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Age of History 3
Łukasz Jakowski

Age of History 3 - How to create mod for Steam Workshop

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Can you make it so that when one country occupies a province of another, the name of the provinces changes, for example, Bulgaria conquers Constantinople or Istanbul, and it will be renamed to Tsargrad automatically and more formations to countries Bulgaria and more another (sorry for spamming but for my is important)

Edited by SamDerminji

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43 minutes ago, SamDerminji said:

Can you make it so that when one country occupies a province of another, the name of the provinces changes, for example, Bulgaria conquers Constantinople or Istanbul, and it will be renamed to Tsargrad automatically and more formations to countries Bulgaria and more another

Łukasz has already though about that


Edited by Wayne23lololh

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1 hour ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

历史时代 3 - 如何为 Steam Workshop 创建模组




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On 9/18/2024 at 3:25 PM, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Age of History 3 - How to create mod for Steam Workshop



Pls add formation and  add more contitions to form

1. Thracian Kingdom

  • Era: Antiquity (5th–1st century BCE)
  • Formation conditions:
    • Must be formed during the classical/ancient period.
    • Cannot form if any post-Roman states exist (i.e., Byzantine, Bulgarian Empires).
    • Limited to pre-medieval cultures (Thracian, Greek, Macedonian, etc.).
  • Successor States:
    • May later form into the Macedonian Empire or another Hellenistic kingdom.
    • After the fall of Thracian states, cannot revert back if Roman or Byzantine rule is established.

2. Old Great Bulgaria

  • Era: Early Medieval (7th century)
  • Formation conditions:
    • Must control regions of modern-day Ukraine, Russia, or Romania.
    • Cannot form if First Bulgarian Empire exists or if Byzantine rule extends into the Balkans.
    • Must be of proto-Bulgarian culture and possibly Turkic roots.
  • Successor States:
    • Can transition into the First Bulgarian Empire after migration into the Balkans.
    • Cannot form later Bulgarian Empires or Thracian Kingdom.

3. First Bulgarian Empire

  • Era: Middle Ages (681–1018)
  • Formation conditions:
    • Must control most of modern Bulgaria, parts of Romania, North Macedonia, and parts of Serbia.
    • Cannot form if the Second Bulgarian Empire or Byzantine Empire controls the Balkans.
    • Must be Slavic or Bulgar in culture and have early medieval technology levels.
  • Successor States:
    • Can evolve into the Second Bulgarian Empire if weakened by Byzantine incursions.
    • Cannot revert to Old Great Bulgaria or any Thracian kingdom.

4. Second Bulgarian Empire

  • Era: Middle Ages (1185–1396)
  • Formation conditions:
    • Can only be formed if the First Bulgarian Empire has fallen to Byzantium or other powers.
    • Must control modern Bulgaria, parts of Serbia, Romania, and North Macedonia.
    • Cannot form the First Bulgarian Empire.
    • Must have Slavic or Bulgarian culture with medieval technology.
  • Successor States:
    • May form larger empires such as the hypothetical Balkan Empire.
    • Cannot revert to the First Bulgarian Empire or earlier Bulgarian states.
    • Can transition into a post-Ottoman state if conquered and liberated later.

5. Balkan Empire (Hypothetical)

  • Era: Late Middle Ages (~13th–14th century)
  • Formation conditions:
    • Requires control of most of the Balkan Peninsula, including Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia, parts of Romania, and possibly Greece.
    • Must have previously formed either the First or Second Bulgarian Empire, or Serbia.
    • Cannot form if Byzantium or Ottoman Empire controls the region.
    • Must maintain multi-ethnic stability (Slavic, Greek, Albanian, and other cultures).
  • Successor States:
    • Once formed, cannot revert to smaller states (Bulgaria, Serbia, etc.).
    • Can transition into the Third Rome or other larger post-medieval formations.

6. Third Rome

  • Era: Early Modern (~15th–16th century)
  • Formation conditions:
    • Must capture and hold Constantinople.
    • Requires Slavic Orthodox or Bulgarian Orthodox culture.
    • Can only be formed after the fall of the Byzantine Empire.
    • Cannot form if the Ottoman Empire is present or controls Constantinople.
  • Successor States:
    • Cannot transition back to the Second Bulgarian Empire or Balkan states once the Third Rome is established.
    • Can evolve into a larger Slavic Orthodox empire or create dominance over Eastern Europe.

7. Bulgaro-Romania (Hypothetical Union)

  • Era: 19th–20th century (post-Ottoman)
  • Formation conditions:
    • Must control both modern Bulgaria and Romania, with possible expansions into Serbia or North Macedonia.
    • Cannot form if any earlier Bulgarian or Romanian empire exists.
    • Requires modern or post-medieval technology and culture (nationalist, pan-Slavic, or pan-Balkan).
  • Successor States:
    • Once formed, cannot revert to smaller nations (e.g., Bulgaria or Romania alone).
    • Can evolve into a larger Danubian Federation or Balkan Empire if united with other Balkan states.

8. Danubian Federation (Bulgaria-Romania-Serbia Union)

  • Era: 19th–20th century (post-Napoleonic or post-Ottoman)
  • Formation conditions:
    • Must control the territories of Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and possibly parts of Austria-Hungary and Greece.
    • Cannot form if the Ottoman Empire controls any Balkan territories.
    • Must be a nationalist or federal state with shared goals of resisting external empires.
  • Successor States:
    • Cannot revert to smaller Balkan states (e.g., Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania).
    • Can evolve into a larger Balkan Empire or Federation.

9. Greater Bulgaria (Alternate History)

  • Era: Late 19th–20th century
  • Formation conditions:
    • Must control modern Bulgaria, North Macedonia, parts of Serbia, Northern Greece, and parts of Romania and Albania.
    • Cannot form if other Balkan empires (e.g., Balkan Empire or Danubian Federation) exist.
    • Must maintain a nationalist or pan-Bulgarian ideology, with ambitions of unifying all Bulgarian-speaking regions.
  • Successor States:
    • Once formed, cannot revert to smaller states (Bulgaria, Macedonia, etc.).
    • May transition into a Greater Slavic or Eastern European Federation, but not a smaller Balkan entity.

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