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Age of History 3

No border gore anymore and competent AI in AoH3(i think)

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Border gore is a really annoying problem in historical strategy games like AoH2 or even HoI4. Border gore is when the AI creates painful borders with useless enclaves and similar issues. The AI can also act strangely; for example:

Bangladesh can declare war on a player playing as Poland (because the relationship was -50, of course). The player may not pay attention to Bangladesh and continue fighting other countries. However, Bangladesh builds a comically large army and manages to send it across oceans to reach the player.

It seems that there is less border gore in AoH3, along with improved AI, judging from the latest videos. In a video where Lukasz presented formable civilizations, when the Livonian Order (the country Lukasz played as) lost to Courland, Courland’s AI took pretty reasonable borders. Additionally, when the Livonian Order and Sweden became allies and attacked Courland, Sweden had more warscore but allowed the Livonian Order to take the territory it needed.

There are still some odd borders, but at least they look clean and natural.

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14 hours ago, Casual said:

Sweden had more warscore but allowed the Livonian Order to take the territory it needed.

In fact, Sweden didn't received any war score at all. It seems that only the civilization who declares war and the civilization who has been declared war receive war score, and the allies receive nothing. Łukasz said it here: LINK

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7 hours ago, Iceman said:

In fact, Sweden didn't received any war score at all. It seems that only the civilization who declares war and the civilization who has been declared war receive war score, and the allies receive nothing. Łukasz said it here: LINK

I see. There is now a war leader that only gets territory or anything. But ally gets only legacy points

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