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Age of History 3

if Brazil were colonized by the United Kingdom

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The United Kingdom started the British colonization of America
starting the Anglo-Spanish War, Unlike the events that occurred
in real life the UK wins the war and within one of the terms
was an amount of gold that UNiao Iberica did not have,
gold promised was settled for the United Kingdom the Brazilian territories
and Caribbean colonized by Spain and Portugal.
 This treaty was known as the treaty of Madrid and Lisbon which caused a
the economic and political crisis in the Iberian Union, Brazil
cultural and economic change that became known as
of the Portuguese language for The English Lenguage during the times the Brazil (British)
was expanding and dominating countries like Paraguay and Uruguay. In the war of
Independencia Americana or Brazil was invited to participate together with Canada
and the Caribbean colonies and when the United States obtained its independence
he and France left the war, leaving only Brazil, Canada and the colonies
Caribbean, In the end, Brazil threatened to invade Britain and Fincado a Brazilian flag in British soil
leaving them to intimidate.
 In the end Brazil and the others became independent and Brazil became a superpower,
and with the creation of NATO other countries of Southern Hemisphere with the idea of Brazil (British) created SAATMO
which helped poor countries, especially those in Africa

(versao brasil)

 O Reino Unido deu inicio a colonizaçao Inglesa da america 
dando inicio a guerra Anglo-Espanhola, Diferente dos fatos que ocorreram
na vida real o Reino Unido vence a guerra e dentro de um dos termos
ezigidosfoi uma quantia de ouro que a UNiao Iberica nao tinha, âo inves do
ouro prometido foi sedido para o Reino Unido os territorios Brasileiros
e Caribenhos colonizados pela Espanha e Portugual.
 Esse tratado foi conhecido como tratado de Madri e Lisboa que causou uma
crise economica e politica na Uniao Iberica o Brasil sofreu uma
grande mudança Cultural e econimica que ficou conhecida como 
da lingua Portuguesa para The English Lenguage durante os tempos o Brazil(Britanico)
foi se expandindo e dominando paises como Paraguai e Uruguai. Na guerra de
Independencia Americana o Brazil foi convidado a participar junto com Canada
e as colonias Caribenhas e quando o Estados Unidos conseguiram sua indepedencia
ele e a França deixaram a guerra ficando apenas o Brazil, Canada e as colonias
Caribenhas,No final o Brazil ameaçou invadir a Grâ-Bretanha e Fincou uma bandeira Brasileira em solo Britanico
os deixando intimidar.
 No final o Brazil e os outros ficaram independentes e o Brazil virou uma super potencia,
e com a criaçao do NATO outros paises de Hemisferio Sul com a ideia do Brazil(britanico) criaram o SAATMO
que ajudou os paises pobres, principalmente os da Africa

Credits:ra O Reino Unido deu inicio a colonizaçao Inglesa da america 
dando inicio a guerra Anglo-Espanhola, Diferente dos fatos que ocorreram
na vida real o Reino Unido vence a guerra e dentro de um dos termos
ezigidosfoi uma quantia de ouro que a UNiao Iberica nao tinha, âo inves do
ouro prometido foi sedido para o Reino Unido os territorios Brasileiros
e Caribenhos colonizados pela Espanha e Portugual.
 Esse tratado foi conhecido como tratado de Madri e Lisboa que causou uma
crise economica e politica na Uniao Iberica o Brasil sofreu uma
grande mudança Cultural e econimica que ficou conhecida como 
da lingua Portuguesa para The English Lenguage durante os tempos o Brazil(Britanico)
foi se expandindo e dominando paises como Paraguai e Uruguai. Na guerra de
Independencia Americana o Brazil foi convidado a participar junto com Canada
e as colonias Caribenhas e quando o Estados Unidos conseguiram sua indepedencia
ele e a França deixaram a guerra ficando apenas o Brazil, Canada e as colonias
Caribenhas,No final o Brazil ameaçou invadir a Grâ-Bretanha e Fincou uma bandeira Brasileira em solo Britanico
os deixando intimidar.
 No final o Brazil e os outros ficaram independentes e o Brazil virou uma super potencia,
e com a criaçao do NATO outros paises de Hemisferio Sul com a ideia do Brazil(britanico) criaram o SAATMO
que ajudou os paises pobres, principalmente os da Africa

credits: Ramiro007
thanks for the flag

Brazil (Britanico).rar


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3 hours ago, GingerRitz said:

The United Kingdom started the British colonization of America starting the Anglo-Spanish War, Unlike the events that occurred in real life the UK wins the war and within one of the terms was an amount of gold that UNiao Iberica did not have, gold promised was settled for the United Kingdom the Brazilian territories and Caribbean colonized by Spain and Portugal.  This treaty was known as the treaty of Madrid and Lisbon which caused a the economic and political crisis in the Iberian Union, Brazil cultural and economic change that became known as of the Portuguese language for The English Lenguage during the times the Brazil (British) was expanding and dominating countries like Paraguay and Uruguay. In the war of Independencia Americana or Brazil was invited to participate together with Canada and the Caribbean colonies and when the United States obtained its independence he and France left the war, leaving only Brazil, Canada and the colonies Caribbean, In the end, Brazil threatened to invade Britain and Fincado a Brazilian flag in British soil leaving them to intimidate.  In the end Brazil and the others became independent and Brazil became a superpower, and with the creation of NATO other countries of Southern Hemisphere with the idea of Brazil (British) created SAATMO which helped poor countries, especially those in Africa

Sounds very interesting!

3 hours ago, GingerRitz said:

credits: Ramiro007 thanks for the flag

You are welcome!


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3 hours ago, GingerRitz said:

Did you like the story?

Yes! but i have a question...Does this Anglo-Brazil have some kind of bad relations with someone(with an evergrowing possibility of war)?

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Just now, Ramiro007 said:

Yes! but i have a question...Does this Anglo-Brazil have some kind of bad relations with someone(with an evergrowing possibility of war)?

I can not say but he has a good relationship with the United States and Canada and he has always been very friendly 
to Germany and so much that he helped the 
German empire a little in the First World War (financially he never entered for entente or for the axis)

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2 hours ago, GingerRitz said:

I can not say but he has a good relationship with the United States and Canada and he has always been very friendly

I assumed that much,considering the relationship of the american colonies of the UK between themselves in our world

2 hours ago, GingerRitz said:

he has always been very friendly  to Germany and so much that he helped the German empire a little in the First World War (financially he never entered for entente or for the axis)

Ohh so he maintained neutral but helped the German Empire...thats great!
PS:I was thinking that maybe some events could create a more incredible scenario,what do you think?


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15 hours ago, Ramiro007 said:

I assumed that much,considering the relationship of the american colonies of the UK between themselves in our world

Ohh so he maintained neutral but helped the German Empire...thats great!
PS:I was thinking that maybe some events could create a more incredible scenario,what do you think?



is yes it can be, if I can put it since I'm a little busy with the new scenario / Spoiler: War hot

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On 3/8/2019 at 2:02 AM, Ramiro007 said:

Sounds very interesting!

You are welcome!


Hasme 245 banderas, Ahora sim bromas No Sabia que hacias banderas xD

PD,A scenario where Spain would colonize North America, and the British South America would be fine

Edited by SUDAMXX

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4 hours ago, GingerRitz said:

is yes it can be, if I can put it since I'm a little busy with the new scenario

Oh dont worry,i know perfectly that adding events to an scenario is not easy task.

4 hours ago, GingerRitz said:

Spoiler: War hot

War hot...that could be interesting!


2 hours ago, SUDAMXX said:

Hasme 245 banderas

Jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja no me esperaba ese comentario

2 hours ago, SUDAMXX said:

Ahora sim bromas No Sabia que hacias banderas xD

He hecho un par (la que vez en este escenario no es la que mejor me salio lastimosamente :""v)


2 hours ago, SUDAMXX said:

PD,A scenario where Spain would colonize North America, and the British South America would be fine

Yeah that could work but i think that the suggested scenario would be better if the British colonized all the territories that,in our timeline,Spain colonized and vice versa



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