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White Victory 1.19.2 (PC/Android) | What if White Russia won?

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What if the White Army won the Russian Civil War?

Created by Russian developers back in 2022, this mod focuses on an alternate timeline where the White Army (or Kolchak's Army) won the Russian Civil War. However, the mod didn't just change Russia, other nations such as Turkey, China, and Caucasus countries also changed. Starting from 1936 "The Calm Before the Storm", how would World War 2 play out?

Features of the mod
- Over 1200 events (Many will have different outcomes)
- Large map with fairly detailed borders and nations
- Different ideologies with actual descriptions
- Every nation has a leader
- Custom soundtrack
- Includes 2 extra scenarios

Click here to read translated lore
Click here for the original untranslated post

Screenshots - PC Ver. 1.19.1







Screenshot 2024-09-15 190759.png

Screenshots - Android Ver. 1.19






Two extra scenarios:






Download Links (Updated)
- White Victory 1.9.2 - Translated (PC)         :  Google Drive
- White Victory 1.9.2 - Translated (Android):  Google Drive


- The translation doesn't translate custom cities in the Create a City in Editor
- The translation doesn't translate leaders' name
- The translation might be wrong at times

- White Victory 1.9.1 - Russian (PC)     : Google Drive
- White Victory 1.9 - Russian (Android): Yandex | Google Drive

- The White Victory Developer Team (The developer of the mod) (All credits go to them)
  Their VK group for the latest updates and announcements: Here

- Vmosnokia (Translate to English)

  Check their VK for more information: Here

If you have any problem, please let me know if I can fix it.


Edited by Vmosnokia
Updated PC English Version, updated broken links.

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This might just be me, but the English translations (In-game) seems to be broken, though I'm not sure if this is just a problem on my side since the screenshots look just fine.

Edited by ConRadical

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3 hours ago, ConRadical said:

This might just be me, but the English translations (In-game) seems to be broken, though I'm not sure if this is just a problem on my side since the screenshots look just fine.

Really? Can you take a screenshot?

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4 hours ago, Hellowmabanan said:

Interesting the mod


I got question you are know how to add flags at aoc2?? I need your help

For PC, you can go to [Game Folder]/game/flagsH and [Game Folder]/game/flags to edit .png file of each civilization.

For Mobile, you can use MT Manager (On Google, Not on Play Store), download AoC2 package from the internet and select "View" in the MT Manager. Then go to assets/game/flagsH or assets/game/flags to edit .png file

( Notice that the flagsH folder is for High-Quality version of Flags (68x44) while the flags folder is for Low-Quality version of Flags (27x18) )

For "Add a Custom civilization" option in the Editor menu, I don't think there's a way for mobile. On PC, you just go to [Game Folder]/game/civilizations_editor and one of the folder have your custom civilization.

Edit: You can check out the Game Editors Tutorial section, it's quite useful for modding.

Edited by Vmosnokia

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23 hours ago, Vmosnokia said:


What if the White Army won the Russian Civil War?

Created by Russian developers back in 2022, this mod focuses on an alternate timeline where the White Army (or Kolchak's Army) won the Russian Civil War. However, the mod didn't just change Russia, other nations such as Turkey, China, and Caucasus countries also changed. Starting from 1936 "The Calm Before the Storm", how would World War 2 play out?

Features of the mod
- Over 1200 events (Many will have different outcomes)
- Large map with fairly detailed borders and nations
- Different ideologies with actual descriptions
- Every nation has a leader
- Custom soundtrack
- Includes 2 extra scenarios

Click here to read translated lore
Click here for the original untranslated post

Screenshots - PC







Screenshot 2024-09-15 190759.png

Screenshots - Android






Two extra scenarios:






Download Links
- White Victory 1.19.1 - Translated (PC)     :  Google Drive
- White Victory 1.19 - Translated (Android):  Google Drive

- White Victory 1.19.1 - Russian (PC)     : Google Drive
- White Victory 1.19 - Russian (Android): Yandex | Google Drive

- The White Victory Developer Team (The developer of the mod) (All credits go to them)
  Their VK group for the latest updates and announcements: Here

- Vmosnokia (Translate to English)


If you have any problem, please let me know if I can fix it.


absolute cinema mod right there


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11 hours ago, ConRadical said:


That's weird, never encountered it before.

Try to download this. Then replace the files in White Victory-1.9.1\game\languages and remove the "bundle_ru.properties" file.

It properly has something to do with your default language, but I'm not sure.

Let me know if it's working or not.

Edited by Vmosnokia

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1 hour ago, hey1112 said:

The keyboard for the cheats are in Russian and can't be translated to English. Is there a possible fix to this?

The cheats are disabled by the game engine so I can't enable it. Changing the keyboard to English wouldn't change anything.

Edited by Vmosnokia

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O mod é muito legal, só que a tela de jogo fica escura e não dá pra enchergar direto (não é um problema do meu celular eu acho) por que isso só acontece quando vc vai escolher um país ou jogar a campanha 

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11 hours ago, Aleatório99 said:

O mod é muito legal, só que a tela de jogo fica escura e não dá pra enchergar direto (não é um problema do meu celular eu acho) por que isso só acontece quando vc vai escolher um país ou jogar a campanha 

I don't really know how to fix this.

Have you tried to install Russian Version?

Edited by Vmosnokia

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Em 18/09/2024 às 02:38, Vmosnokia disse:
Em 18/09/2024 às 02:38, Vmosnokia disse:
Em 18/09/2024 às 02:38, Vmosnokia disse:

Eu realmente não sei como me arrepender.

Você tentou instalar a versão russa?


Tudo bem, não tem problema ,o Ruin de instalar a versão Russa e que eu não entendo muito e ela tem um bug eu não consigo ir pra outros cenários e nem usar o editor 


Edited by Aleatório99

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On 9/17/2024 at 5:37 PM, Vmosnokia said:

That's weird, never encountered it before.

Try to download this. Then replace the files in White Victory-1.9.1\game\languages and remove the "bundle_ru.properties" file.

It properly has something to do with your default language, but I'm not sure.

Let me know if it's working or not.

Thanks, the English translations seem to be working now.

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On 21/09/2024 at 11:49, Vmosnokia said:

Isso parece estranho, já que ainda sou muito amador em modificar a versão Mobile do AoH2.

Tentarei encontrar uma solução o mais rápido possível.

Ok , obrigado 


On 21/09/2024 at 12:00, Vmosnokia said:

Atualizei a versão em inglês do Android, confira.

Me avise se estiver funcionando.

Vou conferir 

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On 21/09/2024 at 12:00, Vmosnokia said:

Atualizei a versão em inglês do Android, confira.

Me avise se estiver funcionando.

Tá funcionando em perfeito estado , só o perfil do mapa que é difícil de enxergar  perto de muita luz , tipo estilo tno 

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On 29/09/2024 at 19:56, Aleatório99 said:

Vc tem Discord?, preciso te perguntar uma coisa 

I have one but I don't use discord that much.

I would give you if you want to.

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