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Age of History 3
Gustav Heinrich

How to make your posts look better.

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Hi there!


(I hope this works on the phone.)
Have you ever come across a post that allows you to interact by clicking on a button and being directed to a website? Or have you seen an interactive profile? I want to discuss something I've noticed. I see many interesting posts with incredible content and detailed information, but there seems to be a lack of design. To address this, I've put together a tutorial on how to customize your posts and make them more attractive to your audience. (AKA, getting out of the formal; viewers.)

With this tutorial you can make your posts and profile look like this:


Getting started!

0. Okay! Important points first!

You need to have some knowledge of markdown, it's simple and you can learn it in no time, seriously, in less than 10 minutes:

  • You need an image editing program.
  • You need an organized place to keep your images
  • Make the images have good, large resolutions.
  • The link to your image.

1. Basic points!
Let's have a basic introduction to markdowns;


These buttons are markdowns, they modify your text, allowing you to leave it the way you want.

(By the way, these buttons can be clicked, test.)

2. Advanced Points

How to add images to your post?
Easy, if you're on a computer, you can drag the image to the place you want.
If you're on a cell phone, you can put the link to the image or just click here: 


How do I add buttons to my post?
As soon as you've placed your first image on the post, you give it two clicks on your computer and two taps if you're on your phone. After that, a window will pop up, you enter the link you want to direct it to, such as a mod, and voila! your button has been created.


Temporary end

This was the basic and advanced tutorial for customizing your profile. With just this, I believe you can already create an incredible post with interactive buttons and effects that capture the attention of the user who is viewing it.



Edited by Gustav Heinrich
Updated animation buttons

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