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I have an, I believe interesting idea, (kinda inspired by Vic3). In Age of history 2, you had a mechanic such as assimilations. I had a problem with it, when i had "unified" Germany. My idea is for making Civilisation group or somewhat of a Nationality Map mode that may affect assimilation. That is, for example, Me (Brandenburg (or some other German state)) have unified North Germany. i have to assimilate the population of Magdeburg, Ulster, Hamburg like i would assimilate Polish or French lands, even though Germans speak the same language and have similar culture it will take as much money and time to unify them under the same banner. 

Another example would be annexing Mazovia as Poland. Mazovia is not a separate culture, they were only a vassal state, and now i have to get them into my nation? Kinda problematic if you ask me. 

This thing would also improve a lot the roleplaying as a unifier thing for a bunch of people, myself included. 

Mechanics idea

  • Assimilating enough of one's province may change their nationality. 
  • In the editor, we may paint the borders of major nationality
  • In the editor, we may add nations to the same nationality by dragging each nation to the new group, like you do in AoH2 alliances.
  • Same nationality gives huge boost in assimilating population
  • Before researching nationalism the boost wouldn't be that great, as people didn't care that much about their nationality.

Possible Problems

  • I see a problem though, that it may cause lag, if implemented badly *Cough cough* Vic3, Vic3, so yeah. 
  • Major mechanic might be long to implement
  • Over huge period of time, people have migrated, implementing that would cause lag

I would like to hear some feedback about it. it is a major mechanic, and since it is just one month till launch i don't know if there is enough time for it. 

In the attachment i have an alternate scenario where after WW2 Germany got split. although different nations, they are the same people, so re-integrating territories shouldn't be that big of a problem. 

[Map is not exactly accurate on "German Nationality" as it is just an example, a concept rather than full-blown map.] 
[Map made by Me ^-^]


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19 hours ago, Dreamer.Omori said:


I have an, I believe interesting idea, (kinda inspired by Vic3). In Age of history 2, you had a mechanic such as assimilations. I had a problem with it, when i had "unified" Germany. My idea is for making Civilisation group or somewhat of a Nationality Map mode that may affect assimilation. That is, for example, Me (Brandenburg (or some other German state)) have unified North Germany. i have to assimilate the population of Magdeburg, Ulster, Hamburg like i would assimilate Polish or French lands, even though Germans speak the same language and have similar culture it will take as much money and time to unify them under the same banner. 

Another example would be annexing Mazovia as Poland. Mazovia is not a separate culture, they were only a vassal state, and now i have to get them into my nation? Kinda problematic if you ask me. 

This thing would also improve a lot the roleplaying as a unifier thing for a bunch of people, myself included. 

Mechanics idea

  • Assimilating enough of one's province may change their nationality. 
  • In the editor, we may paint the borders of major nationality
  • In the editor, we may add nations to the same nationality by dragging each nation to the new group, like you do in AoH2 alliances.
  • Same nationality gives huge boost in assimilating population
  • Before researching nationalism the boost wouldn't be that great, as people didn't care that much about their nationality.

Possible Problems

  • I see a problem though, that it may cause lag, if implemented badly *Cough cough* Vic3, Vic3, so yeah. 
  • Major mechanic might be long to implement
  • Over huge period of time, people have migrated, implementing that would cause lag

I would like to hear some feedback about it. it is a major mechanic, and since it is just one month till launch i don't know if there is enough time for it. 

In the attachment i have an alternate scenario where after WW2 Germany got split. although different nations, they are the same people, so re-integrating territories shouldn't be that big of a problem. 

[Map is not exactly accurate on "German Nationality" as it is just an example, a concept rather than full-blown map.] 
[Map made by Me ^-^]


As far as I think this game won't change much before its relase, but I think your concerns will be addressed.


From the videos we've seen, actually system will look differently; now every province will have something like core tag (similar to EU4 or HOI4) so that provinces will act in 2 ways: Either they are your cores or not. It means that you will be able to set cores for every German State to every German province and it work the way you'd like.

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