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Age of History 3

Can u & ai change religions mid game

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11 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Only through an event outcome or peace demands. (Religion of Civilization)

So the player can not manually change the religion themselves? 

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20 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

There is no other way during the game.

It can be changed in the editors.

Oh so whatever religion a country has by start its stuck with for the entire game welp lol

Maybe there can be a event or something that changes it


(Ignore this i only for some reason read the 2nd reply i didnt see the first)

Edited by usernamelplol

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11 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

There is no other way during the game.

It can be changed in the editors.

I do not think that is right though.

It not only hinders the player's ability to follow historical paths such as the Reformation in England during the 1500s. Now I get that it can be made using events, but would that not be seen as 'railroaded' in terms of the player being led into reforming into Protestantism in the example above?

What if me playing as England, wanted to convert to other religions like Islam or Eastern Orthodoxy? Would the modder have to place tenths of events just to make it a possibility? 

Religion has also played a massive part in diplomacy and alliances. Allowing a player to mix and match religions to join certain alliances or perform other diplomatic actions can create a sense of strategic depth, which can not be achieved using the system currently in-place, where a player would need to wait for a certain event to pop-up (as I understand it) and choose to convert.

Some might like this no doubt, but I have never seen anyone do this like this, this not only limits the player in their actions and immersion, but also limits replayability where the player simply can not enjoy more paths except those which have already been in place. 

Edited by qxz

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4 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Added an option to change religion during the game.








Wow, it was fast. I noticed that stability didn't changed. Does provinces convert to the new religion as well? 

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54 minutes ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Added an option to change religion during the game.


Wydaje mi się, że zmiana religii państwowej zawsze odbywała się pod naciskiem siły zewnętrznej. Czy to militarnej czy dyplomatycznej. Więc pierwotny pomysł zmiany religii tylko podczas rozmów pokojowych był moim zdaniem o niebo lepszy. No ale trudno, jak lud tak chce, to niech już będzie...

Ale mam prośbę w związku z tym - żeby ta opcja nie była wykorzystywana przez sztuczną inteligencję. Jak jakiś gracz chce sobie w kraju zmienić religie to niech sobie zmienia (może opcję zmiany religii lepiej byłoby dodać w trybie piaskownicy), ale wykorzystywanie tego mechanizmu przez sztuczną inteligencję uważam za słaby pomysł

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Ewentualnie tak jak kiedyś pisałem zmiana religii mogła by się dokonywać na podstawie religii władcy (tak, żeby gracz nie miał na to wpływu bezpośredniego). Czyli szansa wylosowania konkretnej religii władcy zależy od odsetka danej religii w kraju. Np.: 64% katolików i 36% prawosławnych = szansa wylosowania katolickiego władcy byłaby równa 64%, a prawosławnego 36%. Religia władcy byłaby religią państwową. Jeśli gracz chciałby sobie zwiększyć szansę wylosowania prawosławnego władcy to musiałby podbić więcej prowincji prawosławnych.

Taka opcja byłaby ciekawsze i wymagała większego planowania i zaangażowania niż zwykłe wciśnięcie opcji "zmień religię"

Edited by Rodak Polak

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9 hours ago, Łukasz Jakowski said:

Stability will be updated.

Provinces doesn't convert to new religion.



I've asked this before, but I'd like to ask it again, will there be ethnicity within the game? We're tired of using nations to represent peoples, like the Holy Roman Empire lords in the game, who should all be of the same Germanic culture and can be integrated by each other faster after unification, rather than needing to be continually assimilated after reconquest like in foreign countries. They were all Germans, not Thuringians Saxons and Mellencoburgers.
And I think using the same cultural population for multiple countries reduces the amount of in-game data calculations, especially if there are more countries, it would be disastrous to have a dozen or so different cultural populations in each land, and grouping different countries into the same culture would reduce that problem.

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50 minutes ago, 桑榆不是鱼 said:

I've asked this before, but I'd like to ask it again, will there be ethnicity within the game? We're tired of using nations to represent peoples, like the Holy Roman Empire lords in the game, who should all be of the same Germanic culture and can be integrated by each other faster after unification, rather than needing to be continually assimilated after reconquest like in foreign countries. They were all Germans, not Thuringians Saxons and Mellencoburgers.
And I think using the same cultural population for multiple countries reduces the amount of in-game data calculations, especially if there are more countries, it would be disastrous to have a dozen or so different cultural populations in each land, and grouping different countries into the same culture would reduce that problem.

I think than if it will be, then it will in in updates

Edited by Wayne23lololh

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also i think it would be interesting if you have two or more religions that are very big in your nation and not one of them is the dominate one it can cause you to get common stability lowering events more often; which could counter balance players from just conquering other nations to fast giving the Ai more time to become powerful to provide a better challenge for players while also leading to more civil wars especially when you take into account for how far away your capital is from certain provinces and them having a different religion from yours.

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