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Age of History 3

Ships Naval invasion and sea warfare

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Dear Łukasz, I love how the game turned out and I m impress how you manage to make each province have historical accurate names. You even made titles of leaders change according to ideology of country. But there is one thing that's I think should be improved to make game more realistic. There's a need to modify the current sea warfare and invasion mechanics because troops fight on see the same way as on land and that is unrealistic and just bad looking, imagine a medieval army fighting in the middle of the ocean. I believe a game as Age of History 3 deserves better mechanics. And here is the solution:

Addition of ships. Ships will be produced like troops but only in provinces with port. Ports will be able to storage ships. Higher the port level, faster production of ships. Ships will behave like troops but on water the same applies for battles there will be First line, Flank, Support etc. types of ships. 
Example ships: battleship, cruiser, destroyer, submarine, frigate, corvette.

There will also be ships with special abilities:
— Transport ships will be needed to transport troops and make naval landing from sea. Every transport ship will be able to hold certain amount of troops. (transport ships might be connected to trade and embargo mechanics)
— Air carrier will be like a transport ship for planes, but planes on it will be able to fight in naval battles.

— Option to plan naval invasions.
— other ships will be also able to transport troops but much less than transport ships.
— ships will be researched and there will be an appropriate ship type for every era, for example: raft/boat then medieval ship then caravel then modern ship etc.
— (Optional) troops on ships will deal 10%/30% of theirs normal damage in naval battles.
— (Optional) if transport ship will be connected to trade, add ability to steel resources like pirates do.🏴‍☠️

I hope some of those ideas will inspire you to modify current naval landing and sea warfare mechanics. I know you are busy man and have to work on release game but unless consider adding those changes in near future.

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Completely agree. I think Lukasz wants ships but might be having trouble with the AI.

Personally here's my take on it. Transport Ships personally would be tedious and transportation should be automatic.

Immediately after heading for a select province, after leaving land, the same ships that are already in the game will be carrying the troops.

But these ships are vulnerable to Naval ships which are made up of 3 types.

1.) Warships

These are surface vessels like Triemes, Galleons, Ship of the Line, Biremes, Dreadnoughts, Aircraft Carriers etc.

2.) Attack Submarines

Things like Uboats and Modern Day Nuclear Stealth Subs

3.) Ballistic Submarines

These are Subs that are able to launch Nukes from far distances.

Speaking of Nukes, even though I love how they work, they should have an extra layer of complexity.

You should start with Atomic Bombs, upgrade to Hydragen Bombs, then upgrade one more to a third level Nuclear Fusion Reaction Nuke like the Tsar Bomba.

How to lanch? Through Bombers and Ballistic Missle Submarines.

Now back to Transportation. 

The only 2 types able to destroy any invasion are Attack Submarines and Warships. 

That Transport will have 10 health

They can easily destroy a Transport invasion meaning you'll need Naval supremacy over the waters you're going through. 

This would mean if you sent a Transport of 100K men, all of them could easily be killed if the Transport is destroyed.

Amazing idea and I personally love yours a lot. It pains be that such a masterpiece is so incomplete.

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