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Age of History 3

Excessive aggression should be punished!! My ideas:

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Each country should have a "rage score" in addition to normal relations, which would reflect how angry a nation is with another, on a scale of 0-100. This rage score would increase based on the following:

  • Invading a neighboring country
  • Invading an ally
  • Invading a country of similar strength

For example, if France annexes a small African country in 1850, Europe should care little, but if it annexes Belgium, both Austria and the United Kingdom should experience a significant rise in their rage score and form a coalition. The relationship system should also affect this; for example, if France and the Ottoman Empire have +80 relations, the Ottomans would become only slightly angry if France does something big, but they wouldn’t come to their aid. On the other hand, if France and the Netherlands have a -10 relationship, normally France wouldn't attack them, but in such a scenario, the Netherlands should join the coalition. What do you think?

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The borders of countries have changed many times, and then through other wars, those same borders were reestablished. There should be an option to revert countries to their borders from five years ago in exchange for a certain amount of war score. For example, the Ottoman-Iran wars. However, this "return to previous borders" option should be selectable as either only in my favor or in everyone's favor. For instance, I might want Iran to revert to its previous borders but not want Russia to gain any land.

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There’s a value „aggressive expansion” already in the game which (I guess) should act similarly to your idea (in terms of punishment for excessive expansion in a short period of time). But it looks like that - as for now - it’s not used. 

At the end of the 2-hour September video it reached almost negative 50 but nothing happened and Mr Łukasz conquered most of the West Germany without any consequences.

But maybe this mechanic is going to work in a different way, we dont know


Edited by kurdebalans

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1 hour ago, kurdebalans said:

Oyunda zaten "agresif genişleme" diye bir değer var ki (sanırım) sizin fikrinize benzer şekilde davranmalı (kısa bir zaman diliminde aşırı genişleme için ceza anlamında). Ama öyle görünüyor ki - şimdilik - kullanılmıyor. 

2 saatlik Eylül videosunun sonunda sıcaklık neredeyse -50'ye kadar düştü ancak hiçbir şey olmadı ve Bay Łukasz hiçbir sonuçla karşılaşmadan Batı Almanya'nın çoğunu ele geçirdi.

Ama belki bu mekanik farklı bir şekilde çalışacak, bilmiyoruz



I want this mechanic to be dynamic, interacting with both local and other mechanics as described above.

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