with other HRE members). HRE will be having they own provinces. Of course HRE won't be one state but similiar like in AoH2. Provinces will be able to be add by Emperor. If any other state outside of HRE will get province inside of empire then emperor can either choose to give up this province (will vanish from HRE map) or start war against outsider. Elections for emperor would been like 10 years before dead of current leader of emperor. Events would been able to:

• Make civ join/leave HRE

• Change statute of member

• Disolve HRE (peace negotations would make it too if outsider occupy all of provinces of emperor but then it can't annex any procinces)

• Add/delete province of HRE


3 Demilitarisated zones

Civ can't have army there. It can be add by events or by peace negotations (in this second way it will be time limited) or in scenario editor. Maybe at first it don't looks usefull but still can be usefull


@Łukasz Jakowskihope that you'll read this and reply to all 3 suggestions

Edited by Wielki_Czlek

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There is already very advanced HRE system with elections and reforms. Event descriptions will be simple to edit as well via text file.

About 3rd idea — I think demilitarized zones are useless both in real life and in the game. In real life they're created as sign of good will, mostly for reduction of tension (because actually nothing prevents you from locating your army there if you want to), but I see no reason for the player to care about such things in the wargame.

Edited by Marerjh

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For example, France should impose demilitarization on Germany at the beginning of the game in 1936, Germany can give the ultimatum of either war or militarize the Rhineland.

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On 08.09.2024 at 11:00, Marerjh said:

Seçimler ve reformlarla zaten çok gelişmiş bir HRE sistemi var. Etkinlik açıklamaları da metin dosyası aracılığıyla kolayca düzenlenebilecek.

3. fikir hakkında — Bence silahsızlandırılmış bölgeler hem gerçek hayatta hem de oyunda işe yaramaz. Gerçek hayatta iyi niyet göstergesi olarak yaratılırlar, çoğunlukla gerginliği azaltmak için (çünkü aslında ordunuzu oraya yerleştirmenizi engelleyen hiçbir şey yok, eğer isterseniz), ancak oyuncunun savaş oyununda bu tür şeyleri önemsemesi için hiçbir neden göremiyorum.

To make disarmament work, disarmament can send 3 decisive events to the country imposing disarmament

Ignore it.
Condemn it and demand reparations.
Fight or be disarmed.
If, for example, France wins the war, it can create a puppet of the Rhine State.

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